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Customer perception and satisfaction

Customer perception and satisfaction

According to the research topic, I want to prove the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction on the bank. In this era, the banking system is very popular and booming than last decade. People feel more trust and know the benefit of using banking system which can show the current civilization and living standard.
In every research, the methodology is one of the most important to solve the defined problems and lead to reach the research aims. In this chapter, there have detail explanation about the design and method for this research paper.
Research Approach
This study adopted quantitative method and this method can collect data easily and quickly for researcher. A survey method can generalize to the entire population quickly by using statistically valid random samples to examine how, when, where and how often things happen.
The numbers are available in quantitative method, which is easily to compile the data onto a chart and graph. This type of research can also be anonymous and appropriate for sensitive topics.

Survey Instrument
In this study, the questionnaire is used as the survey instrument to collect the required data from the candidates to generate the necessary date to reach the research objectives. This is basic method and the most popular research tool for every type of investigation. The questionnaire was the main form of data collection.
There have three major sections in this survey. The first section described personal profiles of respondent including like gender, educational level, age, occupation etc.,. The second section comprises the relationship between the customer and the bank and the thirdsection comprises five constructs measuring of SERVQUAL as proposed by Parasuraman et al., (1988). The instrument used is a five-point Likert scales, representing a range of attitudes from 1-strongly disagree, 2-disagree, 3-neither agree nor disagree, 4- agree and 5- strongly agree to measure the service quality of Si Bin Bank which is option upon customers’ expectation and perception.
Population and Sample sizes
The author Ghauriet et al. (1995): p-73) stated that the sampling is a saving work (time, cost and effort) by examining the sample instead of the whole population. A survey was conducted to collect enough data from sample and to test hypotheses. This study was focus on people from headquarter of Si Bin Bank at Nay PyiDaw, Myanmar. In total 100 questionnaires were distributed randomly to customers of this bank.
Data Collection
The data for this paper collect from primary and secondary sources. For the new data collection the primary sources need to use and the secondary data that have already been collected from some other purpose (Saunders et al., 2009, p. 256).
In this study, the primary data collection was carried out by using questionnaires and the secondary data was also used by collecting data from books, journals, articles and previous research papers from internet.

Data Analysis
The most important things for the researchers are knowing what techniques will be used among varieties of sources to collect date, which is the most difficult to analyze the evidence and many investigators ignored in staring point of the research (Yin, 2009). Most of the research papers, IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software was widely used for data analysis and this paper also used this software. The researcher makes concluding and searching the relationship between theories and finding survey after analyzing the data.

Reliability and Validity

Limitation of the study
The sample sizes were limited only to 100 respondents from the total population of using Si Bin Bank and only headquarter of the bank’s customers in Naypyidaw, Myanmar. The scope of the research was limited only to one bank of Naypyidaw division and the results obtained may not be generalizable to all branches of Si Bin Bank.

supervisor comment

ch-2 (Literature Review)

Proposal for research



…………….Answer preview…………..

Service quality is a comparison of expectations with service provider’s performance. It is an assessment of how a satisfying a service is, according to the customer’s expectations. It is one of the cornerstones of the success of any organization. This study focuses on the service quality in the public sector……………


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