Browse essays

Describe the existing culture of Tallahassee Community College in Florida

Concerns-based adoption model (CBAM) Describe the existing culture of Tallahassee Community College in Florida and any problems within the institution caused by its culture. You will use the Hall & Hord (1987)  – concerns-based adoption model (CBAM)  to create an intervention that will effectively shape the values and attitudes of those professionals within the institution to … Read more

you will be exploring a topic related to pop culture which you find particularly interesting

Pop Culture research paper In this research paper, you will be exploring a topic related to pop culture which you find particularly interesting. The question is up to you, but it must be a question that relates specifically to pop culture, and must be a question that can be researched and analyzed using a mix … Read more

Research two (2) manufacturing or two (2) service companies that manage inventory

Research two (2) manufacturing or two (2) service companies that manage inventory and complete this assignment Research two (2) manufacturing or two (2) service companies that manage inventory and complete this assignment. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Determine the types of inventories these companies currently manage and describe their … Read more

“Testing Methods”

“Testing Methods” Please respond to the following: According to the text, to minimize the risk of material misstatement, auditors seek third- party verification of account balances by mailing customers their statements. Discuss the advantages of positive and negative confirmations, and ascertain whether or not email and oral confirmations are acceptable to increase customer response rates. … Read more

Management- alliance, joint venture and merger

Management- alliance, joint venture and merger Why would a firm use an alliance, joint venture, and merger/ acquisition? How will the implementation effort differ in each?  Looking for a response in about 125 or so words please   …………Answer Preview………… A firm would make use of an alliance so as to take advantage of the … Read more

Need 1 Paper Written

Need 1 Paper Written Select an organization you work for or one in your chosen field. Conduct online research on the ethics of your organization and the industry it belongs to. Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper describing how ethical principles can address organizational issues. Include the organization you selected and discuss the following with regards to that … Read more

I need 500 words about Hurricane Sandy

I need 500 words about Hurricane Sandy I need 500 words about Hurricane Sandy. Please follow these steps Introduction. at the end of introduction I need thesis statement. Also, three body paragraphs. I need transition words like ( next, then, last) I need conclusion.       ………….Answer Preview…………. Hurricane Sandy was one of the … Read more

Synthesize the ideas from The Dalai Lama and Fukuyama to write a paper in which you determine the ethics of euthanasi

Synthesize the ideas from The Dalai Lama and Fukuyama Synthesize the ideas from The Dalai Lama and Fukuyama to write a paper in which you determine the ethics of euthanasia. Your goal in writing this paper is not to argue for or against this particular field of scientific inquiry. Instead, you will want to purpose … Read more

Leagal Issues Affecting the Healthcare Workplace

Leagal Issues Affecting the Healthcare Workplace Write a short research paper on sexual harassment in healthcare work place.  The suggested length is six pages.     ………….Answer Preview………… Sexual harassment is a pertinent issue that constantly pervades schools, institutions, workplaces, and even homes. Laws pertaining to sexual harassment often deal particularly with harassment in the … Read more

Management- Extrenally Obtained Technology

Management- Extrenally Obtained Technology What are the key issues that must be considered when implementing externally obtained technology? Do these issues differ from implementing internal technology? Why or why not? Looking for an answer in about 125 or so words please       ………….Answer Preview………… When implementing externally obtained technology there are several factors … Read more

The purpose of the Final Paper is for students to pick a branch of the criminal justice system and then answer

Building a More Just Society The purpose of the Final Paper is for students to pick a branch of the criminal justice system and then answer, for the role of a specific professional, the branch of the criminal justice system, and the criminal justice system at large, how they can use the social justice principles … Read more

Case Analysis: The Virgin Group in 2012

Case Analysis: The Virgin Group in 2012 Please note that case analysis does not mean you have to summarize the case, rather you are responsible to provide consultative recommendation/ suggestions/improvements, supported with scholarly / peer-reviewed journals and some business articles. – You should apply the concepts/theories/applications from your textbook. – Try using the necessary vocabulary as you … Read more

What would be the best international strategy for Outback?

What would be the best international strategy for Outback? Individually read “Outback Steakhouse:  Going International (page 615 from the Cases to Accompany Contemporary Strategy Analysis.  What would be the best international strategy for Outback?  Why?  Support your answer with scholarly publication and cite accordingly. Note: you don’t need to repeat the facts from the case. … Read more

Merger, Acquisition, and International Strategies

Merger, Acquisition, and International Strategies Assignment 4: Merger, Acquisition, and International Strategies Choose two (2) public corporations in an industry with which you are familiar – one (1) that has acquired another company and operates internationally and one (1) that does not have a history of mergers and acquisitions and operates solely within the U.S. … Read more

Assignment 2: Audit Planning and Control

Assignment 2: Audit Planning and Control It is common industry knowledge that an audit plan provides the specific guidelines auditors must follow when conducting an external audit. External public accounting firms conduct external audits to ensure outside stakeholders that the company’s financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) or International … Read more

physcology essay help

physcology essay help Objective :  While we study many theories and ideas, the real test of understanding is being able to see the real life or concrete examples of these ideas. This assignment is to notice some of these theories and ideas in action either in your own life, a news story, book or movie … Read more

As part of the course all students will be required to submit a book report

Book report As part of the course all students will be required to submit a book report. The report should ideally be between 1300-1500 words and should reflect an understanding of the main arguments of the book concerned. The report is due by midnight on Friday, December 4 th, 2015. The following books are recommended … Read more

About business paper

About business paper Choose one or two of the following lectures. Listen to them and write a summary that is at least one page in length (single spaced). is about 500-600 words. 1. Caplan on Immigration Bryan Caplan of George Mason University and EconLog blogger talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about immigration. Caplan takes … Read more

Econ Problems & Issues – Week 8/ Discussion 2

Econ Problems & Issues – Week 8/ Discussion 2 “Money, Banking, and the Financial System” —— Please respond to the following: —— Hyperinflation – Hyoerinflation in Germany 1923 Inflation in Argentina  My USA TODAY article on banking crisis– check out date–sounds like today though–same old, same old!!! CastorinaUSA_TODAY_FDIC[1]Rev.doc (right click and open in new window) ***This is … Read more

Establishing a company recycling program

Establishing a company recycling program Writing assignment #7 will be a research-based report that addresses a problem or issue within an organization.  For this assignment, you will write a report of 2000-3000 words on a problem or issue within your workplace or community. You will identify a problem or issue within your organization. This may … Read more

Silver Fiddle Construction (SFC) Paper

Silver Fiddle Construction (SFC) Paper “You are the president of Silver Fiddle Construction (SFC), which specializes in building high-quality, customized homes in the Grand Junction, Colorado, area. You have just been hired by the Czopeks to build their dream home. You operate as a general contractor and employ only a part-time bookkeeper. You subcon- tract … Read more

Presidential Rejects

Presidential Rejects PAPER TOPICS: As long as you stay within the context of the course, you are free (with my guidance) to develop a topic and outline that interests you. With that said, however, I offer the following suggestions to get you started: * A general assessment and literature review on the subject of Supreme … Read more


The Justice name Alito REQUIRED Discussion Assignment: You should all read all of the very short bios of all the justices provided at the Supreme Court site assigned for 9/22 and, of course, all of the Toobin info. After that, you will need to find out more about the Justice assigned to you on September 10th. … Read more

Re-Organization and Layoff: Solutions Paper

Re-Organization and Layoff: Solutions Paper Assignment Requirements: Select two potential creative solutions for the problems you identified in the earlier Re-organization and Layoff assignment. Write a paper that is at least 600 words long to present the solutions and explain why each will work. Include a summary of the methods your team utilized to develop the creative solution. … Read more

Agency relationship and choice of business format

Agency relationship and choice of business format If you were planning to own your own business someday how would you feel about the agency relationship and your choice of business format? What about in how you chose your business associates? Please respond with 189 words citation,and reference no plagerism       ……………….Answer Preview……………… I … Read more

Strategic alliances

Strategic alliances Why have strategic alliances grown in popularity in recent years? What are the potential basic benefits partners are likely to gain from their strategic alliance?What factors should be considered in selecting a strategic alliance partner? 2-3 pages;with scholarly references.       ……………..Answer Preview…………… A strategic alliance is referred as the relationship in … Read more

Criminological Theory

Criminological Theory 2 PART Short Paper: Criminological Theory In a 3–4 page paper (excluding title and reference pages), summarize and provide an example of how biological, sociological, and psychological theories of crime causation affect human behavior and actions. Be sure to provide an example of each and include a reference to the examples that may … Read more

Dyslexia and mild central nervous system impairment Question

Dyslexia and mild central nervous system impairment Question Edward is a seven-year-old boy who has difficulty reading. His teacher refers him to the school psychologist to evaluate for a learning disability. The psychologist’s report concludes that Edward has dyslexia and mild central nervous system impairment. Edward’s mother asks whether the report means that her son … Read more

Understanding and Coping with Change

Understanding and Coping with Change Change is everywhere, yet very few people seem to embrace the concept. We are, for the most part, creatures of habit and follow daily routines. When change occurs, our activities and thought patterns are disrupted. Write a four- to five-page APA formatted paper (excluding the title and reference pages), using … Read more

How cell phones have affected children’s health

How cell phones have affected children’s health I have a reaserch paper about how cell phones have affected children’s health and I need editing and fixing mistakes my research paper is about 585 words and I need it to be 800 words within paraphrase and quotations with no plagiarism also I want you to specify in body paragraphs … Read more

Assignment 1: Auditors and Regulatory Oversight

Assignment 1: Auditors and Regulatory Oversight The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulates public companies. The SEC has found that some of these companies have violated GAAP by using creative accountingpractices to mislead investors and creditors regarding the health of their company. Use the Internet or Strayer Library to research a recent accounting scandal within … Read more


1.  MNC REPORT At the beginning of the course, you will select a multinational company and present the name of the company to your professor for approval. – My MNC is, Inc. Your approved multinational company will serve as an example for discussion throughout the semester and you will be required to do research … Read more

Mn504 unit 2 discussion question topic 1

Mn504 unit 2 discussion question topic 1 Define and Describe Your Foreground and Background Information In Unit 1 you identified a PICOT question. Using the same question, rewrite the question for your peers and define the difference between foreground and background information as it relates to your PICOT question. Also, provide a general overview on what … Read more

What is the Battle of Fort Donelson

What is the Battle of Fort Donelson Please discuss what happened in this point in history. Answer must be no less than 300 words.       ……………….Answer Preview……………. The Battle of Fort Donelson was a major battle that saw General Grant promoted to major general by President Abraham Lincoln. It took place in the … Read more

What are the most popular pieces of Renaissance art

What are the most popular pieces of Renaissance art List five of them and explain what makes each one significant/popular?       ………..Answer Preview………… Wedding at Cana by Paolo Veronese This is an oil canvas that was painted back in 1563. It was intended for the Benedictine Monastery of Sn Giorgio Maggiore in Venice. … Read more

Multicultural Articles Analysis 1-2 pages

Multicultural Articles Analysis 1-2 pages Find two (2) articles that relate to multicultural education. Choose one of the articles upon which you focus, and prepare a (minimum one page/ (maximum) two page double-spaced, 12 point font and will the stapled extremely wel written intellectual reaction to of article that you read. The quality of the … Read more

Write A Professional 3 Paragraph Synopsis

Write A Professional 3 Paragraph Synopsis Original Assignment (Already Completed): Post responses to the following questions for the selected article.  Each team member should answer all of the questions: What is the problem presented in the article? Why do you think it is the problem? What are some possible solutions? ASSIGNMENT NEEDING COMPLETION: Write a 3-paragraph synopsis … Read more

The Culture Nature of Human Development chapter 8 summary

The Culture Nature of Human Development chapter 8 summary We are required to write summaries of each of the chapters of this book The Culture Nature of Human Development.  Each chapter summary should be between 150 and 250 words and include an overview of the chapter and the student’s reaction to the information.     … Read more

The Culture Nature of Training Programchapter 9 summary

The Culture Nature of Human Development chapter 9 summary We are required to write summaries of each of the chapters of this book The Culture Nature of Human Development.  Each chapter summary should be between 150 and 250 words and include an overview of the chapter and the student’s reaction to the information.     … Read more

The Culture Nature of Human Development chapter 7 summary

The Culture Nature of Human Development chapter 7 summary We are required to write summaries of each of the chapters of this book The Culture Nature of Human Development.  Each chapter summary should be between 150 and 250 words and include an overview of the chapter and the student’s reaction to the information.   ………….Answer … Read more

The Culture Nature of Human Development chapter 6 summary

The Culture Nature of Human Development chapter 6 summary We are required to write summaries of each of the chapters of this book The Culture Nature of Human Development.  Each chapter summary should be between 150 and 250 words and include an overview of the chapter and the student’s reaction to the information.     … Read more

The Culture Nature of Human Development chapter 4 summary

The Culture Nature of Human Development chapter 4 summary We are required to write summaries of each of the chapters of this book The Culture Nature of Human Development.  Each chapter summary should be between 150 and 250 words and include an overview of the chapter and the student’s reaction to the information.     … Read more

The Culture Nature of Human Development chapter 5 summary

The Culture Nature of Human Development chapter 5 summary We are required to write summaries of each of the chapters of this book The Culture Nature of Human Development.  Each chapter summary should be between 150 and 250 words and include an overview of the chapter and the student’s reaction to the information.   ………….Answer … Read more

The Culture Nature of Human Development chapter 3 summary

The Culture Nature of Human Development chapter 3 summary We are required to write summaries of each of the chapters of this book The Culture Nature of Human Development.  Each chapter summary should be between 150 and 250 words and include an overview of the chapter and the student’s reaction to the information.     … Read more

The Culture Nature of Human Development chapter 2 summary

The Culture Nature of Human Development chapter 2 summary We are required to write summaries of each of the chapters of this book The Culture Nature of Human Development.  Each chapter summary should be between 150 and 250 words and include an overview of the chapter and the student’s reaction to the information.     … Read more

Analyzing Political Feasibility

Analyzing Political Feasibility For a healthcare organization to be politically viable they must have influential stakeholders. In that, the stakeholders must understand limitations and be able to adopt accordingly. In a minimum of 250 words, discuss the following: Highlight and present one key player/stakeholder (i.e.,  federal, state, or local) in political health policy in your … Read more

Health Technology Policy Analysis

Health Technology Policy Analysis Technology has proven effectiveness in speed of information transmission, which leads to prompt healthcare service delivery, prompt treatment of illnesses and better health outcomes. Policies drive the success of health technology through practice standardization. However, cost, safety and security, ethics, and legality have all been target areas of health technology policies. … Read more

Chinese Imports & Food Safety Video review

Chinese Imports & Food Safety Video review After viewing the Chinese Imports & Food Safety Video, consider whether U.S. retailers that utilize products or raw ingredients that are imported from China and that are poorly regulated should be liable in tort for injuries to consumers who are harmed by those products. Answer parts 1 and … Read more

population vs food supply

Population vs food supply The population of a country is initially 2.5 million people and is increasing by 0.8 million people every year. The country’s annual food supply is initially adequate for 4 million people and is increasing at a constant rate for an additional 0.4 million people per year. a. Based on these assumptions, in … Read more

Misleading Weight loss products

Misleading Weight loss products More than one-third (34.9% or 78.6 million) of U.S. adults are obese (Centers for Disease Control .  Unfortunately because many people are trying to loose weight some companies take advantage of this and use deceptive advertising techniques to advertise their weight loss products.  They advertise weight loss products that promise quick … Read more

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