Community is Obesity.
Community is Obesity. Assurance Activities: Now that the assessment and policy development actions have been outlined, provide assurances to the affected community that what has been or will be done will be effective and sustaining. With each of the four essential services associated with assurance, analyze how these factors will be applied to the selected … Read more
Philosophical Ethics
Philosophical Ethics 1. Important historical religious figures preached love, tolerance, and non-violence. Referring to the teachings of Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr., how do you respond to their teachings and preaching when faced with a situation where you must act on or apply some of these teachings? 2. How do people … Read more
Egyptian Culture and Architecture
Egyptian Culture and Architecture Architecture and Egyptian Culture Select one of the following topics. The paper needs to be no less than 600 words (not including references), and demonstrate research and critical thinking about the topic of choice. Address why this art/architecture is important to ancient Egyptian culture. All material must be written in your … Read more
Critical Factors in Implementing an IT System in Health Facilities
Critical Factors in Implementing an IT System in Health Facilities Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Provide at least three (3) various reasons why some health care organizations have been reluctant to implement electronic medical records. Discuss the essential manner in which the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) … Read more
What is your position on which factors you feel play…
What is your position on which factors you feel play… What is your position on which factors you feel play a greater role pertaining to middle-class delinquency and its relation to gangs. Min 500 words at least 2 scholarly references in text citations ……………Answer Preview………… Most literature available state delinquency as a product … Read more
Exploring Ancient Mysteries
Exploring Ancient Mysteries Choose one (1) of the topics below and develop a three to four (3-4) paragraph essay (of at least 250-500 words) which adequately address the topic you have chosen. Tutankhamen died young, at approximately eighteen (18) years of age. However, his cause of death has been the subject of quite varied scholarly … Read more
Physical vs. Logical System Models
Physical vs. Logical System Models Your intern is confused about the difference between physical and logical system models. Explain the difference between the two models to her and give at least one example for each of the two models ………..Answer Preview……….. In order to visually present a database, we require logical and … Read more
PLEASE HELP ME EASY $10 Read the sentences from a story. Everyone at the awards banquet was thinking the same thing. The award for Most Valuable Player couldn’t possibly go to anyone but Jesse Holcomb. He was most deserving. Which type of narration is used to express perspective? first-person limitedthird-person objective first-person objective third-person omniscient … Read more
Benefits of Use-Case Modeling
Benefits of Use-Case Modeling Analyze the benefits of use-case modeling and isolate the most advantageous benefit to the firm you currently work or worked in the past and state why. Describe the biggest challenge to the successful use of use-case modeling and recommend how to overcome the challenge. ……………Answer Preview………….. Use case … Read more
PLEASE HELP ME EASY Write a research-based argumentative essay for or against the importance of standing up to an injustice such as bullying. ………..Answer Preview………… Bullying is characterized by a group or an individual who has power persistently and intentionally causing harm to another group or individual who is helpless to react. … Read more
i need an anaswer in ha[f page about political
i need an anaswer in ha[f page about political With its expansions in 2004, 2008, and 2015, the European Union may have become less united but it certainly at last become truly European in scope, adding member states from the Balkans (Slovenia, Croatia), the Baltic Republics, Central Europe, such far Eastern European countries as Romania … Read more
Strategic Management question
Strategic Management question How does the iterative process of the Balanced Scorecard contribute to continuous improvement throughout an organization? ………………Answer Preview…………… A Balanced Score Card is a sure way to internally assess, improve and report on the key indicators to management. According to Kaplan and Norton, “The BSC translates an organization’s mission … Read more
define and give examples for each of the terms from game of thrones
define and give examples for each of the terms from game of thrones -sparagmos -cine-genre -general will -the three body genres – 5 qualities of the melodramatic mode …………..Answer Preview…………. -sparagmos Sparagmos is defined as the act of mangling, rending or tearing apart a victim who is life just like a … Read more
Human Development Paper
Human Development Paper 900- to 1,150-word paper in which you discuss the life span perspective of human development. Be sure to include the following items in your description: Summarize three theories related to human growth and development and identify at least one influential theorist for each. Identify aspects of the life span perspective. Explain how … Read more
“Growth rates” Please respond to the following:
“Growth rates” Please respond to the following: A government official stated that the function “f(x) = 3x” grows three times faster than the function “g(x) = x.” Explain whether this statement is mathematically correct. ……………Answer Preview………… This is False. This is because, the function f(x) =3x grows 3X faster than g(x) =x … Read more
“Polymorphism” Please respond to the following:
“Polymorphism” Please respond to the following: Discuss a real-world example of how polymorphism might be used in a system you are familiar with. …………..Answer Preview………….. We all use TV remotes in our homes and thus we can use them for this example. Let’s say a basic control declares methods of on, off, volume, … Read more
“Candidate Solutions” Please respond to the following:
“Candidate Solutions” Please respond to the following: Identify and explain the different techniques for identifying candidate solutions. ……………Answer Preview…………… There are different techniques of identifying candidature solutions and they include: Linear programming: It is applied here in finding the optimum solution. A vertex of a feasible polytope is selected as the candidature solution and … Read more
Interview on student paper
Interview on student paper Pierce Field is freshman attending at Dowling College and is majoring in Aviation Management. Peirce was born in New York and lived has lived here since then. His family background is German, Egyptian, Irish, Porte Rican, Italian, and Czechoslovakian. Pierce and his family always read grace before dinner. Peirce is not … Read more
Health Policy Analyses
Health Policy Analyses Share your thoughts regarding a health policy that you feel works. Why do you feel this policy works? Please share your rationale. In 500 words give your answer. ……………Answer Preview…………… One health policy that I feel works is the vaccination policy. This is a policy that is adopted by the government … Read more
ABS497 Final Paper
ABS497 Final Paper Imagine that you are a researcher and are conducting a study to investigate a community problem. Using behavioral research principles, select a macro systems problem to investigate (there are many suggested in the textbook, e.g. domestic violence, homophobia, sexual abuse, delinquent gangs) and design a study to solve this community problem. The … Read more
Econ Problems & Issues – Week 8/ Discussion 1
Econ Problems & Issues – Week 8/ Discussion 1 “Money and the Financial System” —— Please respond to the following: —— 4 short but fascinating videos on President Andrew Jackson, as well as various U.S. founding fathers, on fearing the actions and corruptions of big bankers!!! Sound familiar to today!! 1) President Andrew Jackson and Big Banks–sounds … Read more
Written Assignment – Religion’s Influence on Government
Written Assignment – Religion’s Influence on Government Write a 1-2 page paper in which you compare and contrast the thoughts of Aquinas and Augustine on the role of religion in government. Within your paper, assess the legitimacy of tyranny as a form of government from the viewpoint of both philosophers. …………Answer … Read more
Discussion Consumer and Shareholder Protection
Discussion Consumer and Shareholder Protection Business and Society “Consumer and Shareholder Protection” You are tasked with writing a blog post discussing Facebook’s stance on consumer privacy in the digital age. ***This is a DISCUSSION not a paper. Please NO plagiarism. *** ……………Answer Preview……….. Face book’s stance on consumer privacy in the digital … Read more
Reproductive choice
Reproductive choice View the Human Sexuality Case Studies: Sexuality Confronts Social Policy interactive linked in the Resources. Each case study is related in some way to the material covered in the unit readings and materials. Read each case study and select oneon which to base a research paper. Try to choose the case study that … Read more
Community Relations Strategies
Community Relations Strategies We have talked at length this week about prejudice and racial issues in law enforcement. Now, we will apply these ideas and plan ways to avoid problems related to these issues. In a 2-3 page Essay: Describe five (5) methods that can be used by law enforcement to improve its relationship with … Read more
Identify one country that is experiencing hunger as one of its major problems
Identify one country that is experiencing hunger as one of its major problems In a minimum of four (4) well-developed paragraphs, write about the following: Identify one country that is experiencing hunger as one of its major problems. What social, economic, and health-related factors contribute to this country’s malnutrition? What types of malnutrition are present? … Read more
Principles of Effective Intervention
Principles of Effective Intervention There are four general principles of effective intervention that have become organizing concepts of community corrections. They have stimulated what has become known as the “what works” movement. Write a paper outlining the four general principles of the “what works” movement. Thesis: Your thesis (which is part of your first paragraph) … Read more
JUST one page summary about a business event.
JUST one page summary about a business event. Find one current event from this business journal ” “ Type a ONE PAGE summary about the event. It must be typed Double space 12 font, Times New Roman. *** SUMMARIES SHOULD INCLUDE: 1. A brief summary of what the article is about. 2. Why the article appealed to you. 3. How the article relates to the business field 4. No … Read more
Describe a company’s business problem or situation
Describe a company’s business problem or situation New technology paper 1. Describe a company’s business problem or situation that can be solved with the New Technology. 2. Without the new technology, how companies would deal with the problem/situation presented in 1? 3. What is undesirable about the process/method described in 2? 4. Explain how the … Read more
Economic Problems & Issues/ Week 7 – Discussion 1:Outsourced
Economic Problems & Issues/ Week 7 – Discussion 1: Outsourced Movie Outsourced Made in America Store ****This is a discussion NOT a paper. Please no plagiarism. **** ……………Answer Preview……….. Outsourced is an American Television Sitcom that is set on an Indian work place. It is about an American company dealing … Read more
Economic Problems & Issues/ Week 7 – Discussion 2
Economic Problems & Issues/ Week 7 – Discussion 2 Please respond to the following: Maersk global trade shipping Captain Phillips Maersk line Comparative advantage Free Trade Tariffs quotas embargo and Advantages of Globalization International shipping may soon be saving money for all of us by going over the North Pole, because ice is breaking up … Read more
Write and send an email as an invitation asking for feedback about your personal
Write and send an email as an invitation asking for feedback about your personal Write and send an email as an invitation asking for feedback about your personal behavioral style. Share as much of the feedback that you received from the DiSC assessment as you feel comfortable with and ask for feedback on whether your … Read more
Make notes for yourself after seeing the first part of “SANKoFA,
Make notes for yourself after seeing the first part of “SANKoFA, 1. Make notes for yourself after seeing the first part of “SANKoFA,” so you will have memory of it when we see more on Monday 2. Review the handout, “An Abridged chronology of The African Holocaust as viewed by Afrikans in America which is … Read more
Dr. Larson told Donald Cowart not to ask to be allowed to die
Dr. Larson told Donald Cowart not to ask to be allowed to die Dr. Larson told Donald Cowart not to ask to be allowed to die, because if he were allowed to die that would be “in a sense” like killing him. Explain in what sense Dr. Larson seems to equate these. Is this sense … Read more
The US engagement was never officially a war, because Congress did not declare it
The US engagement was never officially a war, because Congress did not declare it The US engagement was never officially a war, because Congress did not declare it and only Congress may declare a war. Nevertheless, the US fought in Vietnam as part of its Cold War policies. What effects did the Vietnam conflict have … Read more
David Walker’s Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World
David Walker’s Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World I need an argument research paper about David Walker’s Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World. It needs to be 5 pages or above with 7 resources. Each body paragraph should contain: A- Additional Info. B- Quote with explanation. C- Counter Points. D- Common Ground. E- Extra … Read more
Develop an organizational structure for the product
Develop an organizational structure for the product This is part 3 of the project. Now that we know the product and we have studied the location thoroughly enough to create a plan of market entry, it is time to look internally at our resources to determine how we will be structured for success. Create a … Read more
Organization is going forward with entering into the country you discussed in your country study
Organization is going forward with entering into the country you discussed in your country study Assume your organization is going forward with entering into the country you discussed in your country study. They are now in the process of determining the more specific details of setting up business in that country. They have asked you … Read more
Determine the optimal international strategy and organizational structure
determine the optimal international strategy and organizational structure The final task before setting up shop is to determine the optimal international strategy and organizational structure that will best support this international venture. The CEO of your organization has asked you to write a report on your recommendations of the type of international strategy and organizational … Read more
customer relationship management
Customer relationship management Give an example of how an organization may use household data and individual data as part of their CRM strategy. How would these data sets affect their marketing strategy? …………….Answer Preview…………….. Customer relationship management (CRM) is a strategy of managing company relationships and interactions. A good example of how a company … Read more
Trans fat Discussion
trans fat Discussion Much attention has been placed on the negative association between trans fat intake and health/well-being. In 2006, the FDA required that trans fats be listed on food labels. Since that time many states have gone so far as to literally ban trans fat from foods served in restaurants. Just this month the FDA announced their plans … Read more
Creative writing assignment
Creative writing assignment Why don’t you take this opportunity to share your experience during this creative writing course? What was a highlight for you? What questions came out of your study? Are you still wondering why you have been looking at different forms of writing while you are creating another? Once more consider the common … Read more
Identifying Stages of Development
Identifying Stages of Development Both Piaget’s Model of Cognitive Development and Kohlberg’s Model of Moral Development are outlined in stages, with one stage building off of the previous stage. Put yourself in the role of parent, teacher and juvenile justice judge and then in each role identify why it would be necessary to understand the … Read more
United States increased food production
United States increased food production In the United States, we are fortunate to have an abundant supply of food. However, this abundance is largely due to advances in agricultural technology, which have in turn created numerous concerns surrounding our food sources. Provide at least two modern examples of how the United States has increased its … Read more
HCS 208 Choose Your Foods
HCS 208 Choose Your Foods Discuss the numerous factors involved with our food choices. Given the variety of food choices that we have available to us, why do we choose the foods that we choose? What are the cultural and social connections attached to food? What personal and environmental factors drive our food choices? Please … Read more
Southwest and AirTran merger
Southwest and AirTran merger What would make the arrangement between Southwest and AirTran a merger and not an acquisition? What were the reasons that Southwest and AirTran had for merging? What approach(es) did they use? What would cause the Southwest/AirTran merger not be successful? What strategies would you recommend to Southwest should it need to restructure? ……………….Answer Preview……………….. A … Read more
Course Review” Please respond to the following:
Course Review” Please respond to the following: Course Review” Please respond to the following: Considering the material covered during this course, determine two (2) topics that stood out for you and explain why. Go to the America Institute of CPA’s Website to read the article “CPAs in Government,” located at Discuss the career in government … Read more
Email to Project manager
Email to Project manager You are a team leader of a project that is due on October 31, 2015. You have 5 objectives to complete to accomplish the project. Your team has not accomplished at least two of goals for the project. You are writing an email to your manager explaining what has happened and … Read more
Find news article on internet regarding an event in one country
Find news article on internet regarding an event in one country listed below (reliable source website) Find news article on internet regarding an event in one country listed below (reliable source website) the event must have happened the last 90 days (July 2015-Sept 2015) essay needs to be at least 500 words essay needs to … Read more
Resident Assistant in a nursing home facility
Resident Assistant in a nursing home facility Defining and understanding the elements of a group culture is essential to forging a professional identity either online or in person. These elements are important because they reflect how professionals interact, whether online or in person. An industrial or workplace culture consists of different occupations, roles and statuses. … Read more