Assignment 3: Behavioral and Cognitive approaches
Assignment 3: Behavioral and Cognitive approaches There are two primary theoretical perspectives that you will be examining throughout this course—the behavioral approach and the cognitive approach. As you begin this course, it is important to understand the foundation for each of these theories and how they differ from each other. As you come to understand … Read more
business law help needed
business law help needed Question 5, Chapter 20, of Mann, R.A. and Roberts, B.S. (2009). Business Law and the Regulation of Business. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning: “Edwin sells a sofa to Jack for $800. Edwin and Jack both know that the sofa is in Edwin’s warehouse, located approximately ten miles from Jack’s home. The contract does … Read more
Consumer Behavior course
Consumer Behavior course Explain how the study of consumer behavior teaches us to become better consumers. In your explanation, discuss whether or not big box stores like Wal-Mart and Target, or wholesale clubs like Sam’s and Costco are worthwhile purchases and why. two paragraphs at least. …………….Answer Preview…………… Studying consumer behavior is … Read more
Healthy People in community
Healthy People in community Review the entire Healthy People 2020 Topics & Objectives website. Describe three of these topics that you believe should be the nation’s priorities. Support your reasoning with at least one scholarly source beyond the textbook and the Healthy People website. ……………..Answer Preview……………. There are several topics which need … Read more
Poverty and Health in community
Poverty and Health in community Poverty and Health For this discussion, address the following points based on the reading assigned for this week. In your initial post: Analyze whether poverty is a cause of poor health in a community or whether poor health is a cause of poverty. Analyze some of the health issues found … Read more
Contracting Officers
Determine the four major types of contracting officers and analyze how they differ in scope and responsibility from one another. Analyze the type of value that each of the four contracting offers provide. Support your analysis. ……………Answer Preview……….. Determine the four major types of contracting officers and analyze how they differ in … Read more
The Systems Development Life Cycle Paper
The Systems Development Life Cycle Paper You are a systems developer for a company you are familiar with. The company wants to implement a new accounting information system. You have been asked to review the process prior to implementation. Write a 700- to- 1,050-word paper discussing the following: How you determined the requirements needed for the … Read more
The Value of Sales Professionals
The Value of Sales Professionals Assess the impact of salespersons on the brand’s customers. Determine the value salespersons add to the brand they represent and the products they sell. Provide one example of how value, positive or negative, was added to a service that you purchased with the assistance of a salesperson. … Read more
Professional Sales Ethics
Professional Sales Ethics Personal selling is often a major source of ethical violations in the field of marketing because many are paid on commission only when they make a sale. As a result, the “fast talking” salesperson behaving unethically is often a stock character in popular culture. Analyze how the conflict in motives between earning … Read more
Accounting Information System Requirements
Accounting Information System Requirements Write a 200- to 350-word outline listing the requirements for the development of an accounting information system. Explain the accountant’s role in implementing and developing an accounting system. Identify what is needed to ensure the system will maximize profitability and fit seamlessly into the organization. ……………Answer Preview…………… Write a 200WORDS outline listing … Read more
dialogue between you and an imaginary Socrates
For this paper, you will write a dialogue between you and an imaginary Socrates. You will debate the question of free will versus determinism. Remember that the Socratic Method involves asking a series of questions to clarify key words and ideas. In your dialogue, the imaginary Socrates should be asking clarifying questions, and you … Read more
Social Responsibility of Business
Social Responsibility of Business Traditional Paper Research, define and discuss social responsibility, what it means, and its role in business. Your paper should be a minimum of 2 – 3 pages in length APA Format with references. Weekly Related Articles Concept of Social ResponsibilityMultinational Corporations, Corporate Social Responsibility and Poverty Eradication Global Nature of Social … Read more
can someone write this paper?
can someone write this paper? Assignment 1: Social Performance of Organizations Due Week 4 and worth 240 points According to the textbook, the current world economy is increasingly becoming integrated and interdependent; as a result, the relationship between business and society is becoming more complex. Use the Internet to research one (1) of the … Read more
English research & writing
English research & writing Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists Using your thesis statement and research, present the problem that needs to be addressed with your proposed solution. Note: Your solution, advantages, and challenges, will be in Parts 2 and 3. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Provide an … Read more
Importance of Emotion and Alignment
Importance of Emotion and Alignment In a 1,000-1,250-word paper, address the following: Read “The Global Leadership of Carlos Ghosn at Nissan.” Explain how Ghosn’s understanding of emotion helped him communicate his message of change. (Do not focus on Ghosn’s emotions, but on the emotions of those he was leading.) In the second part of the … Read more
U.S. Constitution implements separation of powers and checks and balances
U.S. Constitution implements separation of powers and checks and balances In your initial post of at least 200-250 words, analyze how the U.S. Constitution implements separation of powers and checks and balances. Briefly explain why the constitutional framers based the new government on these ideas. Evaluate how separation of powers and checks and balances are … Read more
Applications of the Scientific Method
Applications of the Scientific Method The scientific method is useful in problem solving and decision-making in a wide variety of fields. In this assignment, you will demonstrate how to use the scientific method to make decisions and solve problems in your field of study or everyday life. Write a three to five (3-5) page paper … Read more
Inventory Planning
Inventory Planning Read the Case: Reebok NFL Replica Jerseys: A Case for Postponement (p. 172-177). Given the uncertainty of fan demand associated with a team or player, how should a manufactured of sports apparel like Reebok approach inventory planning? What happens when a player or team suddenly loses their fan base? Respond to at least … Read more
The Welcome Table by Alice Walker
The Welcome Table by Alice Walker Chapter 6 explores the role of symbols in conveying literary themes. Themes are abundant in literary works (though they are at some times more obvious than at others). Select one short story from the reading assignments (from either Week One or Week Two) to examine more closely in relation … Read more
Help me please help me
Help me please help me Chapter 4 discusses the importance of point of view in literature and, more specifically, in the short story. Choose one short story from the course text about which you have not yet written, and analyze it in terms of point of view. When writing your post, consider the following questions … Read more
LASA 1—Create an Interview Guide
LASA 1—Create an Interview Guide Directions: During the first week of class you conducted your first practice interview. You have since had the opportunity to learn about the formal process of interviewing and the techniques used in interviewing. With this new information in mind, it is time to develop a detailed plan for your second … Read more
BUS law.
BUS law. Imagine that you own each of the following businesses: Tinker’s Home Security Service (sole proprietorship) Tinker & Tailor’s Home Security Service (general partnership) Tinker & Tailor’s Home Security Service (LP) Tinker & Tailor’s Home Security Service, Inc. (corporation) Tinker & Tailor’s Home Security Service, LLC (LLC) The businesses are being sued for breach … Read more
Management Planning Presentation
Management Planning Presentation Imagine you are an executive for BP, and you are preparing a presentation for the board of directors about the organization’s direction. Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, with speaker notes, in which you address the following: Evaluate the planning function of management as it relates to the organization’s goals and strategies. Use steps … Read more
Capital structure policy
Capital structure policy 1) Describe a firms capital structure. 2) Explain why a firm has different capital structures and hoe the influences the WACC. 3) Describe some fundamental differences in industries that drive the way they finance their investments. 4) Use the basic tool of financial analysis to analyze firms financing decision. … Read more
Sexuality and the Media — Sociology
Sexuality and the Media — Sociology Please respond to the following: From the first e-Activity article, discuss whether you agree or disagree with the article’s premise that the media portrays women as sexual objects. Describe the boundaries you think that the media should adhere to when it comes to issues of sexuality. Go to the … Read more
Discussion Question: Effective Techniques
Discussion Question: Effective Techniques Locate on the internet a video of an interview. You may choose a news interview or any other interview you can locate. Your job is to review the interview, and identify at least three instances of the use of interview techniques (paraphrase, summary, silence, reflection, or interpretation). In your discussion post, … Read more
Biology 700-1,050 word count APA guidelines NO PLAGIARISM!
Biology 700-1,050 word count APA guidelines NO PLAGIARISM! Locate a diagram of an organism that has the main organs and structures labeled. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper identifying the structures and functions of the main organs found in your selected organism. Explain how the organism in the diagram has evolved physiologically to become suited to its … Read more
Short paper on Socrates 600-900 words
Short paper on Socrates 600-900 words Socrates compared Athenians to a dazed, sluggish horse that could possibly be awakened by the persistent biting of an (annoying!) fly. This idea of Socrates as a transformative “philosophical gadfly” inspired many who have read about Socrates’s life and death. Your formal writing assignment this week is to write … Read more
Short paper on Mill 600-900 words
Short paper on Mill 600-900 words Mill famously argued that the ethical action is what leads to the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. Please write an essay about Mill’s utilitarian ethical theory that answers the following questions: Does utilitarian theory require us to–somehow–have certain knowledge about the future? Can we … Read more
Short paper on Kant 600-900 words ASAP
Short paper on Kant 600-900 words ASAP Kant famously–and controversially–argued that some knowledge is synthetic a priori. Can you explain in your own words what Kant might have meant by this, and can you give an example of the sort of knowledge that Kant believed possessed this strange status? HINT: To answer this question in a … Read more
Short paper on Aristotle 600-900 words (ASAP)
Short paper on Aristotle 600-900 words (ASAP) Aristotle maintains that the highest good is ‘happiness’ (‘eudaimonia’ in Greek). Please write an essay about Aristotle’s concept of eduaimonia that answers the following questions: What, in your own words, does Aristotle mean by ‘eudaiomonia’? For Aristotle, does the highest good of happiness include those moments when you … Read more
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Psychology For this 2–4 page written assignment, choose one of the three case scenarios and consider the symptoms presented, as well as the diagnosis. Then answer the following questions using psychology theory to help you understand the case scenario. Case Scenario 1 Jeremy is an eight year old boy that is experiencing problems … Read more
Technology Risks Power Point
Technology Risks Power Point Select your company or a company that you are familiar with. Create a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes illustrating the following: Limitations of technology in that industry Risks of using technology Recommended improvements or safeguards to limit risk
HCA 440 Week 5 Health Care Reform III Final Project
HCA 440 Week 5 Health Care Reform III Final Project Resource:Health Care Reform Projects, Parts I and II Prepare a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you summarize health care reform material. Assume you are making a presentation to the board of directors concerning your investigation into the economic issue you submitted for your Learning Team … Read more
CJA/464 UOP Need paper ASAP!
CJA/464 UOP Need paper ASAP! Choose a current federal, state, or local issue that directly affects public policy pertaining to the criminal justice system. Write a 700-1050-word paper in which you analyze the issue and related policy. Be sure to address to following points in your analysis: Describe the issue. Is this policy a regulatory or … Read more
Nanotechnology and Rare Earth Elements
Nanotechnology and Rare Earth Elements Please respond to one (1) of the following four (4) options: Assess the overall benefits and drawbacks of nanotechnology, as well as special considerations for safety. Given the unique nature of nanoscience, its broad range of applications, and possible impacts on human health and the environment, assess the state of … Read more
Social Stratification W5
Social Stratification W5 From the first e-Activity, discuss the possible future consequences to individuals and society as a whole if Generation Y / Millennials cannot live better than previous generations. As a current college student, you likely anticipate a college education allowing you to raise your future income opportunities. Discuss your expectations of how a … Read more
Developmental Disorders
Developmental Disorders You have learned that the conceptualization of autism spectrum disorders as diagnoses has evolved, with the current DSM conceptualizing one neurological disorder with common characteristics, which are presented on a wide continuum, rather than separate disorders such as Asperger’s disorder or autistic disorder. Watch the video It’s a Different World. You may use … Read more
Discussion—Global Influences of Western Mental Illness Research
Discussion—Global Influences of Western Mental Illness Research Due to the ever-evolving technology, particularly related to the Internet and cell phones, our world is becoming better and better connected across oceans, continents, and cultures. There are many benefits to this increased connectedness. However, there are some negative effects, as well. One example is the effect that … Read more
LASA 2: Case Study of Emotional Disorders
LASA 2: Case Study of Emotional Disorders In this assignment, you will analyze a fictional scenario and identify the possible disorders involved. All the information needed for this assignment can be found in the textbook. Read the following vignettes: Emotional Disorder—Male Vignette Nadif is a seven-year-old Somali-American boy who is homeschooled by his mother. When … Read more
Cultural background
Get a friend or relative to answer, the following questions about their cultural background. ( a couple of sentences each question about 150 words in total) 1. What is your cultural background? 2. What country were you born in? 3. Do you speak more than one language if so is English your first language? 4. … Read more
GEO 215
GEO/215 Resource: Ch. 1 of Introduction to Geography Write a paper of 350- to 700- words that develops an expanded definition of geography and reflects two of the following three aspects: Dynamic and changing, not static Relationships of the subfields to one another and the whole of geography Changes that trigger other changes, such as … Read more
Business and Society-Strategic philanthropy
Business and Society-Strategic philanthropy Traditional Paper Research, define, and discuss what strategic philanthropy is and why it is beneficial to organizations, as well as give one example. APA Format with References. ……………Answer Preview………….. Strategic philanthropy is the concept by which organizations channel their charitable activities around specific issues that affect the community … Read more
XACC 291 Week 7 Dq 1
XACC 291 Week 7 Dq 1 This weeks assignment focuses on the Statement of Cash Flows. This is an extremely important document when it comes time to evaluate a company. To start off some discussion for the week let’s dive deeper into the Statement of Cash Flows: What is a statement of cash flows? Some … Read more
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence DQ1-300 words with references. Will reply back with question. Consider the elements of emotion: 1) The master aptitude 2) Delaying gratification 3) Role of optimism in emotional functioning 4) Resiliency in defeat 5) Sense of self-efficacy What role does each play in your interactions? Which is most important in your daily life? … Read more
Critiquing Internet Sources
Critiquing Internet Sources Today, the Internet provides an unprecedented amount of information by way of blogs, videos, and podcasts. Conduct a critique of one blog, one video, and one podcast, which provide information that addresses the topic of obesity. Assess the authors’ use of bias, validity, and applicability of information. Examine the influence of web-based … Read more
Limitations of technology
What are the limitations of technology in the industry? What are the risks of using technology? What improvements or safeguards would you recommend to limit risk? ……………….Answer Preview…………….. What are the limitations of technology in the industry? Technology in industries has brought some limitations such as job elimination and implementation express. … Read more
Egypt in Turmoil
Egypt in Turmoil Explain the causes of the turmoil in Egypt in early 2011. Elaborate on at least two perspectives on the situation. Appraise the prospects for the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt now that that country is in turmoil. ………….Answer Preview………….. Explain the causes of the turmoil in Egypt in early 2011. … Read more
Disengagement theory and activity theory
I need help doing a discussion question.. Discuss several contributing factors to disengagement and activity in the later years. Compare and contrast how disengagement theory and activity theory relate to employment. What do you find helpful or not helpful about each of these theories? Support your position with readings from the professional literature. … Read more
Instructional strategies
instructional strategies For the assignment later this week, after you create measureable learning objectives to meet the identified training goal, you will need to brainstorm possible instructional strategies for Cowboys Nightclubs and restaurants that can be implemented in the training in order to allow the learners to meet the objectives. In 200-300 words share some … Read more