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The Case of Anna O.

Assignment 2: Case of Anna O One of the very first cases that caught Freud’s attention when he was starting to develop his psychoanalytic theory was that of Anna O, a patient of fellow psychiatrist Josef Breuer. Although Freud did not directly treat her, he did thoroughly analyze her case as he was fascinated by the … Read more

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Physical Security

“Physical Security”  Please respond to the following: Students should go on a learning walk at work and document the physical security features they observe. “Information Security in the Home”  Please respond to the following: Students should develop plans to implement information security in their households. Each student will be provided an area as a point … Read more

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Augmented Reality Discussion

Augmented Reality discussion Video View the Youtube video below.  It is a presentation by Pattie Maes, an MIT researcher in the field of Augmented Reality, who discusses how a person’s experience with their surroundings might be augmented with relevant digital information.  (Note: View the initial 25 minutes before the Q & A session begins.) Sixth Sense – Pattie Maes at … Read more

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Queue Portrait Kate Matsudaira

Queue Portrait Kate Matsudaira View the video interview; Queue Portrait Kate Matsudaira.http://queue.acm.org/detail_video.cfm?id=2488366 Prepare a short synopsis of the article, include reference for your source Describe how the article relates to the topic(s) covered in the text Include a summary paragraph about how the topic compares and contrasts with your own experiences Click here to view the … Read more

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Active acquired immunity

Active acquired immunity can be achieved through the use of childhood immunizations. Many parents voice concerns regarding the safety of vaccinations. What is your opinion on the current use of vaccinations? How would you educate parents regarding the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations? Defend your answers with evidence-based research. Click here to view the answer