Recent homework

You made some good points on CBT.

You made some good points on CBT. Jason Lowe You made some good points on CBT. Although I chose the solution focused approach, I feel that it is closely aligned with the CBT approach. Both of which are focused on helping people to get their lives on track and learning adequate coping skills needed to … Read more

Debate a controversial and often misunderstood macroeconomic topic.

Debate a controversial and often misunderstood macroeconomic topic. Let’s cordially debate a controversial and often misunderstood macroeconomic topic. Our huge U.S. government debt (see the the latest debt being counted at ) continues to grow and is constantly in the news. For your initial post address the following: Is the large and increasing national debt an … Read more

In your own words define and explain fiscal policy.

In your own words define and explain fiscal policy. Part 1 In your own words define and explain fiscal policy. List the pros and cons for the fiscal policy you selected. Include supply-side economics in your explanation. As you think through your answer, remember the government may exercise expansionary or restrictive fiscal policy. Part 2 … Read more

Charles Horton Cooley was the first theorist to discuss the social origins of the self.

Charles Horton Cooley was the first theorist to discuss the social origins of the self. Part 1: Charles Horton Cooley was the first theorist to discuss the social origins of the self. Cooley developed the idea of the looking-glass self. The looking-glass self means we acquire our sense of self by seeing ourselves reflected in … Read more

Propose evidence-based strategies grounded in holistic health and person-centered care principles

Propose evidence-based strategies grounded in holistic health and person-centered care principles This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: CO 1) Propose evidence-based strategies grounded in holistic health and person-centered care principles that will guide change and transform organizational culture within complex adaptive systems. (POs 1 and 2) CO 2) Apply appropriate … Read more

What is the effect of diversity inclusiveness in organizational leadership

What is the effect of diversity inclusiveness in organizational leadership Topic: What is the effect of diversity inclusiveness in organizational leadership?  Please include the following in your thread: Proposed topic. Description of your progress during the past week. Description of any roadblocks you hit during the week and how you are working through them. Description … Read more

You are the human resource manager of Bird Dog Freight, a large, long-haul trucking company.

You are the human resource manager of Bird Dog Freight, a large, long-haul trucking company. You are the human resource manager of Bird Dog Freight, a large, long-haul trucking company. It is your responsibility to ensure you consider all legal ramifications of hiring, or not hiring, candidates for employment in order to protect and balance … Read more

Nurses often become motivated to change aspects within the larger health care system based on their real-world experience

Nurses often become motivated to change aspects within the larger health care system based on their real-world experience Nurses often become motivated to change aspects within the larger health care system based on their real-world experience. As such, many nurses take on an advocacy role to influence a change in regulations, policies, and laws that … Read more

Statistical analysis software such as SPSS is a valuable tool that helps researchers perform complex calculations.

Statistical analysis software such as SPSS is a valuable tool that helps researchers perform complex calculations. WORKING WITH DATAStatistical analysis software such as SPSS is a valuable tool that helps researchers perform complex calculations. However, to use such a tool effectively, the study must be well designed. The social worker must understand the study’s purpose … Read more


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