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Artificial intelligence in health care

Artificial intelligence in health care

Write a 2 page project proposal about the topic “Artificial intelligence in health care” by following the below mentioned rules and pattern.

Each project proposal should consist of the following sections:

Project Title: It should have a clearly descriptive title

Background: provide a brief one paragraph background on the project topic. The background should contain proper references (limit the references to maximum 5).

Motivation: provide the motivation for the methodology and analysis that you plan to undertake and why is it relevant.

Approach: Include possible approaches or directions that you plan to undertake to solve your problem. Also include the expected results of your analysis.

References: Include references for the topic mentioned in background.

The project proposal should be limited to 2 pages including references.

It is best for you to consider a project in an area of your interest. Read some of the latest review papers in that area (by searching either google scholar or scopus or IEEE xplore or such search engines) and see what kind of problems are existing. For help on reference researching, you can get in touch with WCOE librarian Erin Burns (erin.burns@ttu.edu) Appointment link https://cal.library.ttu.edu/appointments?u=74221. Locate an interdisciplinary engineering problem that you are interested in further exploring. While selecting the problem, also consider whether you have the requisite background to approach the problem. If you have identified any faculty member who is willing to advise you on the project, consult them while arriving at the project idea. You will receive feedback on your project idea during the stage of project proposal submission. Note that your contribution for this project can just be a good understanding of the problem along with a simple experiment (most likely simulation based but if you are working with any faculty member, then laboratory-based experiments) to demonstrate what’s happening, analyzing the results and presenting it in your video presentation and submitting a final report. Other contributions can be looking at a new way of approaching the problem which was not considered in a paper. Another can just be comparing different existing ways of solving an engineering problem and elucidating the advantages and disadvantages of each methodology.
Paper Format: APA

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Artificial intelligence in health care


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