Make sure to include the following sections in your essay:
an introduction and claim,
and a conclusion.
Within the body of your essay, make sure to include the following in any order:
The background for your chosen topic,
the opposition – use an academic tone, and do not show bias,
the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents’ claims,
scholarly research,
your claim — use an academic tone, and do not show bias,
discuss the warrants for your claim and the opposition in order to find the common ground,
and show the common ground between your opponents’ claim and your claim.
After you have written your essay, please make sure to revise the content of your essay. Lastly, be sure to edit your essay by checking grammar, format, and smaller technical details. Please make sure your essay is written in third person.
Clark, Irene L. The Genre of Argument. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace, 1998. Print.
Clark’s textbook identifies the major steps to developing a well-researched and well-written argumentative essay. Professional essays are included in the text as models.
Ward, Russ. Logical Argument in the Research Paper. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace, 1997. Print.
Augmenting the steps to writing an argumentative research paper is information about proper documentation. The Rogerian System, an important aspect of a well-planned paper, should be studied carefully.
Topic: The Effects of video games on children
Question 2
Thesis: Video games might be good entertainment option for children, but they contain violence and can instill inappropriate behaviors to the children.
Question 3
Anderson, C. A., Gentile, D. A., & Buckley, K. E. (2007). Violent video game effects on children and adolescents: Theory, research, and public policy. Oxford…