literature to review.
Choose at least one of the links listed below. You may choose both, but you must have at least three works of literature to review. Search for other literature so that you have three total works to review. These works of literature items can be a research paper, scholarly article, magazine article (e.g., Harvard Business Review), website article (check the validity of the source), book or book chapter, newspaper article, or other and must discuss this main topic.
Submit at minimum a 6-page paper (excluding cover sheet and references, figures, sections with bullets, and tables unless the tables are specified in the instructions), double spaced, no extra spaces, and 1-inch margins, that answers the questions using past readings and references.
All assertions and key discussion points are properly cited using APA format. In other words, any sentence or paragraph that contains material derived or synthesized from the background reading or other sources will be cited. References are in APA format please provide 5 sources. All references are cited at least once
Prepare a 6-page APA formatted paper in accordance with the Assignment Expectations on the topic: “Theories on innovation and creativity in business and business strategy.”
Articles and links:
Kodama, M., & Shibata, T. (2014). Strategy transformation through strategic innovation capability: A case study of Fanuc. R&D Management, 44(1), 75–103.
Strumsky, D., Lobo, J., & Tainter, J. A. (2010). Complexity and the productivity of innovation. Systems Research & Behavioral Science, 27(5), 496–509.
Requirements: 6 pgs | .doc file
Answer preview to literature to review.
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