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Identify the psychodynamics of your personal leadership style

Identify the psychodynamics of your personal leadership style

Journal Two:

Compare the “great man” model (including trait and behavioral approaches) to your own personal leadership style and ability.

Journal Four:

Identify the psychodynamics of your personal leadership style, including how your value system is structured and how it ties into your overall personal leadership conceptual framework.

Journal Six:

What are your professional goals? Describe the steps you plan to take to reach those goals. Include steps that specifically relate to leadership development as well as a timeline that demonstrates what you hope to achieve and by when.

Begin to note any differences in your thoughts or depth of knowledge on the subject to this point. How do you exemplify leadership?

Journal Nine:

Reflect on the responsibilities you noted in your journal in Module Seven. How do these compare to your responsibilities to the larger community? Should a leader use the power he or she holds within an organization to benefit the larger community? How and when? Can you think of any ethical dilemmas that could result?

Journal Ten:

Review and self-critique your journal assignments throughout this course and summarize your personal leadership conceptual framework. In a written submission, include your strengths and weaknesses, value system, professional goals, and responsibilities to the organization and larger community. Assess the evolution of your thinking and personal worldview since this course began.

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Identify the psychodynamics of your personal leadership style


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