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Review the company’s most recent Global Compact Report.

Review the company’s most recent Global Compact Report.

Assignment which is coming up with two ethical dilemmas (1-2 sentences each only) that the following company is facing based on its core business, the principles of the Global Compact, and the Sustainable development goals.

1. Use https://www.engeco.com.au/ to do it. please find the detail requirements and instruction of the format attached.

Use https://www.engeco.com.au/to do the following:

Review the company’s most recent Global Compact Report.

From the information that you’ve learned above, come up with two ethical dilemmas that the company faces, based on its core business, the principles of the Global Compact, and the Sustainable development goals. There should be  ONE very specific action that the company itself is thinking about taking that is part of its core competency. Also, please look up information on the company and propose who at the company would be the agent of the decision.​


Answer preview to review the company’s most recent Global Compact Report.

Review the company's most recent Global Compact Report.


128 words

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