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Explain the differences and similarities  the economic crimes

Explain the differences and similarities  the economic crimes

Economic and Public Order Crime

“In the introduction you need to state the thesis of your paper.”

In a well-constructed, one page essay (500+ words), compare (explain the similarities) and contrast (explain the differences) of the economic crimes (white-collar, blue-collar, and green-collar crimes).

(NOTE: A “well-constructed” essay will be in complete sentences and paragraphs. It will be structured to include an introduction, body, and conclusion. While APA references and citations are not required for this course, these concepts are strongly encouraged since APA formatting will be required in future courses. However, an attempt must be made to provide citations and reference for information that is not your original thought in order to avoid plagiarism).

A detailed explanation of how to cite a source using APA can be found here.

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Explain the differences and similarities  the economic crimes

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