Membership, undocumented immigrants and financial aid
In the Ashe Reader article by Perry (2010, p. 476), it says, “Delanty (1998) notes that many discussions on post-national citizenship lack accuracy in their conceptualizations of citizenship and benefit distribution. He suggests that the rights and responsibilities associated with citizenship are also bound to membership, which is developed locally and substantively. In this regard, membership and rights associated with it cannot be governed outside the context of the political community. In addition, post-national theorists argue that nation-states are not currently distributing benefits based on human rights nor do they acknowledge other membership statuses. However, as we have seen, some K-12 benefits are granted to various residents in the United States based on criteria other than citizenship.”
Consider the above quote as well as the discussions in the other readings concerning affirmative action and race-based admission criteria and answer the following questions: Does the United States indeed facilitate a type of a membership that disproportionately prevents certain members from rights that society expects members to have? And, if so, how? Whom is considered a “member?” If you do not think there is disproportionate access to societal rights in the United States, explain why
_undocumented_college_students__taxation__and_financial_aid_a_technical_note_1_ (1) ___affirmative_action (2) _latino_immigrant_access_to_higher_education_in_a_bipolar_context_of_reception (2) perry (2)
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