TNC Research Assignment: Identifying your TNC
TNC Research Assignment: Identifying your TNC Assignment Goals 1. Familiarize yourself with the websites of some TNCs 2. Begin to get a sense of how TNCs present themselves, and how they are talked about in popular discourse 3. Decide what company you will be studying and why you want to study it. Assignment Instructions Read … Read more
Internet predators
Internet predators 1. Conduct research and summarize a criminal case involving an internet predator 1. Conduct research and summarize a criminal case involving an internet predator. Be sure and address what type of sexual offender this case involved. 2. What are some of the investigative challenges faced when attempting to capture internet predators? Must be … Read more
Freedom of contract
Freedom of contract How did the notion of freedom of contact create opportunities constraints? ……………Answer Preview…….. It is a fact that the Civil Right Act of 1866 mainly recorded the opportunity to make “to make and implement contracts” along with the defended liberties. Trying to mirror the main part of flexibility of the agreement … Read more
Accounting 4 : Closing process
Accounting 4 : Closing process Identify and discuss the key steps in the closing process that provide the most opportunity to make mistakes in processing account transactions. Why did you select these steps and what makes them confusing? Make at least two (2) recommendations for improving the accuracy and reliability of the information in the … Read more
Psychology homework choose an influential
Psychology homework choose an influential Choose an influential experiment in the field of psychology that violated present-day ethical guidelines. The following website (Mental Floss, 2012) may be useful in choosing a study, but you may also choose one that is not listed there: Briefly describe the study. Then, taking into consideration the Ethical Principles of … Read more
Complete the following questions (Accounting Information System)
Accounting Information System 1) Describe and discuss the role of documentation from the perspective of you using it as an external-independent CPA auditor or consultant. 2) Describe and discuss the role of documentation from the perspective of you using it as an internal accountant or internal auditor providing services within a company to help the end … Read more
Assignment 1: The Wild Frontier, Part 1
Assignment 1: The Wild Frontier, Part 1 Due Week 3 and worth 70 points Imagine you are the leader of the IT team at the national headquarters for a company supplying western wear to an international market. The owner, Sam Yosemite, tells your IT team to provide support to four (4) new satellite offices but … Read more
Organizational tools presentation
Organizational tools presentation 5 – 7 slides with speaker notes of 200 – 250 words per slide (excluding Title and Reference slides) You, as a HR Generalist, have been asked by your HR Director for your recommendations in terms of what tools your organization could use to better manage the talents of your employees. This … Read more
TNC Research Assignment: Answering the How, Why, and Where Questions
TNC Research Assignment: Answering the How, Why, and Where Questions Write a 3-5 page report TNC: Microsoft Corporation 1) Clearly explain why the corporation is globalizing: mainly for market access reasons, for sourcing efficiency reasons, or for some complex mix of the two. “To increase profits” is not a good answer to this question! 2) Demonstrate as clearly … Read more
ITPM Discussion Post
ITPM Discussion Post Pick any two: The terms Quality Assurance and Quality Control are often used interchangeably when they really represent two very different aspects of a project. Contrast the two terms. Which is most relevant in Information Technology projects? (Hint: there is no right answer here, pick a side and defend it). Quality Assurance … Read more
The World of Windows
The World of Windows What operating system do you use? Watch some of the videos in the Instructor Insights for your operating system( Find out how to do one new thing with your computer from the videos. Describe what it is and tell us which video and which section it came from. Try to pick something different from your classmates. Here is an example although my operating system is not Windows 8.1. In Windows 8.1 you could have the … Read more
Critical Thinking discussion
Critical Thinking discussion How would you define critical thinking? What makes a person a critical thinker? Why is critical thinking important? Provide an example of how critical thinking has helped you in your life. What do you expect to learn from this course? Write a paragraph summarizing the discussion. …………Answer Preview…….. Critical … Read more
Globalization After reading “Does Globalization Help or Hurt the World’s Poor?”, please answer the following: When considering the impact of globalization on the poor, what other benefits or costs to globalization should also be taken into account? How do these larger benefits or costs affect your analysis of the benefits or costs to the poor? … Read more
Organizational behavior-Bases of power
Organizational behavior-Bases of power What are the five bases of power presented in the text? Please give an example of each. Looking for an answer in about 125 or so words please ……….Answer Preview…….. Power can easily be manifested through five different bases. These bases include; reward, reference, legitimate, expert and coercive. To … Read more
China’s Rise to Power
China’s Rise to Power After reading, “China vs. the U.S.: The case for second place”, examine how China’s rise to power compares to other cases in which a rising nation has challenged an existing superpower, such as the American challenge to British hegemony a century ago. Describe the political obstacles that China may face in … Read more
LCES stands for Lookout, Communications, Escape routes, and Safety zone.
LCES stands for Lookout, Communications, Escape routes, and Safety zone. For this week’s assignment, you will write a 1-2 page essay about LCES. Be sure to address all prompts and cite your sources in APA format. This is worth 75 points, so be thorough and give your best effort. LCES stands for Lookout, Communications, Escape … Read more
Technology Industry Analyses
Technology Industry Analyses do some research and analyze the the five forces of the industry. the industry we pick is Technology ,and my task is to analyze the one of the five forces of Competition Model, which is the Threat of Substitute Products . Threat of Substitute Products the threat of substitute products increase when -buyers … Read more
Logistics is a standardized emergency management structure
Logistics is a standardized emergency management structure Logistics is a standardized emergency management structure that includes numerous specialized responsibilities. Logistics refers to both the needed supplies in a catastrophic event and the management of response to a catastrophic event. Beginning on page 243 of the text, pick one of the Emergency Management Communications technologies. Discuss … Read more
Operation management
Operation management ERP systems are complicated, and the executive has asked that you, the warehouse manager, to join the decision-making team for selecting the appropriate software. Who else from the company should be on the selection team? Please explain your answer. …….Answer preview…….. When selecting ERP system there should be many people available … Read more
TNC research assignment
TNC research assignment It’s time now to conduct substantial research into the corporation. You’re going to tackle a number of issues, so give yourself plenty of time. You are being asked here to document a specific historical, political, cultural, and economic process through the lens of a single company: AMAZON . I. Work out why … Read more
ETHICS in COUNSELING and PSYCHOTHERAPY Look at ( ETHICS in COUNSELING and PSYCHOTHERAPY ) book “Sixth Edition” and read chapter 7 carefully after that look at P. 212 the Cases for Discussion and Answer the questions thoroughly at the end of the case. ……………..Answer Preview………….. Benjamin acted ethically and in complete regard … Read more
Fractures Step 1 Search the Internet to find images of fractures. Using the image search function of a search engine such as Google, find an x-ray or photograph example of each of three of the following types of fractures: Greenstick fracture Pott’s fracture dislocation Compression fracture Epiphysieal plate fracture Colles’ fracture Closed fracture Compound fracture … Read more
Van Eyck Arnolfini and Analyzing Art in the Northern Renaissance
Van Eyck Arnolfini and Analyzing Art in the Northern Renaissance Explain whether you agree with the interpretation of either Sayre or Koster of Van Eyck’s Arnolfini double portrait, identifying the most persuasive part of that interpretation. Describe two (2) symbolic elements of the painting and any other features that stand out to you. Pretend you … Read more
Each paper should contain a synopsis of the article, address the problem the article presented
Each paper should contain a synopsis of the article, address the problem the article presented Each paper should contain a synopsis of the article, address the problem the article presented, determine if the economic agent in the article had enough information to make the correct decision, and propose alternative answers to the problem at hand. … Read more
Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation (COG)
For the Module 3 SLP assignment, please address the following questions in a 2- to 3-page paper. You will need to review some concepts from Module 2. Assess the overall financial health of your organization Cabot Oil & Gas . What are good and bad signs, if any, in your assessment? Measures of financial health … Read more
Characteristics of a Fair-Minded Thinker
Need done by 12am central time tomorrow morning. Can you help me please? The quality I possess is Intellectual Empathy and the two I need to work on are: Intellectual Courage and Sense of Justice Characteristics of a Fair-Minded Thinker Look up the definitions listed below. Several of them can be found at, but you … Read more
Why are the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and CITI training important?
Why are the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and CITI training important? Why are the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and CITI training important? How do these components connect to the APA Ethics Code and the protection of human subjects of research? Must have empirical reference (source) 200 – 250 word no plagiarism ………………..Answer … Read more
(TCO H) On April 18, 2011, Tara Wilson
(TCO H) On April 18, 2011, Tara Wilson (TCO H) On April 18, 2011, Tara Wilson purchased 30 shares of ABC stock for $210, and on September 29, 2011, she purchased 90 additional shares for $900. On November 28, 2011, she sold 48 shares, which could not be specifically identified, for $576, and on December … Read more
TCO F) (Becker CPA Review Exam: Randolph
TCO F) (Becker CPA Review Exam: Randolph (TCO F) (Becker CPA Review Exam Reg. 1) Randolph is a single individual who always claims the standard deduction. Randolph received the following in the current year. Wages $ 25,000 Unemployment compensation 6,000 Pension distribution (100% taxable) 4,000 A state tax refund from the previous year 425 What is … Read more
Dilemma Discussion #1: Mandatory Vaccinations
Dilemma Discussion #1: Mandatory Vaccinations Topic: Mandatory Vaccinations for Viruses such as Mumps, Measles, Rubella, etc Question: Do you think people should be required to have certain vaccinations in order to enter public schools and certain professions (teaching, health care, etc)? Explain. Sources: On Blackboard Questions: Create a T-chart. List the benefits … Read more
EL111/Advanced Composition – Essay 2: Analysis of Non-Fiction
EL111/Advanced Composition – Essay 2: Analysis of Non-Fiction PART 1 – The Genre Writing a good response paper is not simply a matter of reading the text, understanding it, and expressing an opinion about it. You must analyze the author’s stance from a neutral and academic position. Questions to Ask What is the main … Read more
Humans have been plagued by disease throughout history and just about everyone has experienced the common cold at some point in time
Immunity and the Common Cold: Humans have been plagued by disease throughout history and just about everyone has experienced the common cold at some point in time Humans have been plagued by disease throughout history and just about everyone has experienced the common cold at some point in time. During your life you will probably have … Read more
ITEC 250 assignment 2
ITEC 250 assignment 2 (100 points) Instructions: This is an individual assignment. Use the blackboard to submit your word file with answers on the due date (no hard copies please). Late submissions will receive a zero grade. Network Media: Part of being a network administrator is working with its hardware. It’s … Read more
contribution analysis
Contribution analysis Explain what is meant by “contribution analysis”. Carefully define the term and provide examples to illustrate it. Guided Response: Can you think of a recent example where you had to evaluate the incremental costs and benefits of different options in order to make a decision? In 300 words or more, please, provide your … Read more
Film Reaction Paper – Waco
Film Reaction Paper – Waco The documentary film WACO depicts in details the conflict between the Branch Davidians living in a compound near Waco, Texas and local, state, and federal law enforcement. The Branch Davidians and their activities in Waco are viewed by larger society as deviant. As you view the film list the acts … Read more
Account of compliance (legislation) in fulfilling your ICT
Account of compliance Qn 3: Where have you taken account of compliance (legislation) in fulfilling your ICT tasks, and why? QUESTION 3 Describe a situation in your internship, or previous work, where you have taken account of compliance (legislation) in fulfilling your ICT task, and why. If you have not already experienced such situation, describe … Read more
Frances, GMO Seed and Feed, Inc.
Frances, GMO Seed and Feed, Inc. Frances, an executive with GMO Seed & Feed, Inc., has to decide whether to market a product that could offer substantial benefits but might also have potentially serious side effects for a small percentage of users. How should Frances decide whether to sell the product? How does the standard … Read more
Texting while driving: research paper outline
Texting while driving I need someone to do an outline to my research and my research subject is texting while driving and I have created a research question to guide my research and the question is “How does texting while driving effect the ability of human life?” I need an outline based on this question. … Read more
23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism Assignment
23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism For this assignment, you are to read and respond to a short chapter in the book 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism by economist Ha-Joon Chang. The chapter argues that restrictions on immigration and not differences in worker productivity drive international differences in wages and … Read more
The Prince questions
The Prince questions For our last discussion, you will analyze one of our previous course readings in relation to The Prince. Choose one character we have read about in class and one of the princely qualities outlined by Machiavelli. In your response, address ONE of the following: How does possessing this quality help or hinder … Read more
The Prince, Machiavelli
The Prince, Machiavelli In The Prince, Machiavelli outlines qualities (or virtues) a prince needs in order to effectively rule his people. Choose and analyze one quality discussed in the reading. In your analysis, you may want to address one or more of the following: What are the positive and negative aspects of this quality? How … Read more
Participant observation assignment
Participant observation assignment Detailed explanation for the Participant-Observation Assignment. 1)Visit any public place or event, including, a gym, church, park, restaurant, store, mall, food court, market, cemetery, airport, bust stop, bar, cinema, etc., or a wedding, birthday party, religious service, sport activity, political gathering, funeral, government or commercial office, etc. 2)Participate, and observe the place, … Read more
The Line
The Line I need you to see the MOVIE after that you can answers the Q you have to write the Q and the answers ALL in your own words and follow all the information in the Questions . follow all the instructors that above i need you to write the Questions and after that the answers … Read more
Ratios – Principles of Accounting
Ratios – Principles of Accounting Ratios provide the users of financial statements with a great deal of information about the entity. Do ratios tell the whole story? How could liquidity ratios be used by investors to determine whether or not to invest in a company? Reference all cited materials especially text used from attached chapter. … Read more
Food Truck
Food Truck Use the same business idea you used for Assignment 1 to complete this assignment. Write a seven to eight (7-8) page paper in which you: Choose the legal form of organization for the business, and support your choice. Determine the organization structure which is initially needed to get the business operating, including the … Read more
Chronically Ill and Disabled People
Chronically Ill and Disabled People In the first two written assignments, you selected one vulnerable population in need of a new program or service in your community. Using the above, you will finalize the research that allows you to understand elements that go into designing and launching a community service. The Final Project will be … Read more
IT Infrastructure Assignments: cyber attack at vbulletin
IT Infrastructure Assignments: vbulletin Q1. Find a recent article (within the past 4 months) of a company who has experienced a computer/network threat. Summarize the type of threat, how it affected the company, and what the company has done about the situation. How could this have been prevented? Requirement: Two – Three Pages ……………….Answer Preview…………….. … Read more
IT Discussions 7
IT Discussions 7 1.) Protecting enterprise assets is the purpose of security policy architecture. How do you obtain senior management cooperation? Post your analysis as 250+ word response to this message. Include APA format citations and references as appropriate to the information used and the sources from which you obtained that information. 2.) Identifying an appropriate … Read more
Ethics Q3
Ethics Q3 Look at ( ETHICS in COUNSELING and PSYCHOTHERAPY ) book “Sixth Edition” and read chapter 8 carefully after that look at P. 240 and Answer questions number 2 and 5 ……………..Answer Preview……………. Do you agree with standards written into the codes of ethics about non sexual multiple relationships? Would you recommend stronger or more … Read more
Fair value
Fair value In short paragraphs,Imagine that you are a consultant working on a special project to help a company determine techniques that it can use in order to calculate the fair value of investments. From the e-activity, prepare a report to management in which you compare and contrast at least three (3) methods to … Read more