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Math Reflective Journal

Math Reflective Journal

Forum Description

One of the best ways to learn how to solve a word problem in algebra is to design word problems of your own. Creating a word problem makes you very aware of precisely how much information is needed to solve the problem. You must also focus on the best way to present information to a reader and on how much information to give. As you write your problem, you gain skills that will help you solve problems created by others. You should design three different word problems that can be solved using linear equations. All of the problems should be on different topics. For example, you should not have more than one problem on price reduction. You should turn in both the problems and their algebraic solutions.

American Psychological Association (APA) Format required:

  • Fonts: Times New Roman, 12pt
  • Double spacing (up to 2 pages: at least 500 words)
  • In-text citations (when references used)
  • APA Expectations
  • References [one separate page => 1-2 pages + 1 page of References (atleast two references)
  • Refrain the use of first perspectives, i.e. “I,” “We,” “my,” “our,” and more


Points system

Total: 15 points (Paper) + 5 points (Responses) = 20 points;

5 points—Academic English using APA format,

7 points—Content (Answer all the questions),

3 points—Length (1-2 pages + 1 page of References),





………………Answer Preview……………

Example 1: David was sent by his father to the supermarket to buy Apples and oranges. On arriving at the supermarket, he found that the apples and oranges were sorted and wrapped together such that 4 apples and 5 oranges put together cost $2 while 4 oranges and 3 apples put together cost $1.55. David wants to know the individual cost of an apple and orange so that he can know how much 7 apples and 7 oranges will cost him. Since they are sorted together he will need assistance to determine the cost of each and then multiply to see if the money given by his father is sufficient.

1. Set the variables
X = apples
Y= Oranges
2. Need to set up the equations
Thus 4x+5y=2 …..This is equation 1
And 3x+4y=1….




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