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Interviewing skills

Interviewing skills Interviewing skills can be used in a wide variety of settings. Let us now turn our focus to how those skills may be applied.  Think of a career you are interested in pursuing after you complete your degree. If you are not certain about what type of career you may pursue, think about … Read more

Watch video: engineering

Watch video: engineering THis is the link watch the video and write what you learn about engineering from video just one page make it simple       ……………….Answer Preview………………. It is a fact that architect and engineers are really obsessed with the idea of coming up with the tallest building in the world. … Read more

DFS, Files, Directories and Shares

  DFS, Files, Directories and Shares From the first e-Activity, examine the key benefits afforded to an organization that utilizes Distributed File System (DFS) technologies. Determine whether or not you believe DFS could be a viable option for file recovery purposes when an incident or a disaster occurs. Justify your response. From the second e-Activity, … Read more

Sophie’s Choice

Sophie’s Choice 1  After watching the video: answer the following questions a.  What’s the best part about working at your company (or prior company) that a visitor won’t be able to see from just a walk around the office? b.  What are the most common complaints employees make about your company’s culture? c.  What … Read more

Evaluating Bias in Research

Evaluating Bias in Research Read the article titled, “As drug industry’s influence over research grows, so does the potential for bias,” located at Review the six (6) rules of critical thinking (Chapter 1) and the steps of “Doing Sociology: A Student’s Guide to Research” (Chapter 2). Student Success Tip: As you review the steps, … Read more

How to work with persons from different cultures

How to work with persons from different cultures Research current information about the demographics of your own state. List the main minority groups and (if applicable) specific cultural subgroups living in your state, as well as living within your own part of the state. Select two of these groups and identify the steps you would … Read more

Scenario on Juvenile Crime

Scenario on Juvenile Crime In a 1-2 page paper, develop a restorative justice plan where David is allowed to “repair the harm” he created in the neighborhood. Be specific and use programs from your readings to help devise a plan. Remember that the purpose of the program is to help victims feel the wrong against … Read more

Company Research worksheet

Company Research worksheet I opening up my own Daycare and I live in Alabama Choose a company that you would like to work for either in the immediate future or down the road. Conduct research to gain some insight into what they have to offer. Your research must feature at least two quality sources of … Read more

Assignment 1: Health Policy and Law Basics

Assignment 1: Health Policy and Law Basics Due Week 3 and worth 150 points As a chief operating officer of a hospital, you have been tasked with opening a new ambulatory care center in your city. Write a 2-3 page paper in which you: Specify whether you would utilize the professional autonomy, social contract, or … Read more

Creating a strategic plan

Creating a strategic plan You are the principal of a school that has the following demographics: 2,300 students in 4 grades, of which 44% are Hispanic, 26% are Caucasian, 22% are African-American, and 8% are Asian. Fifty-one percent are from economically disadvantaged homes. There are reports that there have been increased incidents of bullying (both … Read more

What makes data mining an important business tool

3. What makes data mining an important business tool? What types of information does data mining produce? In what type of circumstance would you advise a company to use data mining?       ………………Answer Preview…………… Data mining is an important business tool because being one of the data analysis tool, it helps users to … Read more

How do you get someone to like something that they hate?

How do you get someone to like something that they hate?   ……………..Answer Preview…………….  I believe that there are numerous ways to get people to do things that they do not like. First of all, it is important to understand the source of the hatred. Why do they hate the thing so much? For instance … Read more

Obergefell v. Hodges

Obergefell v. Hodges In recent Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges, the Court held in a 5–4 decision that the fundamental right to marry is guaranteed to same-sex couples by both the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Previously, this issue had been left … Read more

14 Questions on Computer science topic

What are some of the key characteristics of Web 2.0? What are at least 3 types of questions you should ask yourself when trying to develop a virtual team and the technologies to support them?   Resoruces: What binds together virtual teams? Some answers from three case studies   What are some benefits when marketing … Read more

A recent trend in the consumer marketplace is the ability for a consumer to share their personal belongings

A recent trend in the consumer marketplace is the ability for a consumer to share their personal belongings Read the article: “Airbnb and the Unstoppable Rise of the Share Economy“. A recent trend in the consumer marketplace is the ability for a consumer to share their personal belongings, such as their homes/apartments, autos, tools, bicycles, … Read more

AppLocker versus Software Restriction Policies

AppLocker versus Software Restriction Policies From the e-Activity, compare and contrast Software Restriction Policies and AppLocker from an application control function. Suggest two (2) situations that would influence your decision if you were choosing to use either Software Restriction Policies or AppLocker within a network environment. As common knowledge suggests, many organizations limit or restrict … Read more

USB connections

USB connections Give your opinion on why there are so many different types of USB connections that exist among today’s computing devices. Assess the need for such variation in the computing industry. Per the text, there are several steps one should follow when investigating a problem with a USB port. Identify two (2) issues that … Read more

Assignment 2.1: Justification Report – Part 1

Assignment 2.1: Justification Report – Part 1 Due Week 3 and worth 150 points In Assignments 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3, you will be building up a formal, researched justification report (one part at a time) that culminates in a recommendation to implement a particular product, service, or program in your place of employment. This recommended … Read more

Audit Risks

“Audit Risks” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, analyze whether or not investors who were misled by relying on financial statements could hold the audit firm liable for audit failure either by common or securities laws. Provide a rationale for your response. According to an article in the CPA Journal, the accounting profession has … Read more

BUS 340 Wk 4 Assignment and organizational differences

BUS 340 Wk 4 Assignment and organizational differences What organizational differences, if any, do you see in the way each corporation discusses its annual performance? Is the data presented clearly so that shareholders can draw conclusions about how well the company performed? What goals, challenges, and plans do top managers emphasize in their discussion of … Read more

Assignment 1: The Effects of War and Peace on Foreign Aid

Assignment 1: The Effects of War and Peace on Foreign Aid Use the Internet to research one (1) developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of the effects that war and peace have on the distribution of foreign aid, as well as the material covered by the Webtext and lectures in … Read more

Impact of group membership or memberships as they relate to population

Impact of group membership or memberships as they relate to population Sue and Sue (2013) illustrated similarities and differences among people, and the powerful influence of perceived group membership on how we view others and how we view ourselves with this saying: “All individuals, in many respects, are (a) like no other individuals, (b) like … Read more

Geologic exploration project

Geologic exploration project Find information about a geologic exploration project that has been conducted recently, but no later than within the past 20 years (1995 to present ONLY). Describe specific details and information about the following: NAMEof the project the LOCATION of the project the PURPOSE of the project (be specific) KEY FINDINGSassociated with the project (be … Read more

Tabula Rasa

Tabula Rasa Select one topic from the list below and post a grammatically correct short response (minimum of 250 words) in your own words that fully addresses the question(s) asked. Make a case for Descartes’ proposition, “I think, therefore I am.” Now make an equally convincing case against this proposition. Identify and explain the nature of each … Read more

Depression and anxiety disorders

Depression and anxiety disorders Discussions are fundamental to shared learning, so please be sure to participate early and often! After you have completed the Reading, and without reviewing your classmate’s responses, post your initial response to the following Discussion. Your post should be at least 200–250 words in length and should extend the discussion of … Read more

Assignment 2.2: Justification Report – Part 2

Assignment 2.2: Justification Report – Part 2 In Part 1 of your Justification Report assignment, you built up the following sections: Problem Statement, Overview of Alternatives, Criteria, and Methods. In Part 2, you will revise Part 1 based on your instructor’s suggestions and add to it the following sections: Evaluation of Alternatives, Findings and Analysis, … Read more

Human Resource Management Overview

Human Resource Management Overview Using the course readings, articles, and your personal experiences, address the role of human resource management. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Determine key roles that human resource management plays in the health care field. Evaluate three to five (3-5) functions of human resource management in … Read more

Doctoral Discussion: Fostering Sustainability in Higher Education

Doctoral Discussion: Fostering Sustainability in Higher Education The reading, “Fostering Sustainability in Higher Education: A Mixed-Methods Study of Transformational Leadership and Change Strategies” presents an application of mixed research methodology. Discuss whether or not mixed research methodology is appropriate for this study. What would be the advantages and/or disadvantages of investigating this research question from either … Read more

Persuasive Essay on theology

Persuasive Essay on Theology Persuasive essay on understanding the spirit world. 1. View the 30 min video ——> 2. Write a 3 page, singled spaced, times romans 12 point font, persuasive essay.   ……………….Answer Preview……………. Understanding the Spirit World As (Damon & Remirez, 2015) puts it, many people in their living do not understand … Read more

Discussion ADA; Supported Living; Job Coaching

Discussion ADA; Supported Living; Job Coaching No unread replies.No replies. NOTE EARLY END TIME!ADA rules are vast and there are many of them.  Give these things a looks see…  then give an impression of why they’re important and what they mean for our disabled citizens…  be sure to reference somewhere how our children are affected by … Read more

What role does politics and the economy play in your social problem?

What role does politics and the economy play in your social problem? 2-3 pages in length. The Module 5 SLP requires that you do the following: Step One What role does politics and the economy play in your social problem? Step Two Review the key pieces from the course that would be need to be … Read more

History question: Truman Doctrine

History question: Truman Doctrine I need 4 paragraphs 4 sentences to each paragraph. It is for the same course I am taking History1302 textbook Give me liberty 4th edition volume 2. Explain the Truman Doctrine and the specific terms of the Marshall plan.       ……………Answer Preview………… The impact of the Truman Doctrine and … Read more

All leaders need some degree of power to be effective

All leaders need some degree of power to be effective, but more power Provide your thoughts on the observation above. Do you agree or disagree with what is being said? Why? Provide examples to help support your position. 1 Paragraph       …………Answer Preview……….. I absolutely agree with the observation. Leaders need to influence … Read more

History 1302: Ethnic city

History 1302: Ethnic city Need help on a history question I am currently taking History 1302  and the textbook I am reading is Give me Liberty 4th edition Volume 2 by Eric Forner. The question posted below is in regards to chapter 18. I look forward to your response. The paper has to be a … Read more

Auerbach Enterprises

Auerbach Enterprises Original and Plagiarism free Answer label each part, paragraphs should be at least 5 sentences with introduction and conclusion paragraphs Complete: Case 3A (Auerbach Enterprises). In this case, you are provided the overhead cost data for the Auerbach Enterprises.  Management needs advice in determining how to allocate these costs utilizing a job order … Read more

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, Franklin D. Roosevelt

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, Franklin D. Roosevelt why is this your favorite quote “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” (Franklin D. Roosevelt) 1 paragraph       …………Answer Preview………… The above phrase is one of my favorite quotes. This is because it has such a … Read more

Describe the working condition

Describe the working condition 300-400 word essay     …………..Answer Preview………. Introduction Stress is said to be a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity which is desired and for which the outcome is perceived to be quite important and uncertain. In an organization, stress is often discussed in a negative … Read more

Roles of immigrants, women, and children in the New Age of American Industry

Roles of immigrants, women, and children in the New Age of American Industry Describe the working conditions and roles of immigrants, women, and children in the New Age of American Industry.     …………Answer Preview…………… It is a fact that immigrant labor is one of the facts that fueled the rapid industrialization that characterized economy … Read more

Drug Profile Paper

Drug Profile Paper Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you identify abused substances and their various effects. Include the following: Explain the psychology and physiology of addiction. Identify specific drug substances covering the following categories: stimulants, depressants, narcotics, hallucinogens, and cannabis. Discuss the addiction potential of various abused substances, what effects they have, and … Read more

CIS 552 Term Paper Redesigning Security Operations

CIS 552 Term Paper Redesigning Security Operations Imagine you have recently been hired as the Information security director at a start-up health care research firm, where confidential client data is housed in its Data Center. Currently, the company has 100 employees and expects to expand its workforce to 300 in the next three (3) months … Read more

Compare and contrast food and drink in your daily, personal life

Compare and contrast food and drink in your daily, personal life This essay must be four to five pages, double-spaced. I attach some photos from my textbook to provide guide and tip of writing this assignment. Please use pink highlighted words as much as possible. !!!PLEASE 100% PLAGIARISM FREE!!! Please write about the following topic: compare and … Read more

Telos and the Roles You Play

Telos and the Roles You Play Describe an area in your own life that you believe requires certain virtues in order to do well.  This might be an occupation, an activity or hobby, a role you play (mother, friend, husband, mentor, etc.), and so on.  Explain what this is, and what the “telos” of this … Read more

Financial statement ratios

Financial statement ratios On your own words, 1. If you could choose three financial statement ratios, in which to utilize and analyze a company for investment, lending, or employment purposes, which three financial statement ratios would you choose, and what information would these ratios provide? 2. Please compare and contrast two of the following inventory valuation … Read more

Accounting Standards Boards

Accounting Standards Boards No grammar errors, no plagiarism!! – (Plagiarism check prior to release of fund) The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) are currently working on a joint venture referred to as the convergence project. Write a 1100 word paper describing the relationship between the IASB and the … Read more

Justice system 25 multiple choice questions

Justice system 25 multiple choice questions Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet) Which view of incorporation favors incorporation of certain protections enumerated in the Bill 1. of Rights, but not all of them? It deems certain rights as being more critical or fundamental than others. Total Incorporationa. Selective Incorporationb. Total … Read more

Abstract: The Color Purple

Abstract: The Color Purple Write a paper on The color Purple. I only need the abstract. About 200 words     …………….Answer Preview…………… Thesis statement:The Color Purpleis a glance at the trials and tribulationsfaced by black women in the early twentieth century. Abstract Alice Walker’s The Color Purple addresses the plight of Celie and her … Read more

Virtual worlds for education

2-3 page report on a cutting edge educational technology you can choose a technology that you think has had the biggest impact, something you are interested in, or something you want to know more about from a technological perspective. In your report, be sure to explain the technology, how it can be used for education, … Read more

SWOT analysis

SWOT Analysis Select an industry, such as the gambling industry, to complete a SWOT analysis. Access the profile overview for the selected industry: In the University Library, click Company Directory and Financials. Click Hoover’s First Research. Click Continue. Click Submit. Type gambling (or your selected industry) in the search box, and click to continue. Gambling (or the selected industry of choice) should … Read more

Wireless sensor networks OR distributed operating systems

Wireless sensor networks OR distributed operating systems Review several articles on the subject of wireless sensor networks OR distributed operating systems that appeared in a recent computing magazine or academic journal (older than 5 years is not acceptable) and include the following: Give a summary of the article, including the primary topic, your own summary … Read more

Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research

Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research To prepare for this Discussion: •  Review the Campbell and Stanley text, Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research, as well as the Discussion questions and responses from Week 1. •  Consider the focus of the research you would like to propose as part of your final research proposal. Also … Read more

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