PSYC 421 Interviewing Presentation
PSYC 421 Interviewing Presentation You will create a PowerPoint or Prezi ( presentation that overviews how to properly conduct a psychological interview. Content: You will be graded on how well you integrate course content and research into your presentation. For full credit, you must include the key principles of interviewing (e.g., preparation, introductions, open … Read more
PSYC421 Barnum Effect Presentation
PSYC421 Barnum Effect Presentation You will create a PowerPoint or Prezi ( presentation discussing the Barnum Effect. In addition, you will collect data from 5 people (friends, family, coworkers, etc.). You will give them the following test: Then, ask them to rate the accuracy of their results on a scale of 1 to 10 … Read more
International Business Law Final Assignment
International Business Law Final Assignment Short Answer (2 points each) 1. In the case of Global-Tech Appliances, Inc., et al. v. SEB, SA, 131 S.Ct. 2060 (2011), which involved inducement of direct patent infringement, the Court applied a mens rea (state of mind) that is traditionally found in criminal law to the “knowing” state of mind now required for inducement of patent infringement. What is that state of mind? 2. With respect to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), what is the state of mind required for the elements of making the prohibited payment directly or indirectly to a foreign official? 3. In an internal investigation in connection with the possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) an attorney conducting the investigation must advise company personnel and witnesses who she interviews that, with respect to her role, she is the attorney for——. 4. In the case of Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum, 132 S.Ct. 1659 (2013), the Court held that the Alien Tort Statute could apply to conduct that occurred outside of the United States only when the evidence shows what? 5. There are two types of personal jurisdiction. What are they? 6. With regard to personal jurisdiction, what are the words that the courts use to describe the test that must be satisfied in order for the requirement of Due Process to be met? 7. As contrasted between mediation and arbitration, in order to enforce arbitration, the courts must find that there was a——between the parties in which the arbitration agreement is contained. 8. As contrasted between mediation and arbitration, a mediator does not make findings of fact or conclusions of —-, but an arbitrator does. What is that difference? 9. If a party does not abide by an arbitrator’s decision, the winning party may file what type of action to enforce the arbitrator’s decision? 10. The DOJ frequently uses a————when investigating a corporation for a potential criminal offense to encourage the corporation to cooperate. What is it that the DOJ frequently uses? 11. When designing a compliance and ethics program, you must keep in mind that the Organizational Sentencing Guidelines will result in a court evaluating that program to make sure that it is an———program. What is the term used in the Sentencing Guidelines? 12. If a Board of Directors does not establish a compliance and ethics program in a corporation, what fiduciary duty has the Board breached? 13. A compliance and ethics program should contain, as part of the compliance dimension, a focus on understanding the legal rules that apply to the particular business, the risks involved, and what it takes to comply with the law. In contrast, the ethics portion of any compliance and ethics program should be —–based. 14. In addition to having a compliance and ethics program and continuous training on the program, a compliance and ethics program must have ———–. 15. The Dodd-Frank Act required the Securities and Exchange Commission to set up what type of program for whistleblowers? True/False (2 points each) 1. American Antitrust law does not apply extraterritorially even if such antitrust conduct has a direct, substantial, and reasonably foreseeable effect on U.S. commerce or on the business of a person engaged in exporting goods from the U.S. to foreign nations. True/False? 2. Title VII (employment law provisions regarding discrimination in employment), does not apply extraterritorially to employees of U.S. companies abroad. True/False? 3. American patent law (excluding inducement of patent infringement) does not apply extraterritorially. True/False? 4. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act applies only to U.S. persons and corporations and not to non-U.S. persons. True/False? 5. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act has been held by the courts to apply extraterritorially. True/False? 6. If an employee proves a prima facie case of employment discrimination under Title VII, the burden of production shifts to the employer to prove a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) which will be a defense under Title VII unless the employee plaintiff proves that the alleged BFOQ is a pretext i.e. is an unjustified and unsupported excuse advanced by the employer. True/False? Shorter Essay (2 points) 1. Other than court-ordered mediation, both mediation and arbitration should be considered to be voluntary. Explain. Bonus Question (10 points) Trust is, or at least should be, an organizing principle in business relationships. Assuming that is true, does the “fairness doctrine,” which is part of the Fiduciary Duty of Loyalty, as applied in American courts, support the concept of trust as between a board of directors and a director who had an undisclosed conflict of interest? ……………..Answer Preview………… In the case of Global-Tech Appliances, Inc., et al. v. SEB, SA, 131 S.Ct. 2060 (2011), which involved inducement of direct patent infringement, the Court applied a mens rea (state of mind) that is traditionally found in criminal law to the “knowing” state of mind now required for inducement of patent infringement. What is that state of mind? The state of mind means that a fault element of inducement must be described in … Read more
MGT 330 Steps of Control
MGT 330 Steps of Control Explain why the four steps involved in the controlling function are important. Why is a good understanding of the various ratios used by accountants and managers important to the controlling function? Give specific examples. Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length. Baack, D., Reilly, M., & Minnick, … Read more
Law Questions
Law Questions 1. Flagiello was a patient at Pennsylvania Hospital when she injured her ankle unrelated to her reason for admission. She brought suit against the hospital claiming that their negligence in maintaining the property resulted in her injury. The trial court dismissed the matter because of the established state common law of the charitable immunity … Read more
Assignment 2: LASA 1: Case Studies Presentation
Assignment 2: LASA 1: Case Studies Presentation By Wednesday, June 15, 2016, create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to educate a group of medical students participating in their grand rounds. There should be at least ten slides in your Microsoft PowerPoint as well as a title slide and a slide listing all your sources for creating … Read more
PSY105- “Mental Disorders”
PSY105- “Mental Disorders” Analyze the factors (both genetic and environmental) contributing to the development of a specific mental disorder (of your choice). Discuss steps that could be taken to reduce the incidence of the disorder that you had identified above. Be sure to focus on prevention, not treatment. ………Answer Preview…….. The chosen … Read more
Tricare information essay ONLY docx
Tricare information essay ONLY docx Thoroughly describe Tricare insurance by preparing a one page, double spaced response to the following scenario: You have been hired by the Veteran’s Administration, and in your role, you have been asked to explain TRICARE insurance to the new recruits. What would tell these recruits about TRICARE insurance?” … Read more
Medicaid information essay NO pdf files ONLY docx
Medicaid information essay NO pdf files ONLY docx Thoroughly describe Medicaid insurance by preparing a one page, double spaced response to the following scenario. You are employed at your state Medicaid office as a billing training specialist. Dr. Maxwell has asked you to come to his office and do a Lunch and Learn for his … Read more
International Marketing
International Marketing Review 3 international marketing blunders that have occurred in the last 25 years and talk about how these blunders could have been avoided. Analyze the cultural misunderstandings that led to these marketing mistakes? ……………Answer Preview…………… The world is rapidly shrinking, thanks to faster communication, financial flows and transportation. Products originating from … Read more
Optimizing Performance
Optimizing Performance Explain three (3) approaches that network administrators can use in order to ensure a fault tolerant network design without a single point of failure. Of the three (3) approaches discussed, determine the single approach that you would recommend for an enterprise network. Justify your choice. From the e-Activity, examine two (2) strategies for … Read more
ENG102: The Color Purple outline and an abstract
Outline and an abstract: The Color Purple Could you please write an outline and an abstract for this essay Introduction In “The Color Purple” by Alice Walker,Celie has been verbally, physically, and sexally abused by different men and has no real narrative voice. Which leaves her with little sense of self worth making her unable … Read more
psychology- Erik Erikson’s theory of human development
psychology- Erik Erikson’s theory of human development Describe how Erik Erikson in his work “Childhood and Society” uses his theory of human development to understand how the traditional cultural practices of child rearing and rituals of the Native American Sioux contribute to their value formation. How do they differ from European and American peoples? Answer … Read more
Explain validity and reliability and distinguish between the 2 concepts.
Explain validity and reliability and distinguish between the 2 concepts. Explain validity and reliability and distinguish between the 2 concepts. Be sure to provide an example of each concept. Which one is more important? Why? What are the three aspects of accurate measurement? reference Ellis, L., Walsh, A., & Hartley, R. D. (2010). Research Methods … Read more
philosophy contribution to riots
philosophy contribution to riots How does philosophy speak to and contribute to our understanding the Freddie Gray riots? ………….Answer Preview…………. First of all you need to read and understand the Freddie Gray riot, its cause and what triggered to it. Then you talk…………… APA 60 Words
What is the nature of Scientific Variables?
What is the nature of Scientific Variables? In a 500 word essay, please explain what you understand by Scientific Variable. What is the nature of Scientific Variables? Please provide three examples of Scientific Variables. APA format …………..Answer Preview………….. Abstract The paper will look at the definition of variable and a discussion concerning variables. We will … Read more
Selling Medical Ultrasound Technology in Asia
Selling Medical Ultrasound Technology in Asia Selling Medical Ultrasound Technology in Asia.pdf This is a take-home assignment. You are to answer the questions in the way(s) that you believe are the most thorough, most descriptive, and most analytical. You are to compose a short paper that addresses all questions asked at the end of the … Read more
CIS111 Assignment 2 Normalization
CIS111 Assignment 2 Normalization Suppose that you are the database developer for a local college. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) has asked you to provide a summary of normalizing database tables that the IT staff will use in the upcoming training session. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Describe the … Read more
Essay 350-500 words. International Business Unit #1
Essay 350-500 words. International Business Unit #1 2. Contrast common law, civil law, customary law, and theocratic law. …………..Answer Preview…………. It is quite important to note that notion of legal system means having unity of legal phenomena that describe legal life of specific state or society. Therefore, there is no universal legal … Read more
What is a good quote that demonstrates that Carton’s appearance was fate?
What is a good quote that demonstrates that Carton’s appearance was fate? In A tale of two cities by Charles Dickens, what is a good quote that demonstrates that Carton’s appearance during Darnay’s trial was fate? Also, what page is that quote on? Please provide analysis as well …………..Answer Preview……….. Mr. Carton’s manner was … Read more
Computer Uses and Design Considerations
Computer Uses and Design Considerations Discuss whether design considerations need to change for each kind of computer users. Support your answer with an example. …………….Answer Preview……… Yes I believe that design considerations need to change for each kind of computer user. We have different computer tools that are designed for use by developers, … Read more
The Object Oriented Approach
The Object Oriented Approach You are having a discussion with a systems analyst who has been in the field for 30 years. He makes the statement that traditional methods of systems design are far superior to the object-oriented approach. How would you explain to him the rationale behind using the object-oriented approach? … Read more
ABC Threads: Network Issues
ABC Threads: Network Issues The headquarters of ABC threads, which is a large Textile Company located in Dallas, Texas has its network administrator, based in Houston. Mac is the network administrator and was conducting a routine maintenance on the network. While conducting the maintenance Mac came across a ticket opened by an employee. On further … Read more
Ebola at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital
“Ebola at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital” Watch the video titled “Full interview: Matt Lauer and Dallas nurse Briana Aguirre” (17 min 25 s), located below/here.Next, respond to the following questions. Texas Presbyterian nurse Briana Aguirre who treated Ebola stricken colleagues announced publicly that her protective outfit had rips, as well as gaps in it – … Read more
Ethics and Trust in Critical Thinking Decisions
“Ethics and Trust in Critical Thinking Decisions” Imagine you are seeking information on a new car that you are thinking of buying. Determine the level of trust that you would place in information provided by the following: a salesman at the car lot, the dealer’s Website, social media (i.e. Facebook), an associate from work, and … Read more
Consciousness psychology
consciousness psychology Each response should be in your own words and should be around 75-100 words minimum and submitted in APA format. Each question should show an understanding from the textbook and what you learned during the readings.Each Question is worth 25 points. Psychological research can raise concern on ethical issues. Most issues are focused … Read more
The Scientific Method and Criminal Justice as a Social Science
The Scientific Method and Criminal Justice as a Social Science What is Science? What are the features of the scientific methods? What types of questions are addressed by Social Scientists? Briefly discuss other disciplines that utilize Social Science Research Methods. Incorporate ALL of the questions into your forum post (minimum of 500 words for ALL … Read more
The Great Depression essay
The Great Depression essay Reflect: The Great Depression and World War II represented tumultuous years for Americans. From the widespread and appalling poverty of the Great Depression to the horror and excitement of World War II, consider the ways that Americans were forced to work together for the good of each other and the nation. … Read more
Conducting an independent online search regarding smartphones
Conducting an independent online search regarding smartphones Conduct an independent online search regarding smartphones, such as Apple’s iPhone. In a 1-2 page Word document, address the following prompts: Briefly summarize the history of smartphones. How has the increased presence of smartphones changed the way people access information? What are some of the features that users … Read more
Blue Nile Discussion question
Blue Nile Discussion question please make a well thought comment to the text. Your comments should either improve the post or add a different example that enhance the post to receive credit. Threads for Blue Nile – Maloy COLLAPSE Threats for Blue Nile Competitors – One of the threats for Blue Nile is its competitors. Blue Nile has … Read more
Consumer and Shareholder Protection
Consumer and Shareholder Protection You are tasked with writing a blog post discussing Facebook’s stance on consumer privacy in the digital age. Additionally, you must comment on at least one of your peers’ blogs. Demonstrate your knowledge by using concepts presented in Chapter 15. Note: Review pages 342-345 in particular. ……………..Answer Preview………….. … Read more
Assignment 2.2: Justification Report – Part 2
Assignment 2.2: Justification Report – Part 2 In Part 1 of your Justification Report assignment, you built up the following sections: Problem Statement, Overview of Alternatives, Criteria, and Methods. In Part 2, you will revise Part 1 based on your instructor’s suggestions and add to it the following sections: Evaluation of Alternatives, Findings and Analysis, … Read more
Case # 5- Blue Nile
Case # 5- Blue Nile Please read Case # 5- Blue Nile at the case section of the textbook. (You can do external research if you like to gather more information. Please cite the source each time you gather information from an external source and include detailed references. No credit will be given for an information if there … Read more
Juvenile Justice
Assignment: Case Study Juvenile Justice Read the case study below and write a 4–5 page essay that addresses the questions that follow the case study. Case Study — Charlie: You have been appointed three key roles in the juvenile justice system: Judge, Juvenile Police Officer, and Probation Officer. Today in court this case was presented. Charlie … Read more
Case Study 2: Application Architecture
Case Study 2: Application Architecture Due Week 8 and worth 50 points You have been tasked with building a payroll program for a large organization with offices spread across the United States. The company has one larger data center that each office connects to via a wide area network (WAN). Write a 3-4 page paper … Read more
Assignment 2: Global Warming: Cause and Mitigation
Assignment 2: Global Warming: Cause and Mitigation Among the most controversial topics in physical science, global warming has received a great deal of attention during the past decade. Given its great impacts on both humans and the environment, lawmakers and scientists must weigh heavily the information that they are presented. Explore this debate in more … Read more
Bottling Company Case Study
Bottling Company Case Study Due Week 10 and worth 140 points Imagine you are a manager at a major bottling company. Customers have begun to complain that the bottles of the brand of soda produced in your company contain less than the advertised sixteen (16) ounces of product. Your boss wants to solve the problem … Read more
Journal 4: Marketing Plan Part E: Distribution Plan and Promotions
Journal 4: Marketing Plan Part E: Distribution Plan and Promotions You will now consider mechanisms by which your customers will purchase your products and / or services (e.g., online, storefront, direct sells) and the primary manner in which you intend to reach new customers (e.g.,TV, radio, social media, special events). Consider the marketing materials that … Read more
constitutional due process, civil rights, use of deadly force and police brutal
Constitutional due process, civil rights, use of deadly force and police brutal This week’s reading provides overview of the research on enforcing the law. As well as, provides an overview about the nature and functioning of courts. Write about the six areas in which police departments have been found to be defective or deficient according to … Read more
PSY302 Positive Psychology
PSY302 Positive Psychology Positive psychology focuses on improving the performance and morale of employees. In this week’s chapters, we learned that positive psychology plays a large role in an organization’s performance appraisals and/or training and development. In your own words, define positive psychology. Explain how positive psychology manifests itself in your workplace. Assess whether positive … Read more
Overcrowding in megacities Essay
Overcrowding in megacities Complete this Template file and essay / (Above all, making a template first until tomorrow then complete within a week) Q> Read through the essay question and identify the main topic and the questions the require answering with at least 10 references. 1.What the consequences of overcrowding in megacities? 2.what are the potential … Read more
Psychology Cognitive theorists
Psychology Cognitive theorists Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky were two influential theorists during the 20th century – each with a unique spin on how children best learn. Include: Describe what did each theorist thought Compare and contrast their theories on research Explain which theorist you think best explained cognitive development in children and why you … Read more
Input Design
Input Design Explain what principle you believe is the MOST essential in developing an input design, and justify your choice. ………………Answer Preview…………… The most important principle is consistency. It is always important for users to predict what will happen next before a function is performed. This is thus a very….
Late Medieval Art, Literature, and Plague
Late Medieval Art, Literature, and Plague Discusion question: 150 words minimum ….. Quote a one (1) or two (2) line section that you enjoy from Petrarch, Chaucer, Boccaccio, or Christine de Pisan, and provide your reason(s) for the choice. Next, describe the historical significance of the writer whose work you have chosen. Comment on the … Read more
Assignment: The Key Concepts in Economics
Assignment: The Key Concepts in Economics Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Identify at least four (4) key points of a relevant economic article from either the Strayer Library or a newspaper. The article must deal with any course concepts covered in Weeks 1-8. Apply one (1) of the following … Read more
Public order crimes
Public order crimes This week’s reading provides overview of the research on public order crimes, international crimes and comparative criminology. After reviewing the reading for week 6, as well as the week 6 discussion articles in the lesson for this week, discuss/debate with your classmates your position on which factors you feel play a greater … Read more
Strategic Planning PowerPoint
Strategic Planning PowerPoint Create a Strategic Planning PowerPoint for Best Buy using the template provided. Presentation should include detailed notes (under the notes section of your PowerPoint), may include key findings from the analyses you already provided throughout this course, and should bring the audience towards your final strategic suggestions. is an integration of all … Read more
Memory Discussion question
Memory Discussion question Briefly describe a situation where you or another person remembered an experience or situation differently. Apply what you have learned in Chapter 7 in an analysis of why your memories may have differed. Provide specific examples to support your response. ………………Answer Preview…………….. We have a very close relationship with … Read more
Brazil: An Emerging Economy with Strategic Competitiveness
Brazil: An Emerging Economy with Strategic Competitiveness Please watch the video clip posted on the Module 1 forum and read the passage be. With stagnant economies across the world, Brazil’s economy is growing at 7%–3 times faster than America. Brazil is a huge country being slightly larger than the continental US with vast expanses of airable … Read more
Foreign Currency Transactions and International Financial Reporting Standards
Foreign Currency Transactions and International Financial Reporting Standards Analyze the main reasons why a company might prefer a foreign currency option over a forward contract in hedging a foreign currency firm commitment. In contrast, analyze the main reasons why a company might prefer a forward contract over an option in hedging a foreign currency asset … Read more