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Personal Freedom and Consequences to Others

Personal Freedom and Consequences to Others

Should seatbelt laws be a primary violation?  Should the police be able to stop someone based solely on not wearing their safety belt, or should this be a secondary violation?
In the Commonwealth of Virginia, we the police can only stop someone for another violation, i.e. speeding, and issue a seatbelt summons if they were legally stopped for a primary violation.
Should this be the way it is or a primary violation?

Required text

Williams, C. R., & Arriago, B. A. (2012). Ethics, crime, and criminal justice (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

All questions need answered, and references posted apa style, I normally use one to two references thanks




…………..Answer Preview…………..

Should seatbelt laws be a primary violation? 

Seatbelts laws should not be a primarily violation. This is because seatbelts are used to save people live and this is the reason why they should not be a primarily law violation. During the time of Alaska, many people lost their live because he had a mandatory law concerning seatbelts (Williams, & Arriago, 2012). For this reason, people under the age of 16 were primarily stopped and this increased the number of deaths after road accidents. Seatbelts have been used globally in order to save lives of people and reduce…


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