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Reading Assignment, Please help

Reading Assignment, Please help Reading & Literature Part II Section 3 Lesson 4__Assignment 4  Imagine that you have won the Nobel Peace Prize. Create an outline for the speech that you would give.  You will find an outline template under the announcements tab. Top of Form Bottom of Form   Use this outline as your template.   … Read more

American History question

American History question Looking for a brief summary on the following video. Looking for about 125 or so words     ………Answer Preview………. Ripples of hope is about Caesar Chavez, a former migrant laborer who was awarded the presidential freedom medal for his enthusiasm in fighting for the freedom of farmers. He noted the … Read more

On a piece of paper, Joelle writes, “I promise to pay Rio $1000 on demand.” Joelle signs the note.

On a piece of paper, Joelle writes, “I promise to pay Rio $1000 on demand.” Joelle signs the note. On a piece of paper, Joelle writes, “I promise to pay Rio $1000 on demand.” Joelle signs the note. What type of instrument is this? Is it negotiable? If not,why not? If anyone could help me … Read more

What possible drawbacks do you see associated with the expansion of expedited arbitration?

What possible drawbacks do you see associated with the expansion of expedited arbitration? What possible drawbacks do you see associated with the expansion of expedited arbitration?What, duty, if any, does an arbitrator have to parties to see that both are competently represented? Give arguments for and against the gender involvement of attorneys in arbitration, as … Read more

What is Organizational Effectiveness?

What is Organizational Effectiveness? Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that addresses the following components: Define organizational effectiveness. Apply theories of organizational effectiveness to the management of criminal justice personnel. Describe methods for exerting control in an organizational setting. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.         ………..Answer Preview…………. Organizational effectiveness is the concept … Read more

scholarly activity paper

scholarly activity paper Write a three to five page paper in which you answer the following questions: What are the social determinants of health? What factors determine the health of an individual, and how do they relate to the social determinants of health? Do you feel it is important to address in some way the … Read more

American History question (Lyndon Johnson)

American History question (Lyndon Johnson) According to his speech, what were LBJs goals for education in the United States? Do you think the nation accomplished those goals? Why or why not? Why is it necessary for a society to ensure its citizens are educated? Looking for an answer in about 125 or so words reference       … Read more

Substance Use Disorders

Substance Use Disorders Read the following two case scenarios: Initially, Jose used cocaine only on the weekends when he was out with friends. But now he uses it every day, even when alone. Jose spends nearly his entire paycheck on his cocaine use. His wife is threatening to divorce him, and he is close to … Read more

the Field of Behavior Analysis and Risk-Benefits Analysis

the Field of Behavior Analysis and Risk-Benefits Analysis For this Assignment, you will conduct a risk-benefit analysis for the implementation of a behavioral treatment which was used in a recent (within the past year if possible) scholarly peer reviewed journal. In one page or less, briefly describe the nature of the behavior targeted for change, … Read more

Serious writer please

Serious writer please Provide a synopsis of it and explain how it helps security or audit functions. It should show your analysis and critical thinking and is generally 1 or 2 pages       ………..Answer Preview………. The article expresses information concerning information security and the information management and audit. The article touches on different … Read more

Crime Reporting and Rates Response

Crime Reporting and Rates Response Write a 200- to 300-word response in which you address the following questions: What is the purpose of major crime-reporting programs? What makes a successful crime-reporting program in the United States? How do crime rates relate to arrest rates and clearance rates? Is there a way to improve the correlation between … Read more

Criminal Justice System Paper

Criminal Justice System Paper Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you explain the components of the criminal justice system and the criminal justice process. Include how the structure of the government relates to the criminal justice system. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.       ………..Answer Preview………….. The criminal justice system is referred as … Read more

Accounting Discussion Questions

Accounting Discussion Questions (Does not need to be APA format– no Min word) DQ# 1 How is the disposition of a long-term asset like land or equipment or a building recorded in the General Journal? What is the function of these entries (meaning, what do the accounts that are affected by the entries communicate to … Read more

American History question Kent State Killings

American History question Kent State Killings Brief summary about the Kent State killings (about 125-150 words)       …………Answer preview…………. Brief summary about the Kent State killings On Monday may 4, 1970 massacre occurred at Kent state university where four students were killed. It involved shooting of college students that were unarmed by … Read more

Labor Relation Questions

Labor Relation Questions Kennedy faced many international crises during his short tenure as president. Explain one of the Cold War crises Kennedy faced and evaluate how he resolved or handled it. Was Kennedy a successful Cold Warrior? Why or why not? looking for an answer in  about 125 or so words         … Read more

I need help please help

I need help please help Watch the Aging and Cognitive Changes video clip.  What cognitive challenges can be faced by adults as they age?  Conduct research to find a scholarly study (not from this week’s reading) that has shown how adults can either enhance their cognitive abilities or lessen their demise.  Explain this study, including … Read more

Pick a video and write 200-250 words

Pick a video and write 200-250 words I would like you to visit the website and search for a video that you think would be appropriate. Copy and paste the URL for your video in the space provided and then provide a 200-250 word explanation for why you think the video would be relevant and add … Read more

Source Rules Discussion Question

Source Rules Discussion Question You are the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a multinational corporation. Suggest a strategy to minimize the tax impact on foreign sourced income. Support your strategy with examples.  You are a CPA working as a tax professional who was bribed by a U.S.-based multi-national company to help that company avoid paying … Read more

Assignment 1 Client Letter

Assignment 1 Client Letter You are a CPA professional and are assisting a new client who is expanding a business that operates in the United States to having a global presence with operations in foreign countries. The new client is concerned about how he can mitigate the U.S. tax impact from revenue sourced in foreign … Read more

Help me with this please, if you can

Help me with this please, if you can In a Word document, show how you would use that(Audit Process.jpg ) process with the attached case study. This is your plan for conducting the audit for Dalton,Walton, & Carlton, Inc.You should write it as if they are your customer and will receive this document. Include a flowchart showing … Read more

Building an International Company

Building an International Company Grass Roots Company: How does a company grow to become an international entity? Identify one international company, trace its roots and explain a success and a challenge it had growing to an international status. Also, create a new product idea of your own and describe how you could take the company … Read more

comparing management and leadership

comparing management and leadership This week you learned about the differences between Management and Leadership. Managers and leaders are not inherently different types of people. Many managers possess abilities and qualities to be effective leaders. As well, leadership cannot replace management–it is in addition to management. Write a 2 page paper where you compare and contrast the term Management and Leadership. Address the following in … Read more

I need this to be paraphrased

I need this to be paraphrased I need this to be paraphrased. it cannot be the same and it needs to be 100 words. 527 DB1 Paula: Thank you for your interesting discussion post for this weeks topic. I think you chose an appropriate behavior to address. Utilizing a utensil appropriately is an extremely important … Read more

American History question (Vietnamization)

American History question (Vietnamization) Explain Nixon’s strategy of “Vietnamization” and evaluate whether it was successful. How did it reflect a shift in U.S. foreign policy? looking for about 125 or so words …………….Answer Preview………….. Vietnamization was a policy by President Nixon to counteract the Americanization policy that had been created by his predecessor, President Lyndon … Read more

differences between goods and services

differences between goods and services Explain the differences between goods and services. Give an example of a good and a service in the hospitality industry. At least 200 Words, and requires at least ONE source. APA Format.       …………..Answer  Preview…………… There are obvious differences between goods and services. This depends on analyzing the … Read more

Answer 20 EASY Tourism/Hospitality Multiple Choice Questions

Answer 20 EASY Tourism/Hospitality Multiple Choice Questions Question 1 1. An organization’s objectives should be _________. Answer short and few in number clear and specific clear and unreasonable long and open-ended 4 points   Question 2 1. Which stage of the product life cycle is characterized by retailers gradually carrying the product and consumer demand … Read more

Readiness and Stakeholder Analysis

Readiness and Stakeholder Analysis Part 1: Using the “Resistance Reducer” form below click on the link, articulate a change strategy under consideration for the change you have identified in the first two written assignments (links are below). Use the Resistance Reducer to rate each indicator related to preventing resistance, minimizing resistance, and tolerating resistance. Report … Read more

BUS 642 assign 4

BUS 642 assign 4 You will receive feedback on the previous week’s assignment by Sunday 11:59pm. Before you complete your Week Four assignment, please read your instructor’s comments about your Week Three assignment, as well as this week’s lecture. Be sure to include any suggested changes in your project going forward. In a five- to … Read more


POVERTY AND WEALTH ASSIGNMENT After watching the video Social Class in the United States: Fact or Fiction, respond to the following questions: Many people think the United States is a classless society. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer. After reading Thinking Critically About Social Problems: Rules for Avoiding Poverty on page 205 … Read more

Quantitative Questions

Quantitative Questions 1-Managers do not need to know the mathematical theory behind the techniques of management science in order to lead management science teams. 2-Once management makes its decisions, the management science team typically continues to work to implement the new plan. React and reflect to these two statements.complete and priginal answers     …………..Answer … Read more

Assignment 5-2 Research has found that the greatest risk of developing a major d

Assignment 5-2 Research has found that the greatest risk of developing a major depression Assignment 5-2 Research has found that the greatest risk of developing a major depression occurs between the ages of 15-24 and 35-44.  Your age group is certainly within the risk group.  Write an essay of 150-200 words explaining why depression is … Read more

PERFECT by natasha friend summary

PERFECT by natasha friend summary i need a 2 paragraph summary of PERFECT by natasha friend *no plagiarism         ……………Answer Preview…………… Isabella Lee a 13 years old girl is dealing with difficult issues in life. Her world turned upside down immediately after the death of her father. Before her father’s death, life seemed … Read more


Text-to-9-1-1 Homework Assignment #6 Successful advocacy starts with successful communication. It is important to explain to people why something is important, what the problems are, and how to work with the issues. It is important to do this succinctly – many people have a short attention span.  In this homework, you are working with this … Read more


Emiliano, The text of this piece is very tidy, and shows a clear reading and understanding of the article. The problem is, this submission contains a very thorough summary and nothing else. Per the assignment, you were to 1) Summarize and analyze the article and 2) Judge its effectiveness at getting its point across.   … Read more

Marketing Customer Service Unit 2

Marketing Customer Service Unit 2 Explain how a hands-on company, such as a tire company, might be able to effectively use the internet to meet customer needs.       ………………..Answer Preview………………. Hands-on company is a company that manufactures things majorly through human labor. In such a company, there is a high demand of products … Read more

Case Study: Cultural Competence

Case Study: Cultural Competence For this assignment, you will refer to the section “Course Case Study.” Reread the case study, looking specifically at issues related to cultural competence. Examine the ACA’s and APA’s ethical guidelines related to the issue of cultural competence and respond to the following: Describe the ethical issues related to cultural competence. … Read more

Case Study: Ethical Decision Making

Case Study: Ethical Decision Making Case Study: Ethical Decision Making Read the section “Course Case Study” and analyze the behavior of the counselor, as a professional, that you consider unethical or unprofessional. Write a brief summary of the questionable behavior. Substantiate the summary with reasons for your analysis. Next, identify how the counselor may have … Read more

Assignment 2: Normalization

Assignment 2: Normalization Suppose that you are the database developer for a local college. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) has asked you to provide a summary of normalizing database tables that the IT staff will use in the upcoming training session. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Describe the steps … Read more

Confirming Climate

Confirming Climate Describe a time when you found it difficult to confirm another person when you disagreed with him or her. Considering the information from this unit’s Reading, how could you apply the concepts of recognition, acknowledgement, and endorsement? What is the difference between confirming others as people and endorsing particular ideas or behaviors? 2. … Read more

MGT 6615 Mega Food Inc

MGT 6615 Mega Food Inc Based on the Mega Foods Inc case you just read answer the following questions. Use technical terms, principles, and frameworks in your responses. 1. Identify and specifically describe 3 to 5 major ethical issues you would encounter in the process of formulating your recommendation. In your response, please justify or … Read more

Positive and negative reinforcement

Positive and negative reinforcement Definepositive reinforcement Define negative reinforcement Definepunishment Show how you have applied and/or discuss how you will apply these choices to your daily life. Please also share your experiences regarding each one’s effectiveness in various situations. Finally, share something that you learned from Chapter Five that might change the way that you handle … Read more

How to remove car dents from a car

how to remove car dents from a car Research and write a 250 word paper on how to remove car dents from a car     ……………Answer Preview…………… Quite often we bump into other vehicles or objects and our cars get dents. It is expensive to always visit mechanics to repair such dents and thus … Read more

How has globalization affected profitability measurement? Please provide reference page

Profitability measurement How has globalization affected profitability measurement? Please provide reference page       ……………..Answer Preview………….. How has globalization affected profitability measurement?             Globalization has been widely used to measure profitability in organizations.  Globalization has affected the way business is run and has determined the business block of some organizations. Globalization ensures that business … Read more

Lessons Learned Analysis

Lessons Learned Analysis One key concept in project management is to learn from previous projects.  The Lessons Learned review allows an organization to collect and document the results of both successful and failed projects.  Give an overview of a project you were involved with as a leader or team member.  Choose three of the project … Read more

Assignment 1: Business Rules and Data Models

Assignment 1: Business Rules and Data Models Suppose a local college has tasked you to develop a database that will keep track of students and the courses that they have taken. In addition to tracking the students and courses, the client wants the database to keep track of the instructors teaching each of the courses. … Read more

Accounting environment question

Accounting environment question What are the elements of the accounting environment? How do these elements affect financial statements? Why are these important? How do these elements affect comparability between companies? Provide examples. Looking for an answer in 125-150 or so words         ……………….Answer Preview……………. An accounting environment is the environment inside of … Read more

Accounting- Debits and credits question

Accounting- Debits and credits question What are debits and credits? How do these affect the accounting equation? Are debits always increases? Are credits always decreases? Explain your answers. Looking for an answer in about 125 or so words please       ………………Answer Preview……………… Business transactions are the events that usually have monetary impact on … Read more

Soil Quality and Food Sustainability

Write a paper on Soil Quality and Food Sustainability     ……………..Answer Preview……………… Conservation and sustainable agriculture is a type of farming that employs minimal soil disturbance and permanent soil cover (no till and mulch, respectively) which can be combined with rotations. It is a more sustainable type of farming for the future, which can replace … Read more

Disease model versus positive psychology

Disease model versus positive psychology William is a 44-year old project manager for a large commercial construction firm. He started out as a gifted carpenter who greatly enjoyed designing and building custom furniture. However, after several promotions, he focuses on bringing in new business. He spends many work hours at his computer or on the … Read more

Disease model versus positive psychology

Disease model versus positive psychology Conduct a poll of at least five people by asking the following questions. Evaluate each answer and decide whether you would consider it as hedonic or eudaimonic, and record it in the table. Finally, answer the question below the table in 200-350 words. ·  What makes you happy? ·  Would … Read more

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