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MBTI assessment two parts

MBTI assessment two parts Complete the Web Resource activities in this unit. Then, assess your understanding of Units 1–3 by answering the questions inboth parts of the following Assignment. Part 1: What were the results of your MBTI assessment? Do you agree with these results? Why or why not? Explain how the MBTI assessments relate to … Read more

Computer Network Systems

Computer Network Systems Question 1 Discuss in details the difference between an application program and a systems program? Make sure to provide examples to justify your response.   Question 2 Grosch’s Law states that computer hardware power, as measured by the number of instructions processor can execute in a fixed time interval, increases in proportion … Read more

Biggest Challenges Facing Organizations in the Next 20 Years

Biggest Challenges Facing Organizations in the Next 20 Years In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines what you believe will be the biggest challenges facing organizations in the next twenty (20) years. Faculty Note: For students taking this course online, if there is a hardship for any student in being able … Read more

IT Controls Please respond to the following

IT Controls Please respond to the following Discuss at least three to five advantages and disadvantages of implementing an IT-based system. Identify at least four inherent operational and financial risks in using computerized reports. Propose at least two mitigation risk strategies, and justify your recommendation. Identify at least three risks that auditors need to consider … Read more

Improper Revenue Recognition

Improper Revenue Recognition e-Activity: Use the Internet to  research a recent accounting scandal within the past five years related to irregularities in financial statement reporting. From the e-Activity, discuss the major accounting issues, the key motivation behind management’s decision to misrepresent the results of their financial condition, the main impact to investors, and the method … Read more

Assignment: Outline of IT Solution and Next Steps -UMUC Haircuts

Assignment:  Outline of IT Solution and Next Steps -UMUC Haircuts  Your annotated outline will define and explain the IT solution you are proposing and address each of the next steps shown below that UMUC Haircuts will take to implement your technology solution. I.              Project Description: A.             Introduction 1.            Strategy for competitive advantage: (just name the … Read more

Working with Diverse Populations

Working with Diverse Populations Working with special populations in any field can present challenges that require special competencies. This is particularly true in the substance abuse field. There are many cultural factors that contribute to substance abuse and influence assessment and treatment approaches. In addition, specific demographic factors such as age, socioeconomic status, family composition, … Read more

Health Insurance and the Affordable Care Act

Health Insurance and the Affordable Care Act Suppose you have been tasked with purchasing health insurance for your organization that has fifty full-time employees. Write a 2-3 page paper in which you: 1.  Suggest one (1) plan that you would use to purchase health insurance for your organization. Determine the extent to which employee lifestyle … Read more

Nordstrom’s Performance Goals

Nordstrom’s Performance Goals This case focuses on the issue of performance. As discussed in the text, clear and effective goals help improve employee performance, reduce role stress conflict and ambiguity, and improve the evaluation of employees’ performance. The text also discusses the various elements that are involved in managing performance. These include defining performance, measuring … Read more

Effective Communication

Effective Communication Write a 500- to 700 word paper discussing the following: How do people communicate? Provide examples of verbal and nonverbal communication. In what way can knowledge of nonverbal communication help your communication with others?         …………….Answer Preview…………… How do people communicate? Provide examples of verbal and nonverbal communication.                 Communication is … Read more

Ratio Analysis Memo- Financial Accounting

Ratio Analysis Memo- Financial Accounting Access the information contained in your selected organization’s balance sheet and income statement to calculate the following: Liquidity ratios Current ratio Acid-test, or quick, ratio Receivables turnover Inventory turnover Profitability ratios Asset turnover Profit margin Return on assets Return on common stockholders’ equity Solvency ratios Debt to total assets Times interest … Read more

Assignment 2.2: Policemen of the World Final Paper

Assignment 2.2: Policemen of the World Final Paper Due Week 10 and worth 120 points You have already developed a thesis statement and developed an outline in which you explored two (2) real-life international incidents from the past five (5) years involving the United States involving the United States as a world power. Now you … Read more

Adult Learning Theory

Adult Learning Theory What value would it be to know that you were going to be training a class of persons between the ages of 20 and 35? Would it influence the approach you would take? How? Consider the ages of persons in the class mentioned in the previous question. What suggestions would you make … Read more

Humanities last paper for this class

Humanities As a way of experiencing the Humanities beyond your classroom, computer, and textbook, you are asked to do a certain type of “cultural activity” that fits well with our course and then report on your experience.   Your instructor will require you to propose an activity and get instructor approval before you do it … Read more

Time management and goals

Time management and goals Many new college students face obstacles throughout their academic careers. Being a successful student requires you to learn or continue to develop many skills, including time management, studying, and an understanding of learning styles and college-level work. One way to help yourself achieve your academic goals is to have a success … Read more

Questions- cross-cultural themes

QUESTIONs- Which of the cross-cultural themes discussed in Chapter 4 do you feel is most vital to the success of an MNC and why? QUESTION 2 In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges facing MNC’s in today’s economy and why? Allow for political, technological, and economic challenges. QUESTION 3 Characterize the future of US-based … Read more

Digital Technology Paper

Digital Technology Paper This is the second part of a three-part assignment, an individual assignment to research existing or emerging IT related technology and its ethical impact. You are required to use the topic from your C 1, attached below. Prepare a minimum 3- 5 page, double-spaced paper and Indicate appropriate (APA) reference citations for all sources you … Read more

Ethical leadership

Ethical leadership Discussion Topic: Please carefully explain why it is important to study ethical leadership? Based on your experiences, readings and our class discussions, what are some specific examples of ethical leadership and unethical leadership? In addition, what can a leader do to increase ethical behavior and decrease unethical practices in an organization? Please fully support … Read more

Valuation of Accounts Receivables

Valuation of Accounts Receivables *From the e-Activity, discuss the primary advantages and disadvantages of applying the direct write-off and the allowance method of writing off accounts. Even though the direct write-off method is not acceptable for generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) reporting, take a position on whether or not estimating the allowance for doubtful accounts … Read more

Government and the Arts

Government and the Arts Examine the U.S. Government’s support during the Great Depression for programs, such as the Federal Arts Project, the Federal Writers’ Project, and other such efforts. Determine whether or not such projects were good government investments during those hard times, and provide two (2) examples that support your viewpoint. Determine in what … Read more

Cloud Services

Cloud Services Many organizations are using cloud services to provide application and database services to their users and their customers. From the e-Activities, select one (1) organization that provides application or database support through cloud services. Explain the services that the organization provides through the cloud, and examine the business operation that is enhanced through … Read more


GB590_U3_Assignment instructions Identify two websites relevant to you and your career. These websites can be your company’s website, the website for a company you find interesting, an association that is relevant to your current job or profession, or a website that is relevant to your future planned career. An example of such a website is … Read more

Fraudulent Behavior

Fraudulent Behavior Beazer homes was the sixth largest U.S. home builder during the 1998-2006 housing boom.  Like other major home builders, Beazer’s market value grew by a factor of 8-10 during that period.  However, the new home market slowed in 2006 and then collapsed in 2007. The SEC alleged that Michael T. Rand, Beazer’s chief … Read more

Foreign Policy Observations

Foreign Policy Observations You have been appointed by the President of the United States to lead a committee to recommend tax policies that the U.S. could impose on a hostile foreign government. Choose a foreign country, and suggest and support why you chose this particular foreign country. Propose a strategy for addressing this inherent hostility. … Read more

Islamic belief

Islamic belief Islam means, at its root, “surrender”. How does Islamic belief and practice reflect the importance of surrendering to Allah?       …………….Answer Preview…………… Islam means, at its root, “surrender”. How does Islamic belief and practice reflect the importance of surrendering to Allah   In Arabic Islam means surrender or to submit to … Read more

Assignment 3: Philosophical and Practical Approach for Balancing Issues

Assignment 3: Philosophical and Practical Approach for Balancing Issues Due Week 10 and worth 200 points Before writing your position statement on Philosophical and Practical Approach for Balancing Issues, you should read Chapters 1 through11 in your textbook. Then, research at least three (3) peer-reviewed articles about individual rights, morality, ethics, individual rights, duty, or codes … Read more

Culture in Mohammads time

Culture in Mohammads time What was the nature of the culture in Mohammad’s time? How did he react to it?         ………………….Answer Preview…………… What was the nature of the culture in Mohammad’s time? How did he react to it? During the time of Mohammed, there was a lot of corruption. Women were … Read more

Reflective Journal 2: Ethics of Means and Ends

Reflective Journal 2: Ethics of Means and Ends Due Week 9 and worth 50 points Write a half to one (1/2 to 1) page (150 to 275 words) journal entry in which you: Explain the ethical approach concerning means and ends that you would apply if you had a role as the chief of police … Read more

Assignment 1: World View Chart Writing Assignment

Assignment 1: World View Chart Writing Assignment Due Week 10 and worth 235 points This assignment uses the information you have gathered for your weekly World View Chart Assignments. Choose one (1) category (origin of all things, nature of god, view of human nature, view of good and evil, etc.) from the chart to focus … Read more

LASA 2—Substance Abuse Assessments Across the Lifespan

LASA 2—Substance Abuse Assessments Across the Lifespan Substance abuse assessments have very different purposes for different populations. For instance, an assessment for treatment of victims will look different from a court-mandated assessment relating to criminal behavior. For another example, an assessment for an adolescent would likely emphasize peer influence more so than it would for … Read more

Incorporating Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development into the Justice System

Incorporating Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development into the Justice System CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT 2: INCORPORATING KOHLBERG’S STAGES OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT INTO THE JUSTICE SYSTEM Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 2:Incorporating Kohlberg’s Stages of … Read more

Congressional District Assignment

Congressional District Assignment For this week’s Assignment, you will identify your Congressional District (i.e. U.S. House of Representatives District) and your district’s Member of Congress. Using the Web site of the House of Representatives, you will research the geographical scope and demographic composition of your district, as well as the key issues that your congressional … Read more

Homeland Security WEEK 4 Assignment 1: NIPP

Assignment 1: NIPP Due Week 4 and worth 50 points Write a two to four (2-4) page paper in which you: Analyze the National Infrastructure Protection Plan and Risk Management Framework, located at, and conclude how it has been designed to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure. Determine the purpose of the feedback loop design and … Read more

Assignment: RP System

RP System Answer the following questions in a paper using APA format: What are the payoffs in taking a multidisciplinary approach to an ERP implementation? What departments are affected and what is the typical time frame? What part does training play in implementing an ERP system? If possible, find an example of a company that … Read more

Discussion: Business Intelligence

Discussion: Business Intelligence How would you define “business intelligence?”Provide two examples of real-world applications to share with your classmates. Must be a minimum of 150 words, thanks.         ……………….Answer Preview……………. Business intelligence (BI) is a technological process of analyzing data to come up with actionable information that is useful to the executives … Read more

Assignment 2: Gene Technology

Assignment 2: Gene Technology Due Week 8 and worth 120 points Gene technology carries with it social and ethical implications many of which engender personal views and discussion. Select one (1) of the following biotechnology topics to write about: Genetically modified crop plants Genetically modified microorganisms Genetically modified animals Personal genomics and / or personalized … Read more

Controls and Substantive Testing

Controls and Substantive Testing Inherent risk is associated with the unique characteristics of the business or industry of the client. Firms in declining industries are considered to have more inherent risk than firms in stable or thriving industries. Inherent risk will not be reduced by internal control. Control risk is the likelihood that the control … Read more

Film class review

Film class review We are near the course closing, which I regret, as the feedback this term has truly been engaging! All of you have been so wonderful with submitting your analysis of films this term in class discussions. Yet, before class concludes, I would like to know the results of your formal introduction to … Read more

MIS Essentials question

MIS Essentials question Think about functional areas within an organization, such as payroll, human resources, and sales. How are software and hardware used in these departments to meet their informational objectives?         …………………Answer Preview…………….. A payroll system is a software that is used to manage an organization’s payroll. A payroll is the … Read more

Computers. clients and servers question

Computers. clients and servers question What is the difference between a client and a server? Explain the functions of client and server computers. How do the hardware requirements differ? How do they each support business goals? Cite specific examples.         ……………..Answer Preview……………. In computing both client and server refer to computers that … Read more

Introduction to crime caustion

Introduction to crime caustion If the neighborhood or area that one lives in is closely related to one’s likelihood of being involved in crime, it would seem that the neighborhood environment is directly correlated with crime. However, there are many citizens who live in high-crime and impoverished areas and refrain from committing crimes. Please post … Read more

Postmodern Architecture

Postmodern Architecture Choose one (1) example of architecture that you believe best exemplifies the characteristic post-modern style. Provide a rationale for your selection, and describe two (2) of the features of post-modern style that you find intriguing. Postmodern Architecture Chapter 40 (pp. 1312-1321) for examples of post-modern architecture Post-modern buildings of renown:     ………………………Answer … Read more

International Disaster Management and Future Trend

Assignment 5: International Disaster Management and Future Trends / Challenges Due Week 10 and worth 150 points You are concerned about the growing number of international man-made and natural disasters. You are looking for information as to what you can do to assist the victims of these disasters monetarily and operationally, and to help rebuild … Read more

Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication In the Unit , you will discuss influences on self-concept and how one’s self concept can influence communication. How are your identity and social views defined, sustained, and reinforced by the cultures within which you immerse your life? What is a strong value, belief, or attitude you have that you learned from your … Read more

Decision Making with Managerial Accounting

Decision Making with Managerial Accounting Due to varying business characteristics, the managerial accounting techniques applied in each business may differ.  For example, a business in the start-up phase may rely heavily upon budgeting and capital investment techniques; whereas, a business in the mature/maintaining phase may rely heavily upon cost management and quality control. Ultimately, the … Read more

Powers of the President

Powers of the President A. Why do you think the President is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, rather than the US Congress? Do you think the founding fathers made a mistake when they gave the President this power? How has the war in Iraq affected your own beliefs about the President’s powers as commander-in-chief? B. … Read more

UMUC Haircuts Case Study

UMUC Haircuts Case Study Referring to the UMUC Haircuts Case Study, Myra, the owner, has asked you if outsourcing some of the functions/processes would benefit her business.  Identify which function(s) you would recommend she outsource and explain why they would be appropriate for outsourcing.  List three competitive advantages Myra could get by outsourcing and three … Read more

Promotional strategy research paper

Promotional strategy research paper Select one (1) of the following categories of products to research: sports apparel, automobiles, home furnishings, or televisions. Use the Internet to research at least two (2) companies within the selected product category. Take note of the leading companies in this product group, as well as the types of marketing, pricing, … Read more

Managing the IT Information System Infrastructure

Managing the IT Information System Infrastructure Write a 800- to 1,150-word paper discussing managerial issues associated with managing an organization’s Information Technology Information Systems Infrastructure. Include the following: Information related to configuration management and preventative maintenance Industry standards in configuration management and control Training approaches to allow for adaptive maintenance and confidence. The effect of globalization on … Read more

Homeland Security Administration Week 11 Discussion 2

Homeland Security Administration Week 11 Discussion 2 Using 140 characters or less (the length of a Tweet), summarize the importance of this class to someone unfamiliar with the concepts. The Class Is Homeland Security Administration.

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