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Theories of Motivation

Theories of Motivation Explain how the concepts in Adams’ equity theory can be incorporated into expectancy theory.  150 words or more with references         ……………Answer Preview……………. The concepts of Adams’ equity theory calls for a fair equilibrium between employee’s outputs and inputs in order to keep the business growing. For this reason, … Read more

Assignment 1: LASA —Prevention Strategies

Assignment 1: LASA —Prevention Strategies Treatment programs cannot always be 100% effective, and many substance abusers relapse into drug abuse after days, months, or even years of sobriety. With the marginal success of treatment programs, it is even more important that people never start using drugs. As such, prevention strategies are of utmost importance. Review … Read more

Reflections on Racial Discrimination

Reflections on Racial Discrimination Franklin hears about people being discriminated against at the workplace and in society but rarely experiences it first hand. Cortez, on the other hand, speaks English poorly and is often subject to derogatory comments from peers and coworkers. Reflect on your experience with racial discrimination. Identify examples of racial discrimination and … Read more

Differences between “general clause -” and “comprehensive clause contracting”

1- What are the differences between “general clause -” and “comprehensive clause contracting”?  Which one is preferable and why? 2- Two elements of corporate community relations strategies are strategic philanthropy and multi-section partnerships.  Briefly describe these. please each answer should be around 3-5 sentences 1 year ago this is the class book if you are … Read more

Assignment: The External Marketing Environment in the Global Marketplace

Assignment: The External Marketing Environment in the Global Marketplace There is the link to to the video which detail in the pdf file asks for watching and then it says to download the template the template is attached in the docx file see instructions below link to the video the file Assignment: The External Marketing … Read more

What has changed about the roles of women in Buddhism over time?

What has changed about the roles of women in Buddhism over time? What has changed about the roles of women in Buddhism over time? Plagiarism free, must be detailed, need in 8 hours- 200 word minimum     ……………..Answer Preview…………… What has changed about the roles of women in Buddhism over time? In ancient India, women were … Read more


Interview You must interview a professional in the field of IS or IT. Do not interview faculty or parent/sibling. Produce a 2 page typed paper following the syllabus directions and the directions in the attachment.  Assignment guidelines are attached. Below are some web sites with additinoal question recommendations, but you may choose your own as … Read more

Common characteristics that Buddhism shares with Hinduism, Jainism and Daoism

What are common characteristics that Buddhism shares with Hinduism, Jainism and Daoism?   plagiarism free, need in 8 hours, must be detailed- 200 word minimum       …………..Answer Preview…………… What are common characteristics that Buddhism shares with Hinduism, Jainism and Daoism? Buddhism been the oldest world religion, it shares some characteristics with other religions … Read more

Gender and Sex Worksheet

Gender and Sex Worksheet Answer the following questions in 50 to 150 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use . • What is gender? What is sex in biological terms? Are gender and sex the same thing? Explain why or why not? • How do gender and sex contribute to the concepts … Read more

Action Plan to Address Drunk Driving

Assignment 2: Action Plan to Address Drunk Driving Drunk driving is one of the largest social problems related to alcohol use. Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol is involved in 40–45% of all fatal traffic accidents. As a result, legislators, educators, and law enforcement officers are continually attempting to find ways to prevent driving … Read more

Maintaining Multicultural and Ethical Competence

Maintaining Multicultural and Ethical Competence READINGS Read the following from your Crisp text: Chapter 11, “The Categorization-Elaboration Model of Work Group Diversity,” pages 257–276. Chapter 12, “Divided We Fall, or United We Stand?” pages 281–291 This week you read about the Categorization Elaboration model. Apply the model to your counseling psychology specialization and make clear … Read more

Situation 3 Pet Business

Situation 3 Pet Business Mary Wilson is a 31 year old wife, and mother who wants to start her own company. She has no previous business experience but has an ideal for marketing an animal-grooming service, with an approach similar to that used for pizza delivery. When a customer calls, Wilson will arrive in a … Read more


CASE STUDIES AND SITUATIONS Ethical decision making is important in society, but it is even more important to law enforcement personnel. Even an officer’s behavior outside of work can negatively impact a case he or she is investigating. This assignment is designed to have each team member exercise ethical decision making within law enforcement scenarios. … Read more

Case study on HIPAA State/Federal Regulations Pick One of the two scenarios

Case study on HIPAA State/Federal Regulations Pick One of the two scenarios Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment: Define Key Terms Apply policies and procedures for access and disclosure of protected health information (PHI) Describe ownership of the physical record and the information in it Differentiate between consents that are sufficient to release PHI and … Read more

BUS. 620 Managerial Marketing – assign # 1

BUS. 620 Managerial Marketing – assign # 1 Read  the article: “AmazonFresh is Jeff Bezos’s Last Mile Quest for Total Retail Domination“. Amazon has created three elements with how they are approaching the consumer market: fulfillment centers, Amazon Prime, and AmazonFresh. Analyze how Amazon has captured its consumer’s desire for not only less expensive prices, … Read more

Global Warming

Global Warming Please respond with 200 words and use the link as the reference. Define global warming.  it is hard to ascertain an exact description other than we can see it, feel it, and note it since it is such a huge compilation of many convergent things happening under Global Warming. Would you agree or … Read more

Healthcare confidentiality

Healthcare confidentiality Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment: Define privacy Define confidentiality Describe the patient’s right to privacy Describe other rights patients have Define Key Terms Describe the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Course outcome assessed/addressed in this Assignment HI135-3: Summarize the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and state/federal … Read more

Video response

Reference is this video in which you replied to:   Please respond to this post (200 word):   According to the video, wood was among the primary sources of fuel used by most Chinese farmers. Burning wood not only sends more greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and soot into the atmosphere, but the … Read more


GEO215   Please respond with a 200 word response with the material I have presented you so far for the below question. How will this week’s video and other information impact your daily life? Will you now recognize the various subtopics of Geography and have a better idea of how to apply them to benefit … Read more

BUAD 327 : International Business

BUAD 327 : International Business Case Study Assignment #1:    DUE SEPTEMBER 11  OR EARLIER. Please read completely and respond to the following questions. See format guidelines in your syllabus. Please NOTE that references to outside, reliable sources (with citations in MLA format) are necessary and will be richly rewarded.   Answer the following questions in order: … Read more

Community Policing Case Studies

Community Policing Case Studies Compare two of the “Cop in Action” case studies from Chapters Three, Four, or Five of the textbook. The two cases I chose are the Kansas City Gun Experiment and The East Dallas Police Storefront. Describe the specific details that identify the course of action as a representation of one of … Read more

John Haddock question

Scenario – John Haddock owns 75 percent of Haddock Corporation. The other 25 percent of the stock is held by John’s wife, Marsha. You are a tax manager assigned to prepare the corporate tax return for Haddock. While working on the return, you note that Haddock Corp. pays rent to John for a building he … Read more

HCS 445 Statistics for Health Sciences

HCS 445 Statistics for Health Sciences Discussion 1 – Choose the Analysis A researcher wishes to study the effect of a new drug on blood pressure.  Would you recommend using a z-test, a t-test, or an A.N.O.V.A. for the analysis?  Explain your answer. What would your choice of test depend on?  For the test you … Read more

Views on Diversity

Views on Diversity Pablo believes that diversity is the most important issue in our culture, and that it is greatly underemphasized. On the other hand, Ralph rarely thinks of diversity, except when it is mentioned in the workplace. Monica is sensitized to multicultural issues because her parents are immigrants who still struggle with discrimination after … Read more

Legal Procedures of Healthcare

Legal Procedures of Healthcare Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment: Discuss the process that legal proceedings follow Name the steps of a legal proceeding from complaint to verdict Differentiate between a subpoena, a subpoena duces tecum and a court order Delineate the steps to follow to secure a health record once a subpoena has been … Read more

Strategic Financial Planning ip 4

Strategic Financial Planning ip 4 Established in 1987, ABC Community Hospital not-for-profit is an acute care hospital located in an east coast Metropolitan area. With a staff of nearly 200 physicians and specialists, 800 employees and 100 volunteers, they offer a full range of healthcare services. They are accredited by the Joint Commission. The hospital … Read more

Personal Narrative

I need a 3 page personal Narrative by Thursday night. Double spaced, 12 point font in Arial, running page number, 1 inch margin. Please make the narrative based off a male that understands the importance of letting his friends make mistakes for themselves.         ……………Answer Preview………… Personal narrative based of a male that understands … Read more

How the use of technology has impacted organizational communication

In a 250-300 word response, analyze how the use of technology has impacted organizational communication both positively and negatively. How has technology impacted the verbal and nonverbal cues used in interpreting messages? Provide examples to support your position. Use at least one resource to support your key points. Offer some additional ideas to others in … Read more

Counseling suffering people

How can/should I counsel suffering people? Is the point of counseling to remove all suffering?  Why or why not?  integrate both psychology and theology. Remember the 80/20 rule.  80% you– with critical thinking applied, backed up with 20% (no more than that!) scholarly  material and Scripture. Both are needed. Personal experience is welcomed, but must be … Read more

Case Analysis McDonalds

Case Analysis McDonalds Read the McDonald’s Case Study located in the Case Study section of the text. Write a summary of the case study. In your summary, be sure to discuss the external environment in which McDonald’s operates and how the environment influences its strategy. Note: a summary is a comprehensive and yet brief … Read more

Economic growth in China

Prepare to connect the information presented in this video to the week’s assessments, the readings, real life, and our course discussions.  Post a 300 word review of the video tying in course information and your own commentary.   In the event the video is unavailable, I have attached the transcript.   Thank you! ================================================================= … Read more

Lifespan Development Topic One

Lifespan Development Topic One Below is a list of options from which you are to select a topic for the Week Two assignment. These same topics will be featured in subsequent weeks. Make sure that the topic you select for this week is different from the topic you intend to select for the Week Three … Read more

Global Warming

Global Warming Read and respond by submitting a 200 word response. References should be directed t the link provided in the reading! Define global warming. (We have been trying to do so and it is hard to ascertain an exact description other than we can see it, feel it, and note it since it is such … Read more

BUS475 Wk1

Business Model and Strategic Plan Part III: Balanced Scorecard and Communication Plan Develop the strategic objectives for your new division of the existing business in a balanced scorecard format in the context of key trends, assumptions, and risks.The strategic objectives are measures of attaining your vision and mission. As you develop them, consider the vision, mission, … Read more

How is the Ideal Person to act in Confucianism?

How is the Ideal Person to act in Confucianism? How is the Ideal Person to act in Confucianism? What is the role of Confucianism in Chinese culture and society today? No Plagiarism, must be detailed answers, minimum 300 words all together so 150 minimum per question..       ……………….Answer Preview……………. How is the Ideal … Read more

Hiring and Firing

Hiring and Firing “Hiring  and Firing” reading (Read article below please then). Apply three most important concepts you have learned and how these concepts can be applied: (This only has to be one page, and has to be cited APA style) Article: Hiring, in many cases, begins with a job application. Many of the questions … Read more

Assignment 2: LASA I—Amphetamine Use and Abuse

Assignment 2: LASA I—Amphetamine Use and Abuse Aaliyah continues to struggle with balancing her work hours and her schoolwork. She has been drinking coffee to help her stay awake, but it is no longer working. She has an exam coming up and needs to stay up to study. Aaliyah decides to take an amphetamine to … Read more

Strategic Managment Paper

Strategic Managment Paper Read the Google Case Study located below. Write a summary of the case study. In your paper explain how Google analyzed their value chain for the purpose of determining where they were able to create value when using their resources, capabiltites and core competencies. Your summary should be a minimum of 2-3 pages in length … Read more

500 word essay due immediately – being open minded

500 word essay due immediately I have to write an essay on being open minded. The thesis statement has to say “be open minded” and one more sentence after. APA format         ……………..Answer Preview……………. Many people think that been open minded drives someone to activities which he or she may be unwilling … Read more

Construct a Paper Analysis of the Three Parts of Persuasion

Construct a Paper Analysis of the Three Parts of Persuasion Persuasion: Who, What, To Whom In your textbook, Feenstra (2013) states, “In evaluating persuason we need to take into account where the message comes from, what the message contains, and the intended audience.” (p. 167). For your assignment this week, construct a paper that provides … Read more

Driving Success in Challenging Times questions

Driving Success in Challenging Times questions Review the Project Management Institute’s article entitled Driving Success in Challenging Times and then answer the following questions. Your responses should be thorough and include at least three references from outside sources (other than your textbooks and course materials). Questions How does the article describe the trends in scope? Explain what … Read more

Final Paper on American History

Final Paper on American History Understanding history can be more difficult than many people imagine. Historians concern themselves not only with what happened but with why it happened. They analyze and assess a variety of sources, including primary sources (ones created during the time period the historian is examining) and secondary sources (ones written by … Read more

Write an essay In Response to the Following Philosophy Discussion

Metaphysics: What is real? Is the physical world more or less real than the spiritual or psychological world? Is there such a thing as a soul? If so, how does it survive outside of a physical body? Do all people have free will, or are their lives determined by fate? Epistemology: How is anything known? … Read more

Discuss the Merits and Difficulties in the Case-Management Approach

Discuss the Merits and Difficulties in the Case-Management Approach An Unmanageable Case-Management Quandary You are the administrator for a court with 50 employees. This court, which used to dispose of about 700 cases per month, now hears an average of 100 criminal and 400 civil cases per month. Case filings have doubled in the past … Read more

Discuss a Particular Section of the APA Website

Discuss a Particular Section of the APA Website First search the APA website for information on APA style and PsycInfo.  Then share what you find with the class. Discuss a particular section of the APA website that will help someone with APA style and / or PsycInfo.  What links were the most helpful and why?  … Read more

Critical Thinking – Describe the Situation then Answer the Corresponding Questions

Critical Thinking Like many people in Florida, I (the designer of this course) believed that love bugs (those pesky insects that suddenly appear in droves twice a year) were the result of a University of Florida scientific experiment gone wrong because I heard that rumor from so many Florida residents.  When I first heard that … Read more

MKT 500 Week 10 Discussion Question

MKT 500 Week 10 Discussion Question Imagine that you are about to launch a social networking site that will compete with Facebook. You must provide your boss with a marketing strategy. Determine the approach you will use going to measure success. Provide a rationale for your response.         ……………..Answer Preview…………….. Marketing strategy … Read more

Discussion Question: Persuasive Interviewing

Discussion Question: Persuasive Interviewing What are some of the similarities and differences between motivational interviewing techniques used in a counseling setting and persuasive techniques used in a business sales setting?  What are the ethical considerations in each setting? Be sure to cite as appropriate, the online course, the textbook, and other credible, scholarly sources to … Read more

Social Stratification — Sociology

Social Stratification — Sociology This is a discussion for class, not a paper. “Social Stratification”  Please respond to the following: From the first e-Activity, discuss the possible future consequences to individuals and society as a whole if Generation Y / Millennials cannot live better than previous generations. As a current college student, you likely anticipate … Read more

Over due Humanties Essay Assignment

Over due Humanties Essay Assignment Choose one (1) of the topics below and develop a three to four (3-4) paragraph essay (of at least 250-500 words) which adequately address the topic you have chosen. Topic Choices: There have been many theories regarding how the pyramids at Giza were constructed. Most experts agree that they were … Read more

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