Group Behavior and Processes Paper
Group Behavior and Processes Paper Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper answering the following questions. Elaborate on your answers and explain your reasoning. What kinds of information would you collect to address problems such as drugs, prostitution, and vandalism? What kinds of responses might be considered? What types of assessment would you perform? Format your … Read more
hard question–Corporate tax paper
hard question–Corporate tax paper Write a 2-3 page paper. In your paper include the following: An explanation on how the corporate tax rate might affect corporate business practices and why is it important to have project valuation, cash flows, and risk analysis. Include a title page and 3-5 references. Please adhere to the Publication Manual of … Read more
HCS 440 week 4 Assignment Economic Issues Stimulation Paper
HCS 440 week 4 Assignment Economic Issues Stimulation Paper Review the Health Care Economics Issues HMO Simulation. Select either Constructit or E-editor to analyze for your paper. Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you present a profile of the chosen company, including the demographics of the employees, the health care risk factors or … Read more
Business and Society-Traditional Paper
Business and Society-Traditional Paper Traditional Paper Identify, research and discuss the six rights of the consumer, as well as why each one is important. Your paper should be a minimum of 2 – 3 pages in length …………….Answer Preview……….. Consumer rights and their importance There has been evolving consumer movement … Read more
PSY325: Statistics for the Behavioral & Social SciencesWeek one assignment
PSY325: Statistics for the Behavioral & Social SciencesWeek one assignment Descriptive Statistics Article Critique Read the article, “Do Men with Excessive Alcohol Consumption and Social Stability Have an Addictive Personality?” and identify the research questions and/or hypotheses as they are stated in the article. If you need assistance looking up the article with the citation, … Read more
Civil Commitment and the Mentally Ill
Civil Commitment and the Mentally Ill Write a – three to five page informative paper on the following issues related to civil commitment of mentally ill individuals: What are the insanity statutes being used in Florida? How often the insanity defense is used and how successful is it? Identify and discuss the major criticisms of … Read more
Religion and Criminal Justice
Religion and Criminal Justice As we move deeper into the 21st Century, where or how can we create these incidents with the religious aspect and still be successful? There will always be concerns and ideas, but if you are a police administrator, how can we create and push these ideas forward? just the questions need … Read more
How did international affairs contribute to the collapse of communism
How did international affairs contribute to the collapse of communism Summarize how international affairs contributed to the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the end of the Cold War. Hello, Here is the full question once again Summarize how international affairs contributed to the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the end of … Read more
Criminal Justice Masters level 500 page essay
Criminal Justice Masters level 500 page essay 1.Compose a graduate level question related to any of the topics covered in this week’s readings regarding the well known (arguably the most famous Italian Mafia group) Cosa Nostra or the newer Italian Mafia organization known as Calabrian ‘Ndrangheta. In forming your question, one of the following verbs … Read more
Reading Response: Poetry and Performance
Reading Response: Poetry and Performance Listen to We Real Cool and My Papa’s Waltz. These clips demonstrate the importance of performance, rhythm, and musicality in the poetic form. Describe your listening experience of one or more of the poems. How did hearing the text(s) recited aloud compare to a silent reading of it/them? Did the performance in any … Read more
Religion and Criminal Justice
Religion and Criminal Justice Tyler wrote Required Text Williams, C. R., & Arriago, B. A. (2012). Ethics, crime, and criminal justice (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Religion and Criminal Justice After reading this week’s text that pertains to divine command theory and moderate divine command theory I believe the difference between the … Read more
eBay Takes On Amazon discussion
eBay Takes On Amazon discussion Visit and explore the websites of eBay, GSI Commerce, and Read the required Steigrad article. Respond to the following: a. Consider the article’s statement, “The deal will take eBay one step further away from its decelerating auction model while strengthening the company’s fulfillment and customer service operations, two of Amazon’s strengths.” • Why might … Read more
Co-Branding discussion
Co-Branding discussion Co-branding can be highly creative and may offer extraordinary opportunities for marketers and consumers alike. Would you agree? Research co-branding using the Internet and the Ashford Online Library. Discuss some examples of effective co-branding, and share links to their web pages for your classmates to access. Then, respond to the following: a. Why might … Read more
The Short Story and Poem: A Comparison of Literary Forms
The Short Story and Poem: A Comparison of Literary Forms Reflecting on this week’s literary readings, as well as your own reading experiences, identify at least one major similarity and one major difference between the forms of the short story and the poem. How do the differences between these literary forms affect how you read and respond … Read more
Risk, Return, Capital, Budgeting, and Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Risk, Return, Capital, Budgeting, and Weighted Average Cost of Capital Topic: There is a common phrase in business: cash is king. “Cash flow is the life-blood of a company. Without it, a company will fail” (Hicks, 2012). Yet, companies often have to take risks that could potentially jeopardize their cash flow (e.g. new projects, growth, … Read more
Project Management Paper
Project Management Paper Resource: Individual Assignment Project Proposal Create a 500- to 600-word work breakdown structure (WBS) for your project approved in Week 2. Research,using the Internet and your textbook,ways to create your work breakdown structure and choose the best approach. Include the importance of a WBS and identify how the WBS may contribute to … Read more
HCA 415 APPLYING EPDIEMIOLOGY THESE ARE THE TEXTBOOK CHAPTERS Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 8 Applying Epidemiology Epidemiology is the study of epidemics. More specifically, it is the study of the occurrence and distribution of health problems. Using any of the epidemiological techniques outlined in the chapters from this week’s reading, address the questions for … Read more
Research Paper – BUS 600
Research Paper – BUS 600 Focus of the Research Paper The Research Paper will be a comprehensive research review of the significant principles of management communications used to successfully achieve organizational objectives. For this assignment of a minimum of eight pages, you need to integrate material from the readings, multimedia, and class discussion boards, and … Read more
Economic Principles
Economic Principles Conduct an analysis of a recent article and provide their evaluation and outcome expectations in a written paper of 1500-2500 words that discusses: A minimum of three general economic principles related to the article Identification of three to five macroeconomic indices Definition and explanation of the indices e.g., GDP, CPI, and other economic … Read more
Baseline Needs and Analysis
Baseline Needs and Analysis The assignments in this course will build upon each other to help you complete the final assignment, an evaluation plan for Cowboys Nightclubs and Restaurants seeking to provide blended or online training and learning. In this step, you will conduct a baseline needs analysis. Determining baseline needs by conducting a needs … Read more
Microeconomics-Short Run
Microeconomics-Short Run Under what conditions will a firm shut down operations in the short run? Identify an example you are familiar with, or have identified through research, of a business that has temporarily shut down operations in the short run. What led to this decision? What did the firm due during the shutdown period? Did … Read more
Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation
Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation Discuss the “New World” updates made to each of Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation. Do you think that that the adaptations made to the original model better meet today’s learners, businesses, and trainers? For each of the four levels, provide a specific example to support your thoughts. Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels … Read more
HCA 415 Affordable Care Act
HCA 415 Affordable Care Act The ACA: An Appropriate Law for the U.S.? In 2010, the Affordable Care Act was approved by Congress and will be phased in over several years. However, the argument remains as to the law’s appropriateness in a democratic nation such as the United States. In a substantial post, you will … Read more
Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Dodd-Frank
Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Dodd-Frank Write a 2-3 page paper. In your paper include the following: An explanation of what relationship the Dodd-Frank and Sarbanes-Oxley Acts have to financial markets and what are the similarities or differences between these Acts. Please include information and topics from the chapter readings to justify your explanation and reasoning. Include … Read more
Butler Systems Case Study
Butler Systems Case Study Read Case 7: Butler Systems in your text (pg.467-468). In In a 1-2 page paper, provide a brief summary of the case and main points, and answer the following questions. Your paper should include at least one scholarly source from the Ashford University Library, in addition to the textbook, and be … Read more
Effective Training Objectives To Attain Success in Online Training
Effective Training Objectives To Attain Success in Online Training The assignments in this course will build upon each other to help you complete the final Project, an evaluation plan for Cowboys Nightclubs and Restaurants that wishes to assess the effectiveness of their training and workplace learning initiatives. In this step you will develop Measureable Training … Read more
PSY 325 Paper for week 2
PSY 325 Paper for week 2 Read the article “Differential Effects of a Body Image Exposure Session on Smoking Urge Between Physically Active and Sedentary Female Smokers,” and identify the research questions and/or hypotheses as they are stated. Consider the following questions: What are the variables (sample sizes, population, treatments, etc.)? What are the inferential statistics … Read more
Challenges in Identifying Mental Disorders
Challenges in Identifying Mental Disorders Most mental disorders lie on a continuum with “normal” behavior at one end. For example, nearly everyone has a fear of something, but it does not rise to the level of a phobia. A behavior may seem abnormal in one context but completely normal in another context. These two aspects … Read more
Ethics- Extremenet
Ethics- Extremenet Read the case study for this unit regarding ExtremeNet and Allen Lopez. After tedious negotiations, ExtremeNet and Allen Lopez have agreed to have their case resolved by arbitration. You have been contracted to resolve the following questions: Should Allen Lopez be allowed to keep his job with ExtremeNet? Should Allen Lopez be forced … Read more
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence assignment -1#250 words with reference & 2# 250 words with references. Will reply back with questions. It is for development for the workplace. Self awareness and Self regulation to improve the development in the work place. For worksite development- Self awareness-250 words. Self regulation-250 words. and references- ……………Answer … Read more
Servant Leadership Research and Application Paper
Servant Leadership Research and Application Paper For this assignment, you will research servant leadership and apply it to your current or a previous work environment in a paper (8-10 pages). You must use at least eight references to support your writing. When writing your paper, you should address the following: 1) Analyze the concept of … Read more
Coca-Cola Final Paper
Read Case 1-3 and case 6-6, focusing on the Coca-Cola company. Assume the role of a management consultant reporting to the CEO and Board of Directors at Coca-Cola. In your report, address the following points: Define the marketing problems and opportunities. Analyze Coca-Cola’s marketing and innovation strategy transformation designed to position the company on the … Read more
New product launch marketing plan II
New product launch marketing plan II Complete a market segmentation of no more than 400 words for your buyers. Talk about the following: – Detail the target market profiles, key buying behaviors, and decision motivators for your consumer and organizational target markets. The product is new headlights for Audi cars. These headlights allow safe drive … Read more
Forms of Gender Inequality 4 pages
Forms of Gender Inequality What forms does gender inequality take in everyday life, health care, and education? ……………Answer Preview……………… Gender inequality Gender inequality is the disparate treatment and perceptions of individuals that are usually based on gender. People usually do not perceive both men and women as equal. This is … Read more
HCA 440 Week 5 dq 2
HCA 440 Week 5 dq 2 What will have a greater effect on the future cost of health care in the United States? Is it political and social changes or medicinal and technological advances? Support your response with solid rationale from all we have covered over the last few weeks. What can be said about the future … Read more
HCA 440 week 5 dq 1
HCA 440 week 5 dq 1 Although all the industrialized wealthy economies share some difficulty in controlling health care expenditures, it is believed that other countries may have done better on average than the United States (U.S.). Research another industrialized country’s health care system. What are the principal differences in strategies for controlling expenditures between … Read more
XACC 291 Week 7 Dq 2
XACC 291 Week 7 Dq 2 We are getting into the stages of the “meat and potatoes” of what we are looking to accomplish in this class. Ratios will be the foundation of your final; therefore,, we better make sure we know what ratios are all about. Here you go: What are some common ratios … Read more
XBCOM 275 week 7 dq 2
XBCOM 275 week 7 dq 2 What hiring processes are used within your current or previous work environment and what impact have they had on attracting highly-qualified candidates to your organization? ……………Answer Preview…………. Written communication is one of the best forms of communication in which people have been using to pass information … Read more
XBCOM m275 Week 7 Dq 7
XBCOM m275 Week 7 Dq 7 Which forms of written communication do you find most effective within your current or previous work environment? Please provide an example …………..Answer Preview……………. Written communication is one of the best forms of communication in which people have been using to pass information work environments. Research … Read more
LASA 2 – Prevention Strategies
LASA 2 – Prevention Strategies Treatment programs cannot always be 100% effective, and many substance abusers relapse into drug abuse after days, months, or even years of sobriety. With the marginal success of treatment programs, it is even more important that people never start using drugs. As such, prevention strategies are of utmost importance. Review … Read more
Write a Paper Analysis on Compensation Decision Making
Write a Paper Analysis on Compensation Decision Making From Wall Street Journal:Wellness Programs Hurt by Rules, CEOS Say,create a 1-page analysis including the following sections: Author – List who wrote the article Title – List the title of the article Source – List the name of the article’s source as well as the date … Read more
Integrate the Reflection of Personal Experience
Integrate the Reflection of Personal Experience Global Management This assignment is designed to integrate the reflection of personal experience and the information covered in the textbook. Besides cultural differences, what other factors might affect human resource management with this international office? What abilities will help Juanita succeed and potentially fail in this assignment as an … Read more
Respond to the Following Questions Related to Racial Diversity
Respond to the Following Questions Related to Racial Diversity Answer the following questions in 100 to 250 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use. · Throughout most of U.S. history, in most locations, what race has been in the majority? What is the common ancestral background of most members of this group? … Read more
Make an Analysis for Language Development in Young Children
Make an Analysis for Language Development in Young Children Plan to spend about 30 minutes to an hour in a preschool setting. A good time to observe would be during circle time, independent learning time, or during free choice time. If this is not an option, please view the video, Five Basic Functions of Language, … Read more
Explain the Uniqueness of the School of Zen Buddhism
Explain the Uniqueness of the School of Zen Buddhism Explain what makes the school of Zen Buddhism (as a special school of Mahayana Buddhism) unique? 250- word minimum- No plagiarism, include references …………….Answer Preview…………… Explain what makes the school of Zen Buddhism (as a special school of Mahayana Buddhism) unique? Zen Buddhism is … Read more
Analyse the Major Social and Economic Developments in American Society
Analyse the Major Social and Economic Developments in American Society Background: When the First World War ended, Americans welcomed what they hoped would be a “return to normalcy.” The decades that followed, however, are ones which would rarely be described as normal in comparison to what came before or after. During these decades, a struggle ensued … Read more
Develop an Annotated Bibliography
Develop an Annotated Bibliography Using APA Style The purpose of this short research paper is to ensure proper understanding and application of APA style as required in all Ashford courses. Using the Ashford Online Library, develop an annotated bibliography on one of the following factors that has had a significant impact on business and management … Read more
Action Plan to Address Drunk Driving
Action Plan to Address Drunk Driving Drunk driving is one of the largest social problems related to alcohol use. Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol is involved in 40–45% of all fatal traffic accidents. As a result, legislators, educators, and law enforcement officers are continually attempting to find ways to prevent driving under the … Read more
evaluation plan for Cowboys Nightclub and restaurants
evaluation plan for Cowboys Nightclub and restaurants Fill out the template in APA format from all of the weeks we did this class together Template is here: Most of the template is just filling in the information from the course but notice the very bottom has a 2-3 page reflection paper that is to be … Read more
Write an Essay on Successful Community Problem Solving
Write an Essay on Successful Community Problem Solving Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper on successful community problem solving. Identify a specific problem in your community that has been solved through a law enforcement initiative. If possible, base your paper on an interview you conduct with the person or persons responsible for creating and administering the program. … Read more