Browse essays

Hindu god or goddess

Summarize the mythology and functions of one Hindu god or goddess. Only needs to be 150- 200 words         …………….Answer Preview………….. Summarize the mythology and functions of one Hindu god or goddess. Hinduism is one of the largest religions labeled to have more than 330 million gods. The main reason why this … Read more

Addiction and Crime Presentation

Addiction and Crime Presentation Create a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes more than 8-10 sentences. Use complete sentences, with correct grammar and punctuation, to fully explain each slide as if you were giving an in-person presentation. Include the following in your presentation: The characteristics of addiction and substance abuse A description of how crime … Read more

Business Statistics Kaplan University

Business Statistics Kaplan University Compare and contrast the forward pass through a network and the backward pass through the network. What does each pass establish and what is the ultimate aim of these two passes through the network?           …………….Answer Preview…………… Both forward pass through a network and backward pass through … Read more

Assignment 2: Critical Thinking Paper

Assignment 2: Critical Thinking Paper Due Week 10 and worth 200 points Your paper should present a reasoned, convincing argument for a position on a selected topic. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: 1.  Follow the five (5) steps of persuasion: establishing credibility, acknowledging the audience’s position, constructing a rationale, … Read more

Current Events and U.S. Diplomacy

Current Events and U.S. Diplomacy Write three-to-four (3-4) new pages that address the following: 1.  Define presidential doctrine and summarize the regional or global events during the Cold War leading up to the formation of the presidential doctrine you wrote about in Assignment 1. 2.  Select one country you wrote about in Assignment 1 and … Read more

Read the following excerpt from “Understanding Digital Kids (DKs): Technology & Learning in the New

ECE 315 W3 Language Development in Young Children Journal Read the following excerpt from “Understanding Digital Kids (DKs): Technology & Learning in the New Digital Landscape,” an article regarding learning today: Recently, there were two recent cover stories in Time Magazine: Their conclusion was that children today are different. In fact, based on what we … Read more

reflective journal writing

reflective journal writing i need a relfextive journal about 150-200 words on the topic of active listening         ……………Answer Preview…………… Active listening Active listening is a way of paying attention and retorting to another person. It is a crucial aspect that improves the shared understanding of the audience and the speaker. I … Read more

Case Study 1: The Ideal HPC Programming Language

Case Study 1: The Ideal HPC Programming Language Due Week 8 and worth 100 points Read the article titled, “The Ideal HPC Programming Language” dated 2010, located here. Article Source: Loh, E. (2010, June). The ideal hpc programming language. Queue, 8(6), 30. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Summarize the main … Read more

Financial Management

Financial Management to: Write a 2-3 page paper.  In your paper include the following: Discuss positions that are available for people with a knowledge of finance? Provide 3 examples of occupations that also use finance.  Give a brief description of each. What is the entry-level education for the examples you provided? What was the … Read more

Literature 201 The Roots Of The Human Tragedy As revealed in Oedipus and King

Literature 201 The Roots Of The Human Tragedy As revealed in Oedipus and King Thesis statement & introduction transition into the body of the essay if I don’t retell the story   Dr. K Literature 201 August 26, 2014                              Sophocles unveiled the true meaning of human tragedy in the play; Oedipus the King.  In this story … Read more

An administrative change you would propose to make in a criminal justice agency in an effort to combat terrorism more effectively.

Write a 350- to 700-word paper on an administrative change you would propose to make in a criminal justice agency in an effort to combat terrorism more effectively. Describe the prior situation, the reasons for the proposed change, and the anticipated positive results or potential negative consequences of the change. Identify the resources the change … Read more

Leadership and Innovation

Leadership and Innovation Every workplace is different and not every organization designs things like IDEO. Explain how the prototyping process demonstrated by IDEO could be implemented in your workplace. How does this work at your workplace? What is the significance of prototyping? Would prototyping work in your workplace? Explain.       …………..Answer Preview………… Explain … Read more

Who Am I Presentation

Who Am I Presentation Create a presentation using Microsoft® PowerPoint® or another presentation software as approved by your instructor about your personal background and identity. Identify two or three social categories you identify with that you are comfortable sharing. Include the following: Illustrate the racial, ethnic, cultural, gender, or other social categories or groups you identify with and are comfortable … Read more

Zombie Attacks / Insanity Plea

Zombie Attacks / Insanity Plea Recently, a bizarre rash of crimes have occurred dealing with individuals eating parts of other individual’s bodies. These “zombie” attacks are odd to say the least, however, legally, one must ask, are these individuals legally insane? Could they use this as a defense? Not Guilty by reason of Insanity? Here … Read more

Case Study: The Decision to Go to War in Iraq

Case Study: The Decision to Go to War in Iraq Write a 1-2 page summary on the following Case Study: The Decision to Go to War in Iraq,%202010.pdf Who were the key actors involved in the decision-making to go to Iraq and how did their ideas evolve? Why were some actors involved and others … Read more

525 Case Study 2 Success with Agile Project Management in General Dynamics

525 Case Study 2 Success with Agile Project Management in General Dynamics Read the case study on General Dynamics. The Combat Identification Server (CIdS) Technology Demonstrator Project (TDP) has been delivered on time, with quality and budget parameters using the Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM). CIdS is a complex system and software project. The objective … Read more

Attempt Crimes and Internet Chat Rooms

Attempt Crimes and Internet Chat Rooms Read this article exploring “Attempt Crimes and Internet Chat Rooms” –; compare this cases events to the case holdings provided on page 92 (see attachment). Responses should be a minimum of 8-10 sentences. 1.  What intent to commit did he demonstrate to commit murder? 2.  Do you think the … Read more

LASA 1 – Amphetamine Use and Abuse

LASA 1 – Amphetamine Use and Abuse Aaliyah continues to struggle with balancing her work hours and her schoolwork. She has been drinking coffee to help her stay awake, but it is no longer working. She has an exam coming up and needs to stay up to study. Aaliyah decides to take an amphetamine to … Read more

contemp intl problem – Coping with Terrorism

Coping with Terrorism”  Please respond to the following: Is the United States making progress in reducing or preventing terrorism? Explain your answer. If the United States is NOT making progress, what would have to happen to make the efforts against terrorism more effective? If the United States IS making progress, to what do you attribute … Read more

Drug Treatment for ADHD

Drug Treatment for ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has received a lot of media coverage in the past ten years. One of the things most misunderstood about the disorder is the treatment. Children (and adults) afflicted with ADHD are often treated with stimulant drugs. Parents are often hesitant about giving their children these stimulant … Read more

What are common practices and experiences across various world religions

Need a 300 word answer to What are common practices and experiences across various world religions? Include indigenous religions in your discussion     …………….Answer Preview……………. What are common practices and experiences across various world religions? The fraction of the world’s religions show that they all share some common practices and experiences. For example, all … Read more

Public Administrations Questions

Write a narrative of 5-7 sentences for each question. 1.  Using ONE of the issues below, briefly explain why intergovernmental relations is so complex in the US a) Illegal immigration b) Homeland security c) Education d) Welfare 2.  Why is Woodrow Wilson described as the father of Public Administration in the US? 3.  Briefly explain … Read more

History Questions

  Students are assessed on their understanding of Nazi policy and attitudes towards Jews in the Holocaust, demonstrated through their analysis of written and visual representations and their conclusions drawn from a synthesis of information from these sources.     Your Graded Assessment Task will be assessed against each of the following criteria.     … Read more

Create an assessment that could be delivered online for Cowboys Nighclubs

In this step you will create an assessment that could be delivered online for Cowboys Nighclubs & Restaurants to help participants identified in Module 5 achieve one of the learning outcomes you created in Module 4. Create at least one assessment aligned to one or more of the learning objectives established in Module 4 that … Read more


SOC312 WEEK 2 DISC 1 Watch the following short film, theory of, which demonstrates the theory of mind using a juice box experiment. At around four years of age, a fundamental change occurs in children’s understanding of others’ behaviors or what is also called theory of mind. Using your knowledge from our readings, watch … Read more

contemplary international problem – National Security

“National Security”  Please respond to the following: Select any two of the four basic strategies used to preserve security. Identify and describe what assumptions are made about the opponent according to each of the two strategies you chose. Give an example of each of the two strategies in current world politics and speculate on their … Read more

Project Management Paper

Project Management Paper Select an organization you are familiar with as the basis of the paper. Read the following scenario for the selected organization: Risk involves uncertainty, the lack of knowledge of future events, and the measures of profitability and consequences of not achieving the project goal. Your organization has decided that to be successful … Read more

Implicit Association Test

Implicit Association Test Complete one or more ofthe Harvard-hosted Implicit Association Tests (IAT). Each test you choose to take should take about 10 minutes to complete.Take any of the IAT tests that interest you. Click on the Project Implicit link to proceed. Write a 150- to 300-word response to the following questions. Do you agree with … Read more

Risk management roles

Risk management roles Discuss the role of risk management in the project planning process in small groups by completing the related “Risk Management Discussion” learning activity. Submit a response of 250 to 350 words in length summarizing your small group’s discussion of the role of risk management in the project planning.         … Read more

Assignment 1: Course Project Part II—Practice

Assignment 1: Course Project Part II—Practice You have researched the theoretical writings related to your selected mental disorder in the second part of the course project. In the third part, you will examine the practice related to the disorder. You have conducted field research on practice related to the disorder, including the interview with a … Read more

Assignment 2: Personality Disorders—Fact or Fiction?

Assignment 2: Personality Disorders—Fact or Fiction? Personality disorders are chronic and persistent behavioral and emotional disturbances that are often difficult to treat. Some professionals argue that these disorders are not mental disorders at all, but personality styles—that these individuals are just odd or unusual. Review your text book and a minimum of two peer reviewed … Read more

Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology Use the link below to review the scenario You are a Forensic Psychologist. Then write a five to eight page paper that addresses the following: Explain the factors involved in determining the competency and mental state of offenders. In your paper, you must address the following questions: Given the information provided, what else … Read more

PSY325: Statistics for the Behavioral & Social Sciences paper ANOVA Article Critique

PSY325: Statistics for the Behavioral & Social Sciences paper ANOVA Article Critique Read the article “Cognitive Effects of Risperidone in Children with Autism and Irritable Behavior,” and identify the research questions and/or hypotheses as they are stated. Consider the following questions: What are the variables (sample sizes, population, treatments, etc.)? How was the analysis of … Read more

Bus 610 HR performance issues

HR Performance Issues and Motivation The relationship between the organization and its members can be greatly influenced by what motivates individuals to work. The style of leadership, job design, resources on the job, and environment can all have a significant effect on the satisfaction of employees and their performance. Performance is also influenced by individual … Read more

Risk Factors and Protective Factors

Risk Factors and Protective Factors Drug use is found among all ages, genders, races, socioeconomic statuses, educational levels, and cultures. Throughout the course, you will follow the story of Aaliyah where you will apply the concepts you learn. In this module, you will meet Aaliyah and get to know her current situation. Analyze the case … Read more

Data Collection Plan

Data Collection Plan The Critical Thinking assignments in this course will build upon each other to help you complete the final Portfolio Project, an evaluation plan for Cowboys Nightclubs and Restaurants which seeks to provide a online training and learning for its managers and waitstaff. In this step you will outline your plan for collecting … Read more

Other Addictive Behaviors

Other Addictive Behaviors There are several important terms used in the field of addictions and addictive behaviors. Substance misuse, abuse, and dependence are among the basic concepts of this field of study. Use your textbook and the Argosy University online library resources to examine the termssubstance misuse, substance abuse, and substance dependence. Respond to the … Read more

Images of Aging

Images of Aging How to Begin: For this assignment, you will analyze images of aging that surround us in popular culture. This can include images about aging seen in ads, programs, magazines, birthday cards, etc. Task: You will determine the message about aging that comes from these images. Using your images and readings (e.g., course text, supplemental … Read more

Aging & Disability Work Sheet

Aging & Disability Work Sheet Identify 2 or 3 issues faced by the aging population. 1. 2. 3. Answer the following questions in 100 to 200 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use. ·  What is ageism? How does ageism influence the presence of diversity in society? ·  What is the Americans … Read more


These are 2 separate assignments must do them both.  The first one is 2 to 3 pages as well as the second one Library Research Assignment Use the Internet to identify a prospective employer for which you would like to work after you complete your degree. Using a block format, write an unsolicited application letter … Read more

Industry forcasting – assign 2

Industry forcasting – assign 2 Industry Forecasting Select an industry that interests you. Using the political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal (PESTEL) analysis as covered in the text, analyze the factors that may impact the industry that you have selected and the successful marketing of a company’s product. Evaluate the factors you perceive to … Read more

PSY304:Lifespan Development

PSY304:Lifespan Development Before completing this discussion, be sure to review Chapter 12 in your text and the Factors that Influence Sexual Orientation and Gender Socialization, videos. After examining the research in human development presented in your required resources, complete the following discussion: Ideas and perceptions of gender and sexuality are strongly dependent on cultural factors … Read more

Theories of Motivation

Theories of Motivation Explain how the concepts in Adams’ equity theory can be incorporated into expectancy theory.  150 words or more with references         ……………Answer Preview……………. The concepts of Adams’ equity theory calls for a fair equilibrium between employee’s outputs and inputs in order to keep the business growing. For this reason, … Read more

Assignment 1: LASA —Prevention Strategies

Assignment 1: LASA —Prevention Strategies Treatment programs cannot always be 100% effective, and many substance abusers relapse into drug abuse after days, months, or even years of sobriety. With the marginal success of treatment programs, it is even more important that people never start using drugs. As such, prevention strategies are of utmost importance. Review … Read more

Reflections on Racial Discrimination

Reflections on Racial Discrimination Franklin hears about people being discriminated against at the workplace and in society but rarely experiences it first hand. Cortez, on the other hand, speaks English poorly and is often subject to derogatory comments from peers and coworkers. Reflect on your experience with racial discrimination. Identify examples of racial discrimination and … Read more

Differences between “general clause -” and “comprehensive clause contracting”

1- What are the differences between “general clause -” and “comprehensive clause contracting”?  Which one is preferable and why? 2- Two elements of corporate community relations strategies are strategic philanthropy and multi-section partnerships.  Briefly describe these. please each answer should be around 3-5 sentences 1 year ago this is the class book if you are … Read more

Assignment: The External Marketing Environment in the Global Marketplace

Assignment: The External Marketing Environment in the Global Marketplace There is the link to to the video which detail in the pdf file asks for watching and then it says to download the template the template is attached in the docx file see instructions below link to the video the file Assignment: The External Marketing … Read more

What has changed about the roles of women in Buddhism over time?

What has changed about the roles of women in Buddhism over time? What has changed about the roles of women in Buddhism over time? Plagiarism free, must be detailed, need in 8 hours- 200 word minimum     ……………..Answer Preview…………… What has changed about the roles of women in Buddhism over time? In ancient India, women were … Read more


Interview You must interview a professional in the field of IS or IT. Do not interview faculty or parent/sibling. Produce a 2 page typed paper following the syllabus directions and the directions in the attachment.  Assignment guidelines are attached. Below are some web sites with additinoal question recommendations, but you may choose your own as … Read more

Common characteristics that Buddhism shares with Hinduism, Jainism and Daoism

What are common characteristics that Buddhism shares with Hinduism, Jainism and Daoism?   plagiarism free, need in 8 hours, must be detailed- 200 word minimum       …………..Answer Preview…………… What are common characteristics that Buddhism shares with Hinduism, Jainism and Daoism? Buddhism been the oldest world religion, it shares some characteristics with other religions … Read more