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What do you think of the effectiveness of online marketing? How could the firms use online marketing channels to gain competitive advantages

What do you think of the effectiveness of online marketing? How could the firms use online marketing channels to gain competitive advantages

According to the following article, about 77% of luxury advertisers are expected to increase their investments in online marketing in 2012: http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2012/8806/luxury-brands-boosting-online-marketing-spend#ixzz28gVdyP98

In addition, Manta’s Small Business Survey found that 78% of surveyed online small business achieved at least 25% of their new business leads via online and social channels in 2012.

Read more: http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2012/8966/9-in-10-online-small-businesses-network-online-8-in-10-gain-new-business#ixzz28gWpw1hh

Q. What do you think of the effectiveness of What do you think of the effectiveness of online marketing? How could the firms use online marketing channels to gain competitive advantages? How could the firms use online marketing channels to gain competitive advantages?

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It is imperative to understand how online marketing works in order to get the best out of an online marketing strategy. This is because, this online marketing method is cheap and easy to start thus it can give business owners the freedom to promote their products and services and get immediate response. Online marketing is a cost-………………….


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