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What is the most significant shortcoming of the informal communication system, the grapevine? Why is this so

Include the question when you respond to the questions below. Your responses should be complete sentences. Include in-text citations and a reference page/section in your posts. You must respond to at least 2 other posts on at least 2 different days. Include support (in-text citations and include the reference page citation).

  1. What is the most significant shortcoming of the informal communication system, the grapevine? Why is this so?
  2. It has been said that effective listening is difficult because we can hear without listening. What is meant by this statement?
  3. In the present day, what is the principal hazard in utilizing any degree of touch other than the handshake in interpersonal communication, especially after COVID-19?
  4. Why do many employees believe management usually holds essential information back from them?
  5. Which seems to work more readily as far as information flow is concerned, upward communication or downward communication? Why?
  6. Why might an employee not ask for clarification even if he or she does not understand what the supervisor has said?
  7. What do you believe the individual supervisor can do to influence the contents of the grapevine and its relative accuracy?
  8. As a supervisor, how would you establish a sound communication relationship with a superior whose projected attitude seems to say “Don’t tell me anything I don’t want to hear?”
  9. Concerning the example cited in the discussion of value-added negotiation in which an employee proposes to leave work early each day so she can pick up her child at school by making up the time by accepting more weekend assignments, what critical factor—not mentioned or even inferred in the statement—will have the strongest influence on the extent to which the supervisor can negotiate?
  10. What is the principal hazard in negotiating with a single employee a request for a change in the individual’s terms and conditions of employment?
  11. Reference has been made to negotiations with employees. In what ways, if any, might negotiation enter into a performance appraisal discussion?
  12. f you cannot successfully negotiate a perceived need with your immediate superior, is it advisable to go up the chain of command to your superior’s boss? When and why?
  13. It has been said that most business documents contain 25% to 100% more words than needed to convey their messages properly. Granted, this makes for longer documents, but what is the harm as long as they contain the correct information?
  14. What means would you likely employ to communicate your observation of a serious ethical breach committed by a licensed professional? Why?
  15. When you are upset about a particular issue, what are the advantages of responding in writing rather than speaking face-to-face with the other party?
  16. What are the primary advantages of communication in writing over face-to-face communication?
  17. What are the primary advantages of face-to-face communication over communication in writing?

Requirements: Student responses at least 250 words


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