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Successful HRM professionals act as leaders in their organization.

Successful HRM professionals act as leaders in their organization. Being trustworthy and supporting a positive

Successful HRM professionals act as leaders in their organization. Being trustworthy and supporting a positive organizational culture through appropriate HRM policies, procedures, and processes, they ensure the human capital in the organization reaches its full potential. Policies and procedures define the way employees are expected to behave in the organization and creates a consistent set of shared beliefs and values.

In 1,050 to 1,250 words, write an essay that focuses on these three Human resource main points below:

Addressing these required points will make up the body of the assignment paper.

  1. Explain the role of the HR professional in the organization and elaborate on how the HR role has changed to meet the evolving needs of organizations. The Target Descriptor category for this rubric reads: Essay expertly explains the role of the HR professional in the organization and how the HR role has changed to meet the evolving needs of organizations, and description is comprehensive and insightful with relevant evidence to support claims. Essay demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic. This rubric is pretty straight forward, describe how the function(s) of an HR practitioner in an organization has moved from being mostly an admin role, to a strategic role that manages human capital throughout the employee life cycle.
  2. Provide a minimum of three examples concerning how HRM acts as a strategic support function for the organization. Include the aspect of managing human capital in the essay.Target descriptor: Essay expertly describes at least three examples concerning how HRM acts as a strategic support function for the organization and the aspect of managing human capital, and description is comprehensive and insightful with relevant evidence to support claims. Essay demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic. For this rubric, all the 8 course topics in the Introductory Sequence… represent the major ways that HR practitioners strategically manage human capital for the organization. Pick any 3.
  3. Explain how the HRM professional contributes to establishing a positive organizational culture by creating and managing policies and procedures. Include an example of a policy that promotes a positive organizational culture from your own past or present workplace. Target descriptor: Essay expertly describes how the HRM professional contributes to establishing a positive organizational culture by creating and managing policies and procedures, and description is comprehensive and insightful with relevant evidence to support claims. Relevant example is provided of a policy that promotes a positive organizational culture from your own past our present workplace. Essay demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic.These are policies for the entire organization that can be written, observed and enforced (please think a little deeper than suggesting an ‘open door’ policy). We are looking to set positive behavior standards for the whole organization with these policies. Policies and procedures in most organizations are outlined in their Employee Handbooks. I gave an example of an appropriate policy in my DQ1 post.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This essay should be supported by four or five current scholarly articles. When searching for current scholarly articles in the library database, make sure the peer review box is checked as part of the search criteria and the publication dates are within the last 5 – 7 years.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

**********First, just a couple notes on overall essay expectations below: **************

  • Your assignment will fall within the word count limits given in the assignment instructions. If it doesn’t, I will require the assignment to be resubmitted. Title page, references and appendices are not part of the word count.
  • All essay assignments follow a conventional pattern of organization (formatting) and structure/development, (thesis) statement, a body of evidence, and a conclusion that redirects the audience back to the purpose and the main evidence. As a rule, your introduction and conclusion
  • Remember to use the GCU APA 7th ED. Style Guide for the writing and formatting rubrics. This is a requirement as outlined in the assignment instructions for this course. The GCU APA 7th ED. Style Guide is attached to the Welcome Announcement.

Requirements: 1050-1250  


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