Recent homework

Interview a store manager, owner or marketing manager of a local business. This can either be an in-person interview or via phone

Interview a store manager, owner or marketing manager of a local business. This can either be an in-person interview or via phone Interview a store manager, owner or marketing manager of a local business. This can either be an in-person interview or via phone. Identify and describe the target customer. Explore the elements of the four P’s applying … Read more

Reflect on a team that you have worked with either personally or professionally. In your paper, address the following based on your

Reflect on a team that you have worked with either personally or professionally. In your paper, address the following based on your Reflect on a team that you have worked with either personally or professionally. In your paper, address the following based on your experience of working in a group. Describe how the group went through … Read more

Phenomenon of Facebook and Twitter

Phenomenon of Facebook and Twitter For this written assignment, you are to analyze the phenomenon of Facebook and Twitter, and discuss in what ways social media works as a globalizing force. You should explain what the positive and negative cultural implications social media like these have, and give examples. This paper should be 1-2 pages. … Read more

Financial Effects of Globalization

Financial Effects of Globalization Financial Effects of Globalization: In recent decades, the emergence of global economic, political, environmental, and cultural interconnections has greatly impacted people, companies, and nations  regionally and in different parts of the world. Consider, for instance, the following mission statement: “Partnerships International, Inc. periodically brings together industry and government in a collegial and … Read more

Assignment 2: LASA 1: Development Throughout the Lifespan

Assignment 2: LASA 1: Development Throughout the Lifespan Assignment 2: LASA 1: Erikson and Freud are two of the few theorists who have developed a lifespan approach to development. Freud’s approach to development was psychosexual while Erikson’s was psychosocial. Even though Freud’s theory is better known, Erikson’s theory remains a leading and very much applied … Read more

Criminal Justice: Robbery and Extortion

Criminal Justice: Robbery and Extortion Criminal Justice Robbery and Extortion: Which crime, robbery or extortion, is more harmful to the victim of the crime? Discuss the similarities and the differences between these two crimes. Your primary response should examine the potential culpability of the victim for either crime. Does the fact that the victim may have … Read more

train coworkers on effective presentation techniques

Train coworkers on effective presentation techniques Create a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes that you would use to train coworkers on effective presentation techniques. Create your presentation. Include the following: At least five strategies from this week’s readings on effectively developing and delivering a presentation to an audience  Tips for overcoming … Read more

Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics Discussion

Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics Discussion Choose an FDA-approved prescription medication and discuss the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the medication, including any differences that would be expected based on the patient’s age, a condition of pregnancy, or lactation. Address any adverse effects the medication may have based on age, pregnancy, or lactation.   …………………….Sample solution………………….. Food and Drugs … Read more

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility: Your paper must be 500-700 words and be in APA format Review the links below about the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico: Article 1: Article 2: Article 3: Article 4: Article 5: Imagine that you have been hired by a company … Read more


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