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Investment Strategy Case Problem

Investment Strategy Case Problem

Investment Strategy Case Problem

Learning Outcomes:

• Apply statistical analysis tools to evaluate data

• Interrupt statistical results, apply to decision-making, argue a decision, and write a report

Keep in mind the structure of your written report as it is critical. All reports begin with an introduction to the case. In it you outline briefly what the company does, how it developed historically, what problems it is experiencing, and how you are going to approach the issues addressing the questions at the end of the case. Do this sequentially by writing, for example, “First, we discuss the environment of Company X…Third, we discuss Company X’s business-level strategy… Last, we provide recommendations for turning around Company X’s business.”

Make sure you use plenty of headings and subheadings to structure your analysis. For example, have separate sections on any important conceptual tool you use. Thus, you might have a section on Porter’s five forces model as part of your analysis of the environment. You might offer a separate section on portfolio techniques when analyzing a company’s corporate strategy. Tailor the sections and subsections to the specific issues of importance in the case.

In the third part of the case write-up, present your solutions and recommendations. Be comprehensive, and make sure they are in line with the previous analysis so that the recommendations fit together and move logically from one to the next. The recommendations section is very revealing because it shows how much work you put into the case from the quality of your recommendations.

Your paper is to be written in 6th edition APA formatting, and should be no less than 5 pages in length (excluding cover and reference page). Also, you should use at least 2 academic references to support your analysis and critical thinking.

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