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Would a market-neutral hedge fund be a good candidate for an investor’s entire retirement portfolio

Would a market-neutral hedge fund be a good candidate for an investor’s entire retirement portfolio? 5. Would a market-neutral hedge fund be a good candidate for an investor’s entire retirement portfolio? If not, would there be a role for the hedge fund in the overall portfolio of such an investor? Each question should be answered … Read more

Would the principle of diversification assure us that diversifying a U.S. portfolio

Would the principle of diversification assure us that diversifying a U.S. portfolio 2. Would the principle of diversification assure us that diversifying a U.S. portfolio internationally would reduce the standard deviation? Explain. Each question should be answered in at least 300 words. Quality of content and use of course and outside-of-course resources to support your … Read more

The focus of this outline to is to present as clear a picture as possible of your Community Center Proposal

The focus of this outline to is to present as clear a picture as possible of your Community Center Proposal Prior to completing this written assignment, please review the information in the course textbook, familiarize yourself with the Final Project guidelines in Week Five, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance. For this assignment, you will … Read more

Fast food restaurant Essay

Fast food restaurant Essay write about what company u want to create and try to get investment. just 1 page   …………..Answer Preview………………. Over the past few months I have been looking for a business opportunity that I can engage in.  After doing some research, I have come realized that there is no fast food … Read more

Write 350-500 words 1-2 pages defining and comparing the terms species, population, and ecosystem.

Write 350-500 words (~1-2 pages) defining and comparing the terms species, population, and ecosystem. GED 108 ENVIRONMENTAL Science Unit 1 Write 350-500 words (~1-2 pages) defining and comparing the terms species, population, and ecosystem. All works used should be cited using the ASA style.   …………………Answer Preview………….. There are three major terms in biology commonly … Read more

Analyze one application where discrete probability can be used to solve a problem.

Analyze one application where discrete probability can be used to solve a problem. Discrete Probability Analyze one application where discrete probability can be used to solve a problem. Provide an example with your response.     ………………..Answer Preview…………….. Discrete probability concepts are used to help solve problems that can be calculated by either looking at … Read more

A mother brings her daughter into the emergency room during an asthma attack.

A mother brings her daughter into the emergency room during an asthma attack. A mother brings her daughter into the emergency room during an asthma attack. Though both of her parents work, they cannot afford medical insurance for themselves or her. They also earn too much money to qualify for state or federal aid. She … Read more

Define presidential doctrine and summarize the regional or global events during the Cold War

Define presidential doctrine and summarize the regional or global events during the Cold War This paper will be a revised and expanded version of the first research paper. Based on your instructor’s feedback, you will first revise the first paper. Write three-to-four (3-4) new pages that address the following:  Define presidential doctrine and summarize the … Read more

Search the Internet and find credible vs. questionable sites about vaccine usage.

Search the Internet and find credible vs. questionable sites about vaccine usage. Since the invention of the first vaccine in the 1700s, there has been controversy whenever a new vaccine is introduced.  Are they safe? Do they work? Search the Internet and find credible vs. questionable sites about vaccine usage.  Using this information, share your … Read more

Attend two cultural events of your own choosing during the current semester.

Attend two cultural events of your own choosing during the current semester. Attend two cultural events of your own choosing during the current semester. The event must meet the professor’s criteria for a cultural event. The field experience will be a live performance of a play, concert lecture/reading, exhibit, etc.  Any other kind of event … Read more

There has been a movement in the last decade encouraging people to “buy American.”

There has been a movement in the last decade encouraging people to “buy American.” Write a 1-2 page reflective paper (double spaced) on the following questions while discussing the connections between business, law, politics and ethics.  One: There has been a movement in the last decade encouraging people to “buy American.” Discuss the legal and … Read more

Watch/read up to one of the films/articles listed below and then submit 

Watch/read up to one of the films/articles listed below and then submit Watch/read up to one of the films/articles listed below and then submit a page-long response about it. In this response, discuss in two paragraphs what the film/article teaches about neoliberal globalization. Films: 1. China Blue  2. The Constant Gardener  3. Up in the Air  4. Zeitgeist Addendum  5. Life and Debt  6. If you … Read more

Teachers are professionals who must make many decisions throughout their day

Teachers are professionals who must make many decisions throughout their day Teachers are professionals who must make many decisions throughout their day! Some decisions are immediate, spur of the moment choices like disciplining students or revising a lesson that is not working. Others decisions are more calculated, like developing a semester-long project designed to incorporate … Read more

With the exception of Mohandas Gandhi and Nehru (and possibly Indira Gandhi),

With the exception of Mohandas Gandhi and Nehru (and possibly Indira Gandhi), With the exception of Mohandas Gandhi and Nehru (and possibly Indira Gandhi), all the other makers of modern Asia were not democrats.  How has this lack of democracy affected the rise of Asia?  How has this lack of democracy affected the world order … Read more

Compare and contrast the key responsibilities of certified management accountants

Compare and contrast the key responsibilities of certified management accountants “Which Career is for You?” Please respond to the following: Compare and contrast the key responsibilities of certified management accountants and certified public accountants. Select the career path that you plan to pursue, and explain why you chose that path. My career path is to … Read more

Congratulations! You have just been promoted to the head of the food and beverage department

Congratulations! You have just been promoted to the head of the food and beverage department Primary Task Response to Discussion Forum: Within the Discussion Forum area, write in no less than 150 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. … Read more

An intermediate sanction includes a variety of punishments that are more restrictive

An intermediate sanction includes a variety of punishments that are more restrictive An intermediate sanction includes a variety of punishments that are more restrictive than traditional probation but less severe and costly than incarceration. Some of these include; boot camps, day reporting (treatment) centers, intensive supervision, home confinement, electronic monitoring, and shock incarceration. Research one … Read more

Consider the fictional company you started in Week 2. What will be the roles of the entrepreneurs, managers

Consider the fictional company you started in Week 2. What will be the roles of the entrepreneurs, managers Consider the fictional company you started in Week 2. What will be the roles of the entrepreneurs, managers, and employees of your company? What will be the ethical code of your company? Describe the roles of the … Read more

Describe a situation where you believe there may be an ethical violation taking place

Describe a situation where you believe there may be an ethical violation taking place Describe a situation where you believe there may be an ethical violation taking place by one of your colleagues on the job where you work (for this discussion, let’s say that you work at a private facility serving autistic and developmentally … Read more

What type of fee agreement is this?

What type of fee agreement is this? Click here to download a sample fee agreement. Read the fee agreement carefully, then answer the following questions: 1. What type of fee agreement is this? 2. Is this agreement fair to the client? Why or why not? 3. Are any areas of the agreement vague or unclear? If … Read more

Segmentation bases (variables) are used to identify particular characteristics, attributes, or traits

Segmentation bases (variables) are used to identify particular characteristics, attributes, or traits Segmentation bases (variables) are used to identify particular characteristics, attributes, or traits of consumers or businesses. Consumer markets are typically segmented using 5 bases, including geographic, demographic, psychographic, benefit, and usage-rate segmentation. Execute the following four steps to complete this Discussion assignment: Watch … Read more

Why banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide

Why banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide Create a complete preparation outline using the outline template below for a persuasive speech. Why banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide 1) State the general purpose, specific purpose, and central idea clearly and in the appropriate … Read more

Compare and contrast decolonization in India and China during the 20th century.

Compare and contrast decolonization in India and China during the 20th century Compare and contrast decolonization in India and China during the 20th century. Be sure to explain the means and contexts in which both nations emerged as independent, the role large global affairs played in the processes, and how these histories of decolonization are … Read more

The U.S. population continues to diversify, increase in average age (primarily due to baby boomers)

The U.S. population continues to diversify, increase in average age The U.S. population continues to diversify, increase in average age (primarily due to baby boomers), and to be influenced by national legislation (e.g., Affordable Care Act, Medicare Modernization Act, HITECH Act). Select a specific type of health care organization. Which market segments pose opportunities for … Read more

Specify the main reasons why green computing should be part of any organization’s social responsibility posture.

Specify the main reasons why green computing should be part of any organization’s social responsibility posture. Respond in 2-3 paragraphs. Specify the main reasons why green computing should be part of any organization’s social responsibility posture. Next, propose three (3) actions that IT organizations could take to reduce their carbon footprint. Provide a rationale for … Read more

After reading the court case write, Five, specific issues whose answer will allow you

After reading the court case write, Five, specific issues whose answer will allow you 1.After reading the court case write, Five, specific issues whose answer will allow you to make a decision if you are for or against the claim. 2. Select three of the issues and rewrite each of them into a contention. You … Read more

Your consulting services have been requested by the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

Your consulting services have been requested by the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Your consulting services have been requested by the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.  The CEO is concerned about the use of the internet at work and employs your consulting services to discuss her concerns. Primarily, she is concerned that employees … Read more

Write a 500- to 700-word magazine article that discusses visual imagery.

Write a 500- to 700-word magazine article that discusses visual imagery. Write a 500- to 700-word magazine article that discusses visual imagery. Includethe following in your article: A contrast of verbal and visual imagery An argument about which of these you consider most important A justification of your argument with research …………………….Answer Preview…………………….. Verbal involves communicating with … Read more

You will research and find an example of a firm that is going through the transformational change

You will research and find an example of a firm that is going through the transformational change Introduction (250-300 words) You will research and find an example of a firm that is going through the transformational change of offshoring much of its production activities. The first part of the plan will be the Introduction. Context … Read more

Write a two- to- three- page paper (excluding title and reference pages) that identifies a problem faced by your community

Write a two- to- three- page paper (excluding title and reference pages) that identifies a problem faced by your community Write a two- to- three- page paper (excluding title and reference pages) that identifies a problem faced by your community. Discuss how a model of community change could be implemented to improve the problem. Community … Read more

Power of social networks (digital and mobile technologies in general) and how this power may potentially support

Power of social networks (digital and mobile technologies in general) and how this power may potentially support Power of social networks (digital and mobile technologies in general) and how this power may potentially support or enable public health surveillance efforts as well as provide information efficiently. In no more than 4 pages, compare and contrast … Read more

Government’s role in the delivery and financing of health care, with specific reference

Government’s role in the delivery and financing of health care, with specific reference Government’s role in the delivery and financing of health care, with specific reference to the dichotomy between public health and private medicine. Use the following as topic headers:Government’s role in healthcare delivery Government’s role in healthcare financing Assessment of the impact of … Read more

Identify at least four (4) key points of a relevant economic article from either the Strayer Library

Identify at least four (4) key points of a relevant economic article from either the Strayer Library Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Identify at least four (4) key points of a relevant economic article from either the Strayer Library or a newspaper. The article must deal with any course … Read more

Is there such a thing as the Common Good, independent of the wishes of the individual members

Is there such a thing as the Common Good, independent of the wishes of the individual members Is there such a thing as the Common Good, independent of the wishes of the individual members of society taken separately or together? If so, what is it and how is it grounded? On what basis, if any, … Read more

Research the economic issue of minimum wage

Research the economic issue of minimum wage Research the economic issue of minimum wage.  Write a one page summary of your points  Make sure you properly credit any sources you use.     ……………………….Answer Preview……….. The minimum wage is a critical labor standard that is meant to ensure a fair wage for the lowest aid … Read more

Short paper that explains how Human Resource functions relate

Short paper that explains how Human Resource functions relate Write a 175- to 350-word short paper that explains how Human Resource functions relate to organizational development. APA format with references and in-text citations.     ……………………….Answer Preview………….. Human Resource functions relate to organizational development in a number of ways. HR can strategically contribute to an … Read more

Should all CEOs be transformational leaders?

Should all CEOs be transformational leaders? Should all CEOs be transformational leaders? Would you like to work for a transformational leader? Answer the above question in 200 or more words with references. APA format.     ………………Answer Preview……………… A transformational leader is someone who has a vision to move the people led from one point … Read more

Critically Examine the view that Colonization of African Countries is a blessing in disguise.

Critically Examine the view that Colonization of African Countries is a blessing in disguise. Question : Critically Examine the view that Colonization of African Countries is a blessing in disguise. Instruction: Answer to this problem must an honest one without bias and must not be more than 5 pages.   ………………Answer Preview……………. It is indeed … Read more

Biography paper about composer: Frederic Chopin

Biography paper about composer: Frederic Chopin I want somebody to write me a biography paper about a composer,, the list of the composers down the page ( just choose one). Three pages long. Double space. MLA format. line size is 12. After you choose the composer. Introduction History of the singer: general life: where the singer born … Read more

Your new audit client, Hardwood Lumber Company, has a computerized accounting system

Your new audit client, Hardwood Lumber Company, has a computerized accounting system Your new audit client, Hardwood Lumber Company, has a computerized accounting system for all financial statement cycles. During planning, you visited with the information systems vice president and learned that personnel in information systems are assigned to one of four departments: systems programming, … Read more

Compare and contrast strategic resources and competencies. 

Compare and contrast strategic resources and competencies. Compare and contrast strategic resources and competencies.  Identify what role, if any, licensed health care providers play in helping a health care organization attain a competitive advantage.  Support your primary response with at least two scholarly sources. Internal audit of strategic assets   ………………..Answer Preview……………… strategic resources refer to the main components or the … Read more

Conduct academic research on the sixteen personality types.

Conduct academic research on the sixteen personality types. Conduct academic research on the sixteen personality types. A good place to start would be to complete a free Jung Typology Test. The Sixteen Personality Types In a 1 page paper discuss the following: Explain what personality type you are and what the characteristics are of this type. Describe … Read more

As you have learned, managers have their own responsibilities to perform

As you have learned, managers have their own responsibilities to perform As you have learned, managers have their own responsibilities to perform and they also determine what work should be delegated to subordinates to perform. Good managers know that “it takes a team” to succeed. Poor managers believe it is easier to do it all … Read more

How does your selected organization use the different components of the marketing mix

How does your selected organization use the different components of the marketing mix I choose Coca-Cola: How does your selected organization use the different components of the marketing mix? How does the marketing mix affect the development of your selected organization’s marketing strategy and tactics? How can your selected organization use quantifiable elements to evaluate, monitor, … Read more

Do you think that understanding Human Resource Management Process is important

Do you think that understanding Human Resource Management Process is important Do you think that understanding Human Resource Management Process is important, even for non-management majors or for those without management aspirations? Support your opinion.     ……………….Answer Preview…………. According to Perkins, and Arvinen-Muondo (2013), human resource management is a system that helps in organizing … Read more

Create a thesis statement for an Analysis essay

Create a thesis statement for an Analysis essay Create a thesis statement for an Analysis essay in which you evaluate and discuss the best location for vacation getaway (educational, romantic, family, or adventurous). With the thesis statement, be sure to include no less than three supporting points (including details and examples….     ………………Answer Preview……………… … Read more

Identify two examples of poor corporate labor relations policies related to affirmative action

Identify two examples of poor corporate labor relations policies related to affirmative action Identify two examples of poor corporate labor relations policies related to affirmative action and equal employment opportunity requirements. Describe the breaches that have occurred due to these policies. Using these examples of business wrongdoing, discuss flaws in the US business or financial … Read more

Describe a business/organizational example that experienced an ethical issue or dilemma.

Describe a business/organizational example that experienced an ethical issue or dilemma. 1.) Describe a business/organizational example that experienced an ethical issue or dilemma. (Ethical issue includes bribery, discrimination, conflicts of interest, or lying) Choose only one ethical issue. a. Choose the example from your personal experience or research b. Describe it, c. Explain how the … Read more

Identify one composition by Monteverdi or Vivaldi that demonstrates the qualities

Identify one composition by Monteverdi or Vivaldi that demonstrates the qualities Question 1: Identify one composition by Monteverdi or Vivaldi that demonstrates the qualities of the Baroque musical style. Describe your choice by relating key terms from the textbook to the selection you hear.  Can you compare this to a modern soundtrack or song that evokes a similar mood? … Read more

What skills and traits do you believe make a good manager?

What skills and traits do you believe make a good manager? What skills and traits do you believe make a good manager? Do you think these skills and traits are learned or innate, and why? Search the internet for an article that supports your position and post the link in your thread for fellow students … Read more

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