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Your company’s marketing department promotes the products and interacts with the customers, sales force, and supply chain

Your company’s marketing department promotes the products and interacts with the customers, sales force, and supply chain

Your company’s marketing department promotes the products and interacts with the customers, sales force, and supply chain. They are also in charge of forecasting sales for the company. In a PowerPoint presentation that you will show at the next corporate board meeting, analyze the marketing strategies used by the company. You presentation should be 7 slides and should have a minimum of 100 – 150 words in the Notes area of each slide to further provide substance and support for the outline information on the slide. Please use a minimum of three outside scholarly sources for support.



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 For any company to succeed, there has to be a marketing department that is making the business and brand known to the world. On this note, therefore, there are marketing strategies tied to the department to help ensure that there are efforts put in place towards this success in focus. There are several strategies in this regard……………………………


772 words

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