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Writing; please read the question carefully (5)

Writing; please read the question carefully (5)

Please read the article below and answer the below questions :


  1. An APA/MLA/Chicago reference for the article – basically, let your professor and your classmates know how to find it if we want to read it.
  2. A brief summary of the main points that the author made in the article.
  3. An analysis of the article. Some points to address: 1) Did the author have a clear purpose for the article? What makes you believe so? 2) Was this purpose accomplished? How? 3) Did the author present the information in a way that readers would find appealing? In what way? 4) Is the world a better place for this article being written? How? 5) How does this article relate to the real world, either business-wise, or personally? If it doesn’t, state why.






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Question 1:

APA reference:

Nagenborg, M. (2014). Surveillance and persuasion. Ethics and Information Technology, 16(1), 43-49.

MLA reference:

Nagenborg, Michael. “Surveillance and persuasion………………..


395 Words

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