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World War I was the first total war because there was some effect of war on most countries and colonies

World War I was the first total war because there was some effect of war on most countries and colonies

World War I was the first total war because there was some effect of war on most countries and colonies. Even if not directly fighting on the front lines, women and children on the home front were affected. “The Great War was globalized and totalized by the inclusion of colonial and newly independent people from all over the world and of civilians, old people, women and children” (Becker, 2015, p.1029). It is known as the Great War because of the effects across the globe (Brower & Sanders, 2015).

“For the first time in history, the whole world waged war – a war that devoured men, resources and energy; that split loyalties, reignited old fervours and generated new horrors” (Becker, 2015, p.1030). During the war, governments had increased involvement in economy and censorship, with punishment for disloyalty (Brower & Sanders, 2015). After the war, people were left to make sense of what had happened and try to move on after the high cost to man and resources. This laid the groundwork for “three of the great currents of twentieth century- militant nationalism, communism, and decolonization” (Brower & Sanders, 2015, p.35).

Becker, A. (2015). The Great War: World war, total war, International Review of the Red Cross, 97(900), 1029-1045. doi:10.1017/S1816383116000382

Brower, D., & Sanders, T. (2014). The world in the twentieth century: From empires to nations (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.



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Indeed, the First World War (1914-1918) was the world’s first total war. It was dubbed “The Great War” because of its massive impact on the global scale. It is due to the effects rather than its nature that it is a total war. Nations that participated actively in the war fought on two fronts while those that did not actively participate were on the receiving end of the consequences. I agree with you that although………………………………..


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