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The exploration of Byzantine Art as an expression of the spiritual ideas of Orthodox Christianity

The exploration of Byzantine Art as an expression of the spiritual ideas of Orthodox Christianity

REL2300 World Religions. How to write a 600 word essay on Byzantine Art including a 200 word outline.

This assignment prompt the exploration of Byzantine Art as an expression of the spiritual ideas of Orthodox Christianity, the second largest Christian denomination in the world.

Use footnotes and citations from Orthodox Christian sources. As with any religion or denomination, proper footnotes and citations helps ensure the integrity of what is written on their actual beliefs, and not personal conjecture.

Here are helpful considerations that may help guide you in this assignment.

1. What is Byzantine Art? Historically (i.e. in antiquity) was Byzantine Art used in secular or religious settings, or both? How is it used today?

2. Why were “Holy Icons” referred to as “the illiterate man’s Bible”? Hint: In general what were the literacy rates then? When was the printing press invented? Before its invention, in what form or manner were holy scriptures (in this case: the Old & New Testaments) compiled (made)? Before the printing press, where Bibles easy to come by?

3. According to the actual official beliefs of Orthodox Christianity, the use of icons is not considered as “worshiping a graven image” but rather illustrates a message or person to be given respect. According to their official beliefs, why or why not? Do all the various jurisdictions of Orthodox Christianity throughout the world use Byzantine Art today?

4. In this context as mentioned above in #4 & #3, is it possible for this type of art to be accepted within Catholic or Protestant Christianity as well? Are they using similar images now?

5. What you think are the most significant qualities/characteristics of Byzantine Art? How is it different from the Renaissance style of religious art? Be sure to use specific examples to illustrate your main points. Optional: you can include one example of Byzantine Art that you like, and why you chose it.

(the Discussion Post does not have to be as lengthy as the 2nd writing assignment, but still requires footnotes, citations, bibliography.)

Before writing on this topic, you should research Byzantine art and Orthodox Christianity. This is because you are required to do research in association with every discussion topic so that you can provide well-informed opinions. Ensure that you provide original writing (use footnotes, do not plagiarize the words of your sources) and that the citations are in proper MLA (Modern Language Association) citation format: spcollege.libguides.com/content.php?pid=98920&sid=742314.

(600 word minimum excludng bibliography) and must include numerous and specific footnotes and a bibliography. So as you prepare for this 200 word Discussion Post, you are also simultaneously outlining and preparing your 600-word 2nd Writing Assignment! You’re welcome! 🙂

Here are some accurate and informative resources. Please only use these links given. Other links only by prior approval from instructor.

1. http://www.goarch.org/ourfaith/ourfaith8025,

2. http://www.antiochian.org/icons-eastern-orthodoxy,

3. https://orthodoxwiki.org/Iconography,

4. https://iconreader.wordpress.com/,

5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icon,

6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byzantine_art,

7. http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/b/byzantine.html,

8. https://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/gg1/gg1-main1.html

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The exploration of Byzantine Art as an expression of the spiritual ideas of Orthodox ChristianityAPA

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