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Every industry has standards of practice or best practices.

Every industry has standards of practice or best practices.

Activity Overview

Every industry has standards of practice or best practices. Even the paper boy has standards to adhere to. For example, the paper boy needs to bundle newspapers in an organized manner without damaging the material, such as ripping tearing or keeping the newspaper dry. Protecting, and delivering the newspaper on time would be the standard. A best practice for delivery is to arrive early for delivery, and even better, to lean a newspaper up against the doorway for the customer. This would be considered a best practice because it takes the work out of the customer. By leaning the newspaper against the door, the customer only has to open the door and the paper falls into the home. (Customer Satisfaction Best Practice)

For this assignment, consider a few of the standards in the workplace and find a way to improve the standard with a best practice. Or, if you have best practices submit them based on the requirements below/


Format can be in Notepad, Word or any common text editor.

Submit three Best Practices from your work place.

Feel free to elaborate on your three submissions. However, a quick summary of each best practice will do.

1 Page Single Space worth of data.

Answer preview to every industry has standards of practice or best practices.

Every industry has standards of practice or best practices.


620 words

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