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Evaluate the impact of creative expressions on contemporary culture.

Evaluate the impact of creative expressions on contemporary culture.

HU200M3: Evaluate the impact of creative expressions on contemporary culture.
GEL-5.02: Analyze the impact of human expression in the areas of literature, art, culture, music, or film.
PC-2.4: Develop an inspirational vision or mission.
In the reading you are introduced to the concept of a quest narrative: a story of a journey toward a goal. In this two-part assignment, you will create a quest narrative and then evaluate the process of doing so.
In Part I you will write a quest narrative from your life using literary concepts from the reading. You will demonstrate how you used those concepts to help you tell your story and share an inspirational vision or mission. The quest narrative you share should be true, but you can address it to a fictional audience. In Part II, you will evaluate the narrative you created and reflect on the writing process and the use of literary concepts in writing. You will explain how you made certain decisions to build the narrative, and you will reflect on the process of creating a work of literature. This assignment will be a good exercise in communicating leadership, which will be useful in the workplace and throughout your life.
You can write Part I as a letter, a story, a poem, or a play. There are many ways to approach this assignment for Part I. You can check the Assessment Part I Tip Sheet for examples to help you brainstorm ideas and narrow your focus.
It is helpful to think of the quest narrative through four decisions.
* What is my quest? (Becoming a parent while pursuing my education, and work life challenges).
* Which genre will I use to write it? ( short story)
* Which of the concepts from the reading could be useful in helping me to tell this story in an interesting way? ( metaphor , smile)
* Who is my audience? (My friends/colleagues)Who do I want to encourage to take on a challenge as I did? (My reunited childhood friend )
Be sure to carefully read the textbook’s discussion of the quest narrative. Then also consider the concepts from the reading on literature, as you will build those ideas into Part I and define them in Part II.
Part I: You will compose a quest narrative from your life. Your audience should be someone that you want to encourage to overcome obstacles, build resilience, or take the same quest. You will tell the audience your story and call them to action as well. You should be writing this as a leader who wishes to inspire the person reading your narrative.
You must employ at least two of the concepts from the assigned reading on literature, such as metaphor, image, or symbol.
As you create the narrative, include details, emotions, and ideas that happened in those moments. You may have taken action in this quest without thinking it through, but take this opportunity to analyze the decision as a part of self-awareness, finding your potential, and becoming inspired to improve your situation. Do include the highs and the lows of the quest along with insight into why you kept moving toward your goal.
The quest narrative in Part I must be at least 1 page, but it can be longer.
Part II: In at least 500 words, you will evaluate the quest narrative you wrote in Part I.
* Explain how you used the two concepts of literature in creating your narrative. Use and cite the text to define each concept that was used and to explain how you interpreted and employed this concept in your narrative. Why did you select these concepts to apply, and do you feel they were effective?
* Clarify for the reader how you demonstrated leadership in your call to action for the reader. How did you communicate your vision? How will this narrative help the audience to uncover their own potential as a human being? Why would a narrative be an effective way to call another person to self-reflection and change?
* Reflect on the writing process. How was the process of writing the narrative? What was simple and what was a challenge? What helped you to get inspired? What made you tell this particular story?
Save Part I and Part II in the same document, so your instructor can easily move from one part to the other.

Minimum Submission Requirements
* Proper notification of any resubmission, repurposing, or reworking of prior work per the Purdue Global Student Coursework Resubmission, Repurposing, and Reworking Policy Resource.
* This assessment should be a Microsoft Word (minimum 500 words) document with in text citation , in addition to the title and reference pages.
* Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your submission should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
* Your submission should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
* Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
* Your submission must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
* A separate page at the end of your submission should contain a list of references in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.
* Be sure to include references for all sources and to cite them using in-text citations where appropriate. Your sources and content should follow current APA citation style. Review the writing resources for APA formatting and citation found in Academic Tools. Additional writing resources can be found within the Academic Success Center.
* Your submission should:
* include a title page;
* be double-spaced;
* be typed in Times New Roman, 12-point font; and
* be free of spelling or punctuation errors.
If the work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned for revision. If the work submitted does not meet the minimum submission requirements by the end of the term, you will receive a failing score.
Paper Format: APA

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Evaluate the impact of creative expressions on contemporary culture.


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