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Research the role of women in Saudi Arabia.

Research the role of women in Saudi Arabia.

Research the role of women in Saudi Arabia. What does the research say about the treatment of women in Saudi Arabian society?

What rights do they have?

Women in Saudi Arabia were given the right to vote and run for political office in 2015 and the ban on driving for women was relaxed in 2018. What effect do you think these changes will have in terms of gender equity throughout the kingdom?

In what ways are women still prevented from full participation in social life?

Since large scale change is very unlikely, what other incremental changes could take place to ensure greater gender equity in Saudi Arabia?

In addition to the content of your answer, you will be assessed on spelling, grammar, and writing mechanics. You should use scholarly outside sources and make sure they’re sited using APA style.

Requirements: 400 words

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Research the role of women in Saudi Arabia.


515 words

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