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Prepare a short briefing paper  which can be used to nominate a specific Application Lifecycle Management

Prepare a short briefing paper  which can be used to nominate a specific Application Lifecycle Management

Prepare a short briefing paper (3 to 5 paragraphs) which can be used to nominate a specific Application Lifecycle Management tool for a “best of the best” award for software tools. In your nomination, you must include information about how the ALM tool supports security requirements throughout the System Development Lifecycle (SDLC).

Use your research and findings from your Case Study #2 paper.

Post your briefing (in paragraph format — no bullet lists) as a response in this topic.

Provide in-text citations and references for 3 or more authoritative sources. Put the reference list at the end of your article.

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Two-Factor Authentication

Overview of the security technology

Almost all companies have the desire to protect their most valuable information. Ordinarily, institutions have pieces of information that vary in the level of access by the employees. There are pieces of information that can be accessed by all the staff in the institution while there are also those that are secretly kept and should only be seen by the executives. However, in a world where technology has grown to the stratospheric limits, some dubious characters will always desire to do whatever they can to get the data. In that level of sophistication, only a sophisticated mechanism can detect and repulse such attempts

NextVue, a security systems company, through its product Acumatica, came up with what it referred to as a Two-factor authentication technology that has proven to be highly efficient in giving systems maximum security. It is also known as 2FA. The manner in which the technology is designed makes sure that individuals go through certain steps before gaining access to the computer systems (Order, 2008).

The features and capabilities of 2FA

In a system that uses 2FA, for an individual to acquire access to the network, he will be required to present some combinations of pieces of information before being allowed to access the data or even operate the machine. Within the technology spheres, 2FA belongs to the multifactor authentication group. In most cases, it employs what the individual has and what the person knows to gain access. For Acumatica, with a view to making sure that there is total control over access; those who install it are provided with a password and code that is passed to them using a mobile phone number or email. The trick behind this mechanisms is the fact that when a person keys in the Code, he would be confirming that he has the password as well as the phone, for, without the two, it would be impossible to arrive at that level (Stanislav, 2015).

Interestingly, 2FA also allows individuals to access their devices from remote areas and not necessarily within the precincts of the facility. In globalization age, it has become increasingly necessary that professionals are in a position to access vital information that is in a company from whichever part of the country they are located. For example, if the chief executive of Aberdeen Software takes a business trip to China and it becomes necessary that he gets access to some files in his office, he would not be worried since the technology permits such remote access.

Notable deficiencies to 2FA Technology

However, even in light of such bullish show of technological might, there are significant discrepancies that come up. For example, in the case a mobile phone is to be used in authentication, as is the case in Acumatica 2FA, it becomes necessary that the user has to carry the cell phone around at all times and must keep it on when access is needed. But since there is a possibility of the phone running out of power, access to the system might be hindered. It might result in loss of valuable time and even business opportunities. Another issue that comes into play is the fact that mobile phone SMS can be intercepted and used by enemies to steal some information (Das, 2009). Much as it is uncommon, it would be foolish to assume that it is not possible. Fraudsters who are determined can do it.

However, due to some of the challenges that come with the use of mobile phones, it is possible to come up with adjustments that counter the shortcomings of the application of the cell phones. It is possible that the system can be designed in such a manner that other mechanisms other than the phones are accepted. For example, there can be a permanent secret code that the user can often change coupled up with fingerprints.

How Aberdeen Software can use Acumen 2FA to improve its cyber security objectives

In An era where cloud computing is taking over from traditional applications, 2FA has become of critical importance. The following are some of the situations in which the technology will prove vital to Aberdeen Software in its quest to prevent itself from cyber attacks and related threats;

Initially, the device would be greatly effective in controlling access to the systems from within, otherwise known as local access. Most of the times, company security teams may be looking at threats from outside the organization while the fact is that they may always start from within the organization. It is incredibly important is to recognize the level of access that is permissible to each employee and issue codes that will allow them to attain that level. Additionally, in cases where the management would like to encourage strict applications, it would allow only a selected group to view the files (Coffin, 2011). Ordinarily, the computers would record those who gained access, and that would make investigations easy should there be issues with foul play or system breach.

2FA has also become instrumental in managing remote access. The system provides a VPN or portal access systems to corporate-backed systems in a much more secure manner than has previously been happening. The various authentication procedures would require strict conditions to allow individuals to use the system. Traditionally, the mechanisms that were in place were corruptible, and that allowed strangers to use present themselves as legal and authorized personnel, and that ended in massive losses. The tools that 2FA has adopted will not be easy to be manipulated.

Finally, and most importantly, 2FA is capable of detecting suspicious activities in the system and initiate necessary lockdown procedures. For example, is a person has tried to manipulate the codes severally and has failed, the system will get locked, and that will deny the potential adversary an opportunity to succeed. Also, the various technology service providers have a broad range of options that that suit every business organization and Aberdeen Software can select a package that will best solve its problems.


Coffin, D. (2011). Two-factor authentication. In Expert Oracle and Java Security (pp. 177-208). Apress.

Das, Manik Lal. “Two-factor user authentication in wireless sensor networks.” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 8, no. 3 (2009): 1086-1090.

Order, U. T. (2008). Two-factor authentication.

Stanislav, M. (2015). Two-factor authentication.

Use your research and findings from your Case Study #2 paper.

Answer preview to prepare a short briefing paper  which can be used to nominate a specific Application Lifecycle Management

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