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What implications does social media use have on individual’s mental health  

What implications does social media use have on individual’s mental health

According to Loren Soeiro in Is Social Media Bad For You?, what implications does social media use have on individual\’s mental health? Do any of the described implications resonate with you? If so, why? If you disagree with the negative implications, describe what positive outcomes may come from social media use. Be sure to also draw on Sternheimer’s arguments from Ch. 3 (“Does Social Networking Kill?”) in your response. GRADING RUBRIC

To earn 20 points your posts must:

· Answer every part of the question

· Demonstrate that you understand the class material, including the main arguments

· Reference specific material from the reading and, if relevant, the lectures

· Demonstrate critical thinking

· Back up claims with evidence and/or fully explain the logic behind the argument(s)

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What implications does social media use have on individual's mental health  


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