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Discuss the physiological components involved in the weight loss program

Discuss the physiological components involved in the weight loss program

Many Americans believe that they are overweight, by a few pounds to a few hundred pounds. Because of this, weight loss systems are big business. For this assignment, you are to select a weight loss system and evaluate it in terms of the information about the physiology of ingestive behavior covered this module.

Find a website, a brochure, a popular article, or an advertisement about weight control that proposes a mechanism for loss of excess weight.

Document the key proposals in terms of the main claims for success of the program (e.g., restriction of fat and small portions).

Describe the reasons provided for the effectiveness of the program (e.g., a full stomach reduces hunger).

Discuss the physiological components involved in the weight loss program. Clearly express an understanding of the physiology of the process of hunger, satiation, eating, and drinking as relevant for the weight loss method being described (e.g., long periods between meals would be likely to reduce blood sugar levels).

Present a critique of the materials based on the module information on eating and weight regulation.

Evaluate the proposal and suggest whether you would try this weight loss system or recommend it to someone else. Explain why or why not.

For this assignment, you are required to cite, at a minimum, the online course and the textbook for the course. Additional sources are welcome. Scholarly sources are preferred and can be found in the Argosy University library located under theAcademic Resources section of Course Home. For reputable web sources, look for .gov or .edu sites as opposed to .com sites. Do not use Wikipedia.

Your paper should be double-spaced, in 12 point Times New Roman font, and with normal 1-inch margins; written in APA style; and free of typographical and grammatical errors. It should include a title page and a reference page. The body of the paper should be between 3 and 4 pages. Save the paper as AU_PSY350_M4_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc. Submit your response to the M4 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Wednesday, April 30, 2014.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Documented the key proposals in terms of the main claims for success of the program. 12
Discussed reasons provided for the effectiveness of the program. 12
Discussed the physiological components involved in the weight loss program. 20
Presented a critique of the materials based on information on eating and weight regulation. 20
Evaluated the proposal and provided reasons as to whether you would try this weight loss system or recommend it to someone else. 16
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 20
…………….Answer Preview…………..
Diet doctors” is an article about weight control that proposes a mechanism for loss of excess weight.  The article proposes various tips and mechanisms on how to lose weights and correct mistakes that people make as they try to work out on their excess weight. The first mechanism proposed in the article is choosing a low Carb diet. In order…………….
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