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Week 6 legal HWN.L 13PGS

Week 6 legal HWN.L 13PGS

Do not write about yourself, your relatives, or your friends. Write about the facts, and how are
those facts related to the course materials and outside references? It should have a citation in every paragraph that goes along with your reference. I am looking for quality work. I am expecting a well written paper up to APA standard with citations and references. Which include facts from a book or
article not just the internet? Newspapers, broadcast media, and popular websites are not appropriate references. Always select and use scholarly references such as peer-reviewed studies, articles from professional journals, or documents from industry or government web sites. Turnit-in will be used to check for originality and proper use of citations.

Must have book to reference.

All assignments and discussions must have citations and references.

Discussion 1 – citation and scholarly references 250 words

Discussion 2 – citation and scholarly references 250 words

Assignment – Prepare an 11 to 15 page paper (not including the title and reference pages) that assesses a legal. ethical issue or situation relating to a current previous or potential future work enviornment. Use at least 10 scholarly sources that are suitable for research in a graduate-level course.



Week 6 BUS 670 Introduction

This week focuses on study of environmental law as it relates to business. This is a substantive area of law relevant to business. Students will consider the practice of “greenwashing,” which has both ethical and legal consequences for businesses that choose to engage in such behavior. Additionally, students will consider environmental statutes as they relate to business. Students will complete their final summary paper this week. This will require substantial research, organization, and writing. Accordingly, no additional written assignment will be due this week. By the end of Week Six, students should understand how environmental law affects business, and the pitfalls of overstating environmentally-friendly claims, if those claims are misleading. ________________________________________

Required Resources Websites 1. Environmental Regulations | SBA.gov. (n.d.). The U.S. Small Business Administration | SBA.gov. Retrieved October 19, 2012, fromhttp://www.sba.gov/content/environmental-regulations 2. Laws & Regulations. (n.d.). U.S. EPA. Retrieved October 19, 2012, from www.epa.gov/lawsregs 3. TerraChoice Environmental Marketing Inc. (n.d.). The “Six Sins of GreenwashingTM” A Study of Environmental Claims in North American Consumer Markets. The Six Sins of Greenwashing. Retrieved October 19, 2012, from ftc.gov/os/comments/greengudesregreview/533431-00040.pdf ________________________________________

Recommended Resources Text 1. Please read the following chapters in: Business Law for Managers: a. Chapter 16: Creditors and Debtors b. Chapter 17: Secured (Article 9) Transactions c. Chapter 18: Bankruptcy d. Chapter 12: Introduction to U.C.C. Article 3: Commercial Paper e. Chapter 13: Transfer and Negotiation of Commercial Paper and Rights of Holders f. Chapter 15: Banks, the Banking Process, and Electronic Transfers g. Chapter 19: Real and Personal Property h. Chapter 20: Intellectual Property Websites 1. Criminal Press Releases – 2012 (n.d.). Criminal Enforcement. Retrieved October 19, 2012,http://www.epa.gov/enforcement/criminal/2012.html________________________________________

Discussions Claims to Environmental-friendliness After reading “The Six Sins of Greenwashing”: A Study of Environmental Claims in North American Markets, discuss the tension between business’s interests in maximizing profits and the public’s interest in receiving complete, truthful, and non-misleading information about products that they purchase. From a business perspective, what are the dangers of “greenwashing”? If you were a marketing executive, would you have a policy against “greenwashing”? Why or why not? Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ postings in a substantive manner. Agree or disagree with your classmate’s position concerning having a policy against “greenwashing.” Defend your position by using information from the week’s readings or the readings related to governmental regulation. 1. Environmental Statutes Visit Business Law and Regulations. Environmental Regulationshttp://www.sba.gov/content/environmental-regulations and www.epa.gov/lawsregs/ Identify one environmental law that is relevant to your past, current, or future employer. Apply that law to a business situation created by that employer. How does (or did) that employer maintain compliance with that statute? Do you believe that environmental regulations help or hinder business? Why or why not? Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ postings in a substantive manner. Agree or disagree with your classmate’s position concerning whether environmental regulations help or hinder business. Use current events or your assigned readings to support your position. ________________________________________

Final Paper Focus of the Final Paper Prepare an 11- to 15-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) that assesses a legal/ethical issue or situation relating to a current, previous, or potential future work environment. Use at least 10 scholarly sources that are suitable for research in a graduate-level course. Your paper must include the following:: 1. A description of a business situation that presents a legal and ethical issue. The business situation must be from prior, current, or anticipated future employment experiences or from a current event. The description of the business situation must not exceed two pages. 2. An analysis of the ethical concerns raised by the situation. a. Apply at least two different ethical theories to the situation to support at least two different outcomes. b. The paper must determine which ethical outlook as applied to this particular situation will result in the best legal outcome for the business. 3. An explanation of at least three of the relevant areas of law that have been addressed in this course (e.g., constitutional law, contracts, anti-trust law, securities regulations, employment law, environmental law, crimes, or torts) and an assessment of the each area of law as it applies to the business situation identified. 4. A recommendation to reduce liability exposure and improve the ethical climate or the overall ethics of the situation. Your recommendation must be supported by specific legal, ethical, and business principles. Writing the Final Paper The Final Paper: 1. Must be 11 to 15 double-spaced pages in length (not including the title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. 2. Must include a title page with the following: a. Title of paper b. Student’s name c. Course name and number d. Instructor’s name e. Date submitted 3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement which identifies the focus of the paper. 4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. 5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. 6. Must use at least 10 scholarly sources. 7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. 8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center

…………………….answer preview……………………

This project paper aims at focusing on the study of environmental law as it relates to business. It is one of the expanding areas in law and has significant implications to businesses. The environmental laws and regulations aim at averting the dire consequences of environmental pollution and degradation. Business facilities and industries are constantly affecting the environment leading to various………………


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