water cycle

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water cycle

From the handout pasted below, please select only 3 students out of the 12 students whose summaries of the water cycle are very different from each other.(The Water Cycle passage is attached.) Discuss each summary, its strengths and weaknesses.

Next, using Fountas and Pinell or Klingner and Boardman readings for the last 3 weeks select a reading strategy that would help each student with his/her summary skills (3 different strategies)  why and how this strategy is good depend on their summaries to make it better . I am leaving the “readings” intentionally broad. The book has discussed endless strategies so far and you can choose the ones that you think fit the best. Please cite your readings.

Aim for about 1.5 pages no more. You can use a chart to present strengths/weaknesses of students’ summaries.

Water Cycle Summaries

student. # Summaries
1 The passage is – well it’s explaining about the water cycle, all the steps, and how they become, and why it happens, and why the rain falls.
2 This passage is about how the water cycle begins, and how the droplets fall, and how the water cycle works.
3 It tells you how water is formed and it tells you if water there is water near your land, maybe it’s from a river or an ocean.
4 Well, it’s talking about evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff.  Like what each of those things do, like what it does to water and how.
5 This passage is about water cycles, how it forms, and then how it starts all over again.
6 I think it’s about the evaporation, condestation (sic; condensation), and runoff and pretat – precipitation because the water cycle is just like the circle of life, it’s just that it’s about water.

Water is just like water ((this)) and then the circle of life is about people and earth and – but the circle of life, it’s just the water cycle and how when the sun shines and evaporation, the water –.

Yeah, and the condensation, how when it’s cloudy and when it gets too heavy, it drops.

7 This passage was talking about how the water cycle begins and how after it’s done, it starts all over again.
8 It’s about the water cycle and how it goes to snow and [pause] to the atmosphere.
9 This passage is about – well, they’re telling us that it’s about how water cycles around Earth. And how evaporation, condensation, and precipitation is formed.
10 It’s talking about the water cycle and what’s happens.
11 This passage is about how the water cycle begins, how rain forms.
12 How the water cycle goes.

Ok.. So I need you to select 3 summaries from the 12 students  and discuss each one their strength and weakness and find a good strategy for the first and second and third summary .. One strategy for each student ..Write the first summary and below it the strength and weakness and below that the strategy you think it’s good for him to improve his summary and how it would be good for him ..

Do this as well for second and third summary

you can use the book i mentioned to find the reading comprehrnsion strategy

………………Answer Preview……………

Three students summarized the water cycle in different perspective and in accordance to reading specialist program.  The first student explains how the water cycle occurs and all steps involved in making the rain fall. The second student too attributes droplets to the water cycle while the last student gives an overview of how water can be found near our land. These are three different opinions, they are not wrong but it requires special analysis.

The water cycle passage explains where rain comes…………….

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