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Watch this 2014 documentary on Generation Like

Watch this 2014 documentary on Generation Like

Watch this 2014 documentary \\”Generation Like\\”. (It is 54 minutes and you can turn on the closed captions). http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/generation-like/ (Links to an external site.)

  • This came out in 2014, so think about what has changed and what has stayed the same while you watch it. I recommend you take notes on the main points and themes from the film.
  • After watching the documentary, respond to the following questions.
  • Please number your responses and do not re-write the questions.
  1. Please discuss your general reactions to the film. Please also discuss how social media has impacted your own identity.
  2. According to the film, \\”the consumer is now the marketer\\”. What does this mean? Please provide some examples. Is this a change from how advertising and marketing traditionally worked?
  3. “Word-of-mouth” marketing is an age-old technique used to build interest in a brand or a product. (One person recommends a brand or product or shares information about it with another person he or she knows. The recipient does the same with another person, and so on, until word spreads.) How is using social media to market a movie similar to the word-of-mouth technique? How is it different? Which do you think is more effective, and why?
  4. Facebook has been the most popular social media network in the US and the world for many years. Of course popularity varies by demographic (many younger people no longer use Facebook). Research which social media networks are the most popular. List your findings for the top 2 most popular social media networks in the US and the world. List the number of users (or % of population who uses it) and your source.
  5. This documentary is from 2014. In the years since the documentary, have there been significant changes?

Submission and Grading

  • Length: Approximately 3-5 pages, with a minimum of 3 pages
  • Double-spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font
  • Please submit your assignment as a document (Word, PDF). Please do not use Pages, as the instructor can’t open this file.
  • The following document files can be attached: .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .pdf

Make sure to not overcomplicate and stick to the videos contents, I have just begun this class.

Requirements: 3-5 Pages   |   .doc file

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Watch this 2014 documentary on Generation Like


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