Washington’s First Inaugural Address
Paper: An original work of rhetorical criticism
(150 total points possible) You will
choose one speech out of the “Top 100” speeches in
Words of a Century
or another
text of public discourse approved by your instructo
r and analyze it based on what you
learn in this course about rhetorical criticism. Yo
u may work individually or with one co-
Project Rationale
(15 points possible)
Students will claim a topic (see above) and begin r
esearch. To claim the topic,
students should list the name of the speech text as
the subject heading (i.e.
Washington’s First Inaugural Address). Include info
rmation on the significance of the
speech text, why a rhetorical analysis would be int
eresting, and a working list of
Outline & Peer Review
(Outline @20pts + Peer evaluation @15 pts, 35 poin
ts possible)
Peer review helps us understand writing as a proces
s, judge writing as a means of
reaching explicit rhetorical goals, and provide cle
ar and meaningful feedback on a
written document. Students are expected to turn in
a full sentence outline of their final
paper, which includes a title page, abstract, intro
duction, method, application, and
implications. The quality of your feedback will be
(100 points possible)
The final paper should exhibit proper college-level
writing. Analysis must include: 1) an
introduction and thesis that includes an argument f
or the significance of the speech; 2)
a brief account of the methods and rhetorical terms
that are relevant for your analysis;
3) a close reading of the rhetorical strategies tha
t the speaker employs; and 4)
implications. You will work on this paper throughou
t the semester, turning in different
parts at different times; more information about th
is process and specific requirements
will be provided
……………….Answer Preview…………………..
The Nation’s first chief executive took his oath of office in April in New York City on the balcony of the Senate Chamber at Federal Hall on Wall Street. General Washington had been unanimously elected President by the first Electoral College, and John Adams was elected Vice President because he received the second greatest number of votes. Under the rules, each elector cast two votes. The Chancellor of New York and fellow Freemason, Robert R. Livingston administered the oath of office. The Bible on which the oath was sworn belonged to New York’s St. John’s Masonic Lodge. The new President gave his inaugural address…………………
1,323 Words