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Choose one object from the exhibition and write a visual analysis and cultural discussion about it

Choose one object from the exhibition and write a visual analysis and cultural discussion about it

Choose one object from the exhibition, and write a visual analysis and cultural discussion about it; the paper should be 3–4 pages long, double-spaced with 1-inch margins, using a 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font.  Please see the Style Sheet posted on Blackboard for additional guidelines.

***The object that I choose is in the attachment****

A work of sculpture or pottery is recommended for this assignment, but you may choose another piece if something really appeals to you.

Your paper should include the following:

First, make a drawing of the piece; you will NOT be graded on your artistic skill, but on your attention to the piece and your effort to capture its essential qualities and details.  Please do this drawing at the museum, directly from the object.

Give a detailed description of the piece as a physical object, examining it from all sides, including the materials and techniques used and any signs of damage or repair.

Describe and discuss the piece’s subject matter, its style and formal characteristics (i.e., color, line, shape, texture, composition, treatment of figures, space, etc.).

Finally, discuss the cultural context of the piece, that is, its function and meaning for its original patrons or audience.  If applicable, relate it to objects we have studied in class

This is art assignment not writing

40% Research and 60% description

Additional Guidelines:

This paper should primarily reflect your own observations, based on knowledge you have acquired in class, and incorporating basic research. Whatever resources you use, including your textbook, museum labels, or online sources, must be properly cited according to the Style Sheet posted on Blackboard.

Your writing will be evaluated according to appropriate standards of grammar, spelling and organization.



 Answer preview to choose one object from the exhibition and write a visual analysis and cultural discussion about itChoose one object from the exhibition and write a visual analysis and cultural discussion about it


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