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virtual organization portal

virtual organization portal

Access the virtual organization portal from the link on the rEsource page. Two entities of interest within the Virtual Organization Portal will be explored: Northwest Valley Community College and Boardman Corporate University.

To access Northwest Valley Community College, select the Northwest Valley Community College at Kelsey Campus from the Education Virtual Portal.

To Access the Boardman Corporate University, select the Virtual Businesses Organization Portal. Click on Baderman Island. Once on the Baderman Island Web site, select the Baderman Island Employee Access link. Click “Continue to Baderman Island Resort Employee Site” and select the Operations link. Locate Boardman Corporate University (BCU) and select the link, “Click here to be redirected to the BCU page for Boardman Management Group.”

State five points of Interest about Northwest Valley Community College:
State five points of interest about Boardman Corporate University (Accessed through Baderman Island’s Boardman Management Group):
Conduct research within the virtual organizations portal (e.g., businesses, education, healthcare, government). Review course catalog descriptions within the Northwest Valley Community College. Identify two educational needs from two different virtual organizations that are not fulfilled currently through courses offered at Northwest Valley Community College. Explain your choices.
Conduct research within the Baderman Island Resort Destination in the Virtual Businesses Organization Portal and explore the virtual tour of the island including its hotels, restaurants, transportation, and entertainment and recreation available to guests. Review the course catalog descriptions within Boardman Corporate University linked through the Boardman Management Group. Identify two employee professional development needs from two different services provided on Baderman Island that are not fulfilled currently through courses offered at Boardman Corporate University. Explain your selection.

The course is referred to as instructional design , ensure your answers are related to the course

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A larger proportion of the college population consists of continuing students and those take self-fulfillment courses-graduate students are relatively few having a ratio of 5:7

The college offers associate programs in different courses to allow for ease of transfer to other colleges or Universities………………………


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