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Video response on cancer

Video response on cancer

Now that you have seen the in class video on cancer, please answer the following questions as part of this discussion.

1. What was your overall impression of the video?

2. Did you learn anything new about cancer from the video? What new things did you learn?

3. Do you agree or disagree with what was presented? Why or why not?

4. How would you use this information in a health program?

5. Anything else that you want to express about the video?

This is the link for video https://amazingdiscoveries.tv/media/1716/309/


………………Answer Preview……………

  1. What was your overall impression of the video?

The video is quit informative. The presenter gives facts, arguments and supporting materials which authenticates the assertions. I find the video quite appealing and full of useful information that should be shared widely to enlighten many...


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