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Value-Based Purchasing (VBP).

Value-Based Purchasing (VBP).
Formal Paper

America is finally starting to recover from the economic crisis. The crisis had an affect on everyone, especially health care facilities. Healthcare costs have increased more than the rate of inflation for many years. Medicare is trying to find ways to reduce costs. One of these ways is called Value-Based Purchasing (VBP). This program was authorized by the Patient Protection and Accountable Care Act of 2010, and gives the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) the power to base a portion of hospital reimbursement payments on how well hospitals perform in 25 core measures. To help understand how VBP works, write a paper that is 5 to 8 pages in length, not including the title page or reference page.

There are several topics In VBP, listed below are two of them. Each topic covers a different medical condition. In each topic, there is a list of individual measures that the hospital must address. Listed below are 2 topics and the 9 individual measured for each topic. You must select one of the topics for your paper. For each individual measure of the topic you selected, list two strategies that hospitals could use to ensure compliance.

This assignment is due by 9:00 am Thursday April 28, 2016. If the student fails to submit the project by the deadline, then a grade of zero (0) will be given for the project. See project guidelines in Module 14.

See the rubric below to see the grading criteria.

Heart Attack (Acute Myocardial Infarction) (Topic)

Individual measures

  • Aspirin at Arrival
  • Aspirin Prescribed at Discharge
  • ACEI or ARB for LVSD
  • Beta-Blocker Prescribed at Discharge
  • Median Time to Fibrinolysis
  • Fibrinolytic Therapy Received Within 30 Minutes of Hospital Arrival
  • Median Time to Primary PCI
  • Primary PCI Received Within 90 Minutes of Hospital Arrival
  • Statin Prescribed at Discharge


Individual measures

  • Relievers for Inpatient Asthma (age 2 through 17 years) – Overall Rate
  • Relievers for Inpatient Asthma (age 2 through 4 years)
  • Relievers for Inpatient Asthma (age 5 through 12 years)
  • Relievers for Inpatient Asthma (age 13 through 17 years)
  • Systemic Corticosteroids for Inpatient Asthma (age 2 through 17 years) – Overall Rate
  • Systemic Corticosteroids for Inpatient Asthma (age 2 through 4 years)
  • Systemic Corticosteroids for Inpatient Asthma (age 5 through 12 years)
  • Systemic Corticosteroids for Inpatient Asthma (age 13 through 17 years)
  • Home Management Plan of Care (HMPC) Document Given to Patient/Caregiver

The paper is worth 283 points and is 30% of your grade. This paper will be graded by the rubric/guidelines listed below. Each item is worth a certain amount of points. If an item is not covered in the paper points will be deducted. If an item is covered, but not in detail points will be deducted. If you have any question contact me and I will explain it.



…………………….Answer preview………………..

The health care system is the most important aspect that America needs to grow after the recovery of the economic crisis. The crisis had a huge effect on every single government department with the health care facilities being the most affected. At the time of the economic crisis the country had to cut down funding on major departments so that to make sure that the country stays afloat. As health care costs are the most expensive being that it has increased even more than inflation costs the government needed to find the best way that it could balance the costs and still ensure that patients got the best health care that the government could afford. This gave way for Value based Purchasing or otherwise known as VBP………………………………………………………………….



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