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Explain how the Monroe Doctrine influenced US foreign policy in at least one full page of at least 400 words

Explain how the Monroe Doctrine influenced US foreign policy in at least one full page of at least 400 words

Explain how the Monroe Doctrine influenced US foreign policy in at least one full page of at least 400 words.

Please write your essay in MLA format, and follow the standard five paragraph model. Your essay should have an introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. If you need help with how to write an essay in MLA format or the five paragraph model, please refer to the following links:

MLA: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/

5 Paragraphs: http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/five_par.htm

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The Monroe Doctrine was a foreign policy of isolation introduced by President James Monroe in 1823. It warned the European nations against extending power in the western hemisphere (North and South America). It stated that the U.S would not interfere with European affairs and so Europeans should not meddle…………………


521 words

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