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Unit 5 Project

Questions for Unit 5 Project

Question 1:

Ask five people how they would define racism, religion, and family, and then summarize the definitions.  Identify the similarities and differences in the definitions. Provide your own definitions of each and how they relate to each other.

Note: You can use any means you want to interview people. Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), email, or personal interviews are all acceptable.

Expectations for Question 1:

(1) Ask 5 people and summarize each of their definitions of ALL three terms (racism, religion, and family) You may also discuss how you conducted your survey.

(2) You should write a few sentences/paragraph about the differences and similarities found among those you surveyed.

(3) You should provide your own definition for the three terms and discuss how they compare to those you surveyed.  (Did you have the same views? Different views?  Why might that be?)

Question 2:  Generate a table with a list of the different patterns of interaction between minority and majority groups. The table should have three columns.   (A) One column for the models.  (B) One column providing three facts about each model. (C) One column providing two different examples for each model.

Important Note:  See page 310-311 of the text for the list of the 4 different patterns of interaction.  You will use the information from these pages to fill in the table.  You can also use other resources just make sure you cite them correctly. 

Expectations for Question 2: 

(1) Have a column that contains (names) all 4 models of the patterns of Majority and Minority interaction

(2) Have a column that contains three facts about each model

(3) Have a column providing two different examples for each model

Below are some very basic examples.  You can create your table or columns however you wish as long as all the information is there.  I inserted a basic 5 by 3 column table.

(A)Model Model 1 (Name) Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
(B) Facts Fact 1, Fact 2, Fact 3
(C) Examples Example 1

Example 2

Here is another sample for question 2:  I have filled in some of it to show you some examples of what can be done.

Patterns of Interaction between Majority and Minority Groups

Pluralism Assimilation Segregation Genocide
Facts 1.) Laws of the United States are Pluralist in nature.

2.) Fact 2 about pluralism.

3.) Fact 3 about pluralism


“Assimilation involves changes in ethnicity but not race”. (Macionis, 2011 pg 311).

2)Fact 2 about assimilation.

3.) Fact 3 about assimilation.

1.) Fact 1 about segregation

2.) Fact 2 about segregation.

3.) Fact 3 about segregation

1.) Fact 1 about genocide.

2) Fact 2 about genocide.

3.)  Fact 3 about genocide.

Examples 1) In US, you can find a Mosque, a Korean Church and a Baptist church

2) Example 2 of pluralism

1.) My grandparents assimilated into the US culture by learning English and taking the oath of citizenship.

2.) Example 2 of assimilation.

1.) An example of segregation

2) Example 2 of segregation

1.) Example of a genocide

2)Example two of genocide

Note:  You can use the insert table capability found in word. It really is easy!  That would probably be the easiest way to do it but not required.  At the very least use the tabs/spaces to make the table neat and understandable.

Note: Remember to create in-text citations if you paraphrase or quote examples and ideas from the text book.

Question 3:

Develop a K-W-L table for each of the racial/ethnic groups in the United States. Page 314 – 320 of the course text lists the 7 groups (Native American, White Anglo-Saxon, African American, Asian American, Hispanic American, Arab American, and White Ethnic).

Create three columns for each table with the following categories: What I KNOW (K), what I WANT to know (W), and what I LEARNED.  I am reducing the requirement for this question.

IMPORTANT:   You can answer the question as written in the syllabus or since there are so many groups to cover for this question,  I am going to allow you to just pick 3 ethnic groups and create your table with 1 thing you know, 1 thing you want to know, and 1 things you learned to earn full credit instead of 3 each for all 7 groups.  

Below is an example K-W-L chart.

Race/Ethnicity K (Know) W (Want to Know) L (Learned)
Hispanic 1. Hispanic population is increasing in America 1. Do Cuban Americans and Puerto Rican American’s have a similar culture? 1. Mexican Americans originated in US lands (Macionis, 2011)
African American

Note: Remember to create in-text citations if you paraphrase or quote examples and ideas from the text book.  See my example above.

Question 4:  Create a timeline listing the different stages of family life. Make note of any events, significant milestones, or problems that may occur. See page 373 -376 of the text for information on the different stages of family life.  (1) Courtship, (2) Settling In: Ideal vs Real Marriage, (3) Child Rearing, (4) The Family Later in Life.

*Note:  I am flexible about how you create the time lineIt isabout showing that you can discuss the different stages of family life and you understand the milestones and issues that arise during each stage.  You can use tools in word/power point to make a time line or you can make the information in a table showing each stage.  *If you have Microsoft Office 2010 or newer– you can create a timeline using SmartArt.  It is under the Insert tab.

Note: Remember to create in-text citations if you paraphrase or quote examples and ideas from the text book.

Expectations for Question 4

(1) Create a time line.

(2) Include all 4 stages of family life listed above in your time line or table.  List a couple events, milestones, or problems that may occur within that particular family stage listed on your time line.

(3) Use APA formatted in-text citations as needed

Question 5:

Argue both sides (supporting and rejecting) the following statement in one to two paragraph short essay.  The religions in the world will never get along because they are too different.

So you would need to discuss both:

I agree that the religions in the world will never get along because they are too different.  (Provide your reasons why in paragraph form).

I disagree that the religions in the world will never get along because they are too different.  (Provide your reasons why in paragraph form).

Note: Even if you personally think for example that no matter what religions will never get along, please provide some reasons why others might be hopeful that they could get along.

Expectations for Question 5:

(1) Your response should be at least 150 words.  It should be a full paragraph or two.

(2)  You must argue both sides (supporting and rejecting) to receive full credit.

(3)  If you use your text book or another source please create an in-text citation and then place the cited work in your reference list at the end of your project.  It is OK if you do not use a source for this question.




…………Answer Preview…..

Question 1

            I decided to carry out my survey through sending personal emails to five of my course mates. I wanted to get their definition concerning these three terms; religion, family and racism.  According to the first one the term racism is referred as the prejudice, antagonism, or discrimination that is usually directed against an individual of a different race guided by a believe that their race is more superior compared to others. Religion is defined as the social and individual experience of the sacred which is manifested in ritual, ethos, mythologies, and integrated into a collective or an organization…


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