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Triangulation can involve the integration of various sources of evidence

Triangulation can involve the integration of various sources of evidence

Triangulation can involve the integration of various sources of evidence, such as quantitative research studies, qualitative interviews or observations, and expert opinions. Researchers can develop a more robust and nuanced understanding of a topic using multiple sources (Heale & Forbes, 2013). Recommendations may vary depending on an individual’s health conditions, medical history, and personal circumstances. However, for an otherwise healthy 50-year-old who is coming into the clinic for physical, basic methods of maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be discussed. This includes regular physical activity, a healthy diet, and regular health screening that includes lab work to check cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Considering the patient’s specific habits, tobacco and/or alcohol cessation may need to be addressed. And lastly, stress management and encouragement of stress reduction techniques are essential to lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. Family history is critical to inquire about especially when it comes to cancer and heart disease screening (Frieden, 2014).

Several resources are available to support suggested screening. Educational materials: Doctors’ offices often provide brochures, pamphlets, or handouts that cover a wide range of health topics. These materials may include information on healthy lifestyle choices, disease prevention, medication management, and specific conditions or treatments. In addition, online resources, and patient portals: Many doctors’ offices have online platforms or patient portals where patients can access educational materials, appointment reminders, lab results, and communicate securely with their healthcare providers. These resources can provide convenient access to health information and facilitate ongoing communication and engagement in health promotion activities.


Frieden, T. R. (2014). Six components necessary for effective public health program implementation. American Journal of Public Health, 104(1), 17–22. https://doi.org/10.2105/ajph.2013.301608

Heale, R., & Forbes, D. (2013). Understanding triangulation in research. Evidence-Based Nursing, 16(4), 98. https://doi.org/10.1136/eb-2013-101494

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Triangulation can involve the integration of various sources of evidence


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